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Edward Snowden: Saving us from the United Stasi of America

Edward Snowden: Saving us from the United Stasi of America. By Daniel Ellsberg Document 3 Group 3: Annalisia Anderson, Johnathan Whisenant, Jessca Brewster, Joe Heininger. Background. -Edward Snowden -American computer specialist -Previously worked for CIA and NSA -Revealed programs

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Edward Snowden: Saving us from the United Stasi of America

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  1. Edward Snowden: Saving us from the United Stasi of America By Daniel Ellsberg Document 3 Group 3: Annalisia Anderson, Johnathan Whisenant, Jessca Brewster, Joe Heininger

  2. Background -Edward Snowden -American computer specialist -Previously worked for CIA and NSA -Revealed programs -Interception of U.S. and European telephonemetadata, Internet surveillance programs -Charged with espionage,theft of government property

  3. Vocabulary & Allusions -Kangaroo court -Rubber Stamp -Judicial oversight -Intelligence committees in Congress -Detention -Drones -Co-opted -Dissent -Checks and Balances -Legislative -Bradley Manning -Disclose -Edward Snowden -NSA -Whistleblowing -Pentagon Papers -Coup -Revocation -Unwarranted -Intrusion -Court Warrant -Fisa -Deferential

  4. Vocabulary and Allusions (Cont.) -Withhold -Revoke -Senator Frank Church -Abyss -FBI -CIA -Surveillance -Stasi -Revelations -Restraint -Wholesale

  5. Persona - Daniel Ellsberg - Military Analyst (During the Vietnam War) - Released the Pentagon Papers - Anti-war, Peace Activist - Educated - High level of diction throughout article - “Deferential, revocation, revelations” - Patriotic - Supporter of the Constitution - “...the Bill of Rights for which this country fought over 200 years ago...the Fourth and Fifth Amendments virtually suspended”

  6. Audience -Aimed towards an informed or active audience -Involved/interested in current events -Published on “The Guardi ” -Same source Edward Snowden leaked information to -Aimed towards someone who considers themselves ‘rational’ => Appeals towards original values / ‘American moral’

  7. Purpose -Primary purpose is to inform, to educate - Warning: “[I]t puts in danger the very liberties we’re trying to protect” -”I fear for our democracy.” -Call to people with intent to inform and encourage action similar to Snowden - “Pressure by an informed public on Congress”

  8. Argument The increasing corruption within government, epitomized by the infringement on American’s right to privacy forces America into a ‘Stasi’ status and currently threatens the sanctity of democracy. The only way out of this “abyss”(2) is to put “[p]ressure by an informed public on Congress … to bring NSA and the rest of the intelligence community under real supervision and restraint and restore the protections of the bill of rights.”

  9. Structure of Argument -Organized in degrees of intensity -Begins: Background on the Edward Snowden Case, hints at the point he is trying to make, informs the reader, sets up the ‘foundation’ -Middle: Critical tone takes over, cites historical evidence to call to your logic/ration -End: Emotional call to your ‘patriotic senses’

  10. Structure of Argument (Continued) -Ethos: -Refers to prior works to increase his integrity -Pentagon Papers - War in Vietnam -Pathos: -Call to ‘American moral’=> Pulls at patriotic heart-strings -9/11 -4th and 5th amendments -Vietnam War -Bill of Rights -US Constitution -Democracy - “The abyss” -Logos: -Historical Evidence/Connotations -Senator Frank Church

  11. Tone and Diction -Tone: Critical, Respectful -Criticizes the government throughout article - “[Congressional Leaders] went along with it… only shows how broken the system of checks and balances” -Tone shifts to admiring (in relation to Snowden) -“Snowden did what he did because he recognised the NSA’s surveillance programs for what they are” -Diction -Diction is not overly complicated but still intelligent -oversight, safeguard, unconstitutional Begins with “In my estimation” -Knowing his opinion, may be considered controversial or disagreeable - Begins to respectfully inform you

  12. Syntax and Overall Structure - Use of dashes (-) -Interjects his own argument to expand or emphasize a certain aspect -Opportunity to create a greater effect on the reader -Sentences structured similarly to how he would speak -”And”, “But” - Interjected opinions -More personal and genuine feeling to the paper

  13. Discussion Questions -How does comparing the US to the Stasi effect the argument of the article? -How does the opinion of Snowden’s actions in the third article differ from the opinion of snowdens actions in the fourth article and why? -Do you yourself believe that snowden made the right choice by leaking information about the NSA?

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