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FROM BENEFICIARIES TO CITIZENS Grassroots Women’s Groups Drive the Demand for Good Governance

FROM BENEFICIARIES TO CITIZENS Grassroots Women’s Groups Drive the Demand for Good Governance. Prema Gopalan, Swayam Shikshan Prayog Maite Rodriguez, Fundacion Guatemala GROOTS International Driving the Demand for Good Governance Learning Summit World Bank June 2-3, 2008.

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FROM BENEFICIARIES TO CITIZENS Grassroots Women’s Groups Drive the Demand for Good Governance

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  1. FROM BENEFICIARIES TO CITIZENSGrassroots Women’s Groups Drive the Demand for Good Governance Prema Gopalan, Swayam Shikshan Prayog Maite Rodriguez, Fundacion Guatemala GROOTS International Driving the Demand for Good Governance Learning Summit World Bank June 2-3, 2008

  2. Good Governance is the foundation of Pro-Poor Sustainable Development Affordable and accountable basic services Responsive Local and National Government

  3. GROOTS International’s Strategies on Good Governance Focus on: • Shifting the identity of organized women’s groups from that of beneficiaries to citizens and problem solvers. • Repositioning grassroots women’s networks as users and collaborators for delivery of basic services infrastructures. • Addressing governance by keeping empowerment and engagement at the center.

  4. GROOTS International • 25 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, North America and Eastern and Central Europe. • Thematic Programs: HIVAIDS, Governance, Resilience, Community Enterprise • Methodologies for transfer and scaling up effective community practice Swayam Shikshan Prayog • Partners with over 60,000 self-help groups across 3 states of India reaching out to 300,000 households • Basic services, micro-finance, scaled up community enterprise linked to health, renewable energy and food security Fundacion Guatemala • Partnering with Central American grassroots women’s networks for access to land and property • Working with rural Mayan and Garifuna grassroots women and organizations to advocate for a gendered public agrarian policy.

  5. From Recovery to Resilient Development World Bank supported Government led Repair and Strengthening Program Organised women’s groups Responsive local/national governments Collaborative Mechanisms • Women’s groups positioned communication facilitators at community level • Community Action Plan and regular feedback meetings • Sustained long term relationships with government officials • Lessons and strategies transferred to Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and other counties such as Turkey

  6. From Recovery to Resilient Development • Widespread corruption • House-owners lacked information on entitlements and safe construction techniques • Too much reliance of engineers • Focus on technical aspects without adequate attention to operationalizing with houseowners • Community Participation Consultant to overcome these obstacles.

  7. Grassroots women, land/secure tenure and public policy - Context: Land & secure tenure is a grassroots women’s issue worldwide—across contexts (Africa, Asia - see our case study) - Land as essential to grassroots women in Central America Following Peace agreements & creation of new mechanisms for reconstruction -Restoring women’s production, livelihoods, & homes & communities/social networks -Organized regional networks of grassroots women & allies for solidarity & solve similar problems (building relations with local-nat’lgovt & administrations)

  8. Organizing to : Implement Public Policy for Women to Access Housing & Land • Organizing structure in Central Am. & Guatemala • Focusing on key structures: Land Fund (Fon Tierra) • Tools for partnering with government: MOUs& how they give us access to info & decision makers

  9. 4. Women analyzing opportunities & risks (re loan fund and World Bank mandate of gender equality in implementation) a) Challenges that emerged: terms that lock women out (interest rates, limits on who can apply, costs/pressure to legalize their unions for joint land title b) Alliances & lobbying among women to push priorities & establish public office for women & land information/access—public validity

  10. 5. Outcomes: • Women say no to the offer: terms & corrupt realities; Mayan woman appointed to Bd. of Dir.s—accessing & sharing info inside to out • High loan insolvency rates stalls program; women’s office closes in 2006 • Women design an alternative public policy & lobbying today with national machineries

  11. 6. Lessons Learned a) gains can be made: political skills, relationships & alternative proposals by women (alt. capacity building program made this possible) -- BUT: good practices of women & cooperation among women/officials can’t yield real gains if public policy is corrupt/exclusionary b) way forward 3 way: civil society (grassroots) govt. & international cooperation—requires joint monitoring & evaluation of whether social clauses (gender equality, propoor) are being realized

  12. GRASSROOTS WOMEN INFLUENCE THE LAND FUND in GUATEMALA – Steps to Improve the Fontierra World Bank – Gives grant for Land Fund – Land Fund result of Peace Agreements Land Fund (Min of Agric) –

  13. GRASSROOTS WOMEN INFLUENCE THE LAND FUND in GUATEMALA – Steps to Improve the Fontierra World Bank – Gives grant for Land Fund Land Fund (Min of Agric) – Has a mandate to seek women’s input Fundacion Guatemala

  14. GRASSROOTS WOMEN INFLUENCE THE LAND FUND in GUATEMALA – Steps to Improve the Fontierra World Bank – Gives grant for Land Fund Land Fund (Min of Agric) – Has a mandate to seek women’s input Fundacion Guatemala– Facilitating the National Network for Right to Land and Property (GR Orgs) – Develop analysis to Land Fund, Have a partnership (MOU) with Land Fund

  15. GRASSROOTS WOMEN INFLUENCE THE LAND FUND in GUATEMALA – Steps to Improve the Fontierra World Bank – Gives grant for Land Fund National Machinery for Women – developed institutional arrangement inside the National Policy for Women to access land and housing Land Fund (Min of Agric) – Has a mandate to seek women’s input Fundacion Guatemala– Facilitating the National Network for Right to Land and Property (GR Orgs) – Develop analysis to Land Fund, Have a partnership (MOU) with Land Fund – partnership with National Machinery for Women to influence Land Fund

  16. GRASSROOTS WOMEN INFLUENCE THE LAND FUND in GUATEMALA – Steps to Improve the Fontierra World Bank – Gives grant for Land Fund National Machinery for Women developed institutional arrangement inside the National Policy for Women to access land and housing - influences Land Fund Land Fund (Min of Agric) – Has a mandate to seek women’s input Fundacion Guatemala– Facilitating the National Network for Right to Land and Property (GR Orgs) – Develop analysis to Land Fund, Have a partnership (MOU) with Land Fund

  17. GRASSROOTS WOMEN INFLUENCE THE LAND FUND in GUATEMALA – Steps to Improve the Fontierra World Bank – Gives grant for Land Fund National Machinery for Women – developed institutional arrangement inside the National Policy for Women to access land and housing Land Fund (Min of Agric) – Has a mandate to seek women’s input Action Agenda – developed as response to input Fundacion Guatemala– Facilitating the National Network for Right to Land and Property (GR Orgs) – Develop analysis to Land Fund, Have a partnership (MOU) with Land Fund – partnership with National Machinery for Women to influence Land Fund

  18. GRASSROOTS WOMEN INFLUENCE THE LAND FUND in GUATEMALA – Steps to Improve the Fontierra World Bank – Gives grant for Land Fund National Machinery for Women – developed institutional arrangement inside the National Policy for Women to access land and housing Land Fund (Min of Agric) – Has a mandate to seek women’s input Land Offices for Women - develop as a result of Action Agenda Action Agenda – developed as response to input Fundacion Guatemala– Facilitating the National Network for Right to Land and Property (GR Orgs) – Develop analysis to Land Fund, Have a partnership (MOU) with Land Fund, partnership with National Machinery for Women in influence Land Fund

  19. GRASSROOTS WOMEN INFLUENCE LAND PROCESSES IN GUATEMALA – TODAY Min of Agric and Land Fund Reformulation National Machinery for Women Rural Development Policy (base for Agrarian Policy) Fundacion Guatemala– Facilitating the National Network for Right to Land and Property (GR Orgs)

  20. Recommendations • Institutional arrangements • Invest in scaling up • Develop policy frameworks and guidelines that embeds citizen-driven good governance in development aid policies and programs

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