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The ABC’s of Third Grade. Beth Cook Paige Schulz Christine McNeme May Voltz Neera Jackson. Soaring to Excellence. We are respectful. We are responsible. We are safe. We are prepared. Because we are Austin Mustangs, On a Mission to Excellence!. A – Agenda - Attendance.
The ABC’s of Third Grade Beth Cook Paige Schulz Christine McNeme May Voltz Neera Jackson
Soaring to Excellence We are respectful. We are responsible. We are safe. We are prepared. Because we are Austin Mustangs, On a Mission to Excellence!
A – Agenda - Attendance Agendas are used to communicate homework, learning and notes to home and teacher! Please sign daily! It’s always best to be here! Don’t miss the learning! Doors open at 7:30 am. Students go to the gym. 1st Bell rings 7:40 am 2nd Bell is the tardy bell at 7:50 am If your child is absent, please bring a note to school upon return!
B – Birthdays - Boxtops Please refer to specific guidelines We celebrate birthdays at the end of the day Store bought individual cupcakes /cookies Please continue to send clipped “Boxtops for Education”. This really helps our school! Bottles – Please sent your child to school witha water bottle with a squeeze top lid or a straw. At the very least a bottle with a flip top to minimizewater spill accidents.
B – Bottles and Bags Bottles – Please sent your child to school witha water bottle with a squeeze top lid or a straw. At the very least a bottle with a flip top to minimizewater spill accidents. Bags – We recommend purchasing a tote bag ($1)for your child to use to carry all their thingsfrom class to class.
C is for Communication • Beth Cook bcook@coppellisd.com EXT# 7354 • Paige Schulz pschulz@coppellisd.com EXT# 7352 • Christine McNeme cmcneme@coppellisd.com EXT# 7360 • May Voltz mvoltz@coppellisd.com EXT# 7355 • Neera Jackson njackson@coppellisd.com EXT# 7353 • Methods of Communication: • Email • Phone • Website • Agenda/Planners • Notes
D - Dismissal • Students will be escorted to their various destinations from designated classrooms. • Walkers/Bike riders are escorted out the front door with Ms. Voltz • Parent Pick Up Loop students go with Mrs. Schulz • Daycare/YMCA students go to Cafeteria with Mrs. Cook • Bus Rider students go with Mrs. McNeme • Students meeting younger siblings go to Gym with Mrs. Jackson
E - Emergencies • Please make sure that you have updated phone information on the parent portal, so we can contact you in case of an emergency. • Update any contact information through the portal • Address • Phone • Email
F – Family – Field Trips We are all part of this larger Austin family, please feel free to visit, share, and involve yourselves in our extended family! We hope to visit Heritage Village in downtown Dallas again this year in November. This wonderful experience culminates our study of pioneer life in late November.
G - Grades Reporting periods are every nine-weeks Any graded papers will go home in Mustang Folder on Mondays Please sign and date Mustang folder (sent home every Monday) to show us that you have received these papers Return empty folder to school promptly on Tuesday
H - Homework Homework generally consists of reading and mathematics practice. Math homework will be online through programs such as IXL.COM, Tenmarks.com, and Pearson Success – 90 min per week 2 hours of Reading homework per week Please read teacher newsletters for great conversation starters, and learning opportunities anytime!
I – Integration of Technology Student email Student access and Acceptable Use Policy Online activities Glogsters Smartboards
J - Joy Our goal for all is to find joy in learning everyday!
K - Kindness Kindness is expected from everyone! All for one, and one for all!
L- Lunch Our lunch is from 11:15 – 11:45 Please feel free to join your child for lunch. You are welcome to bring lunch for your child but not for others. Children are not to share lunches due to allergy concerns.
M - Money If you are sending money to school, please send it in an envelope or baggie with your child’s name Lunch money should be dropped off in the cafeteria in the morning when your child arrives Please note what the money is for… sometimes the kids don’t communicate this very well… they just hold up the bag!
N - Newsletters Each teacher will be posting an updated newsletter on their website. Please check often for updated calendar of events, online activities, etc. Some teachers will use websites for class time and at home activities. My website: http://teacherweb.com/TX/AustinElementary/MrsJacksonsAviators www.coppellisd.com/austin Check Staff / Websites
O - Organization Help your child get and stay organized! Good organizational habits begin to form by the end of second grade. Let your child start taking responsibility to show you their planner and Mustang folder regularly!
P – PTO - Practice PTO – Join! Get involved! Check their emails for lots of great information! Practice: All new skills/strategies require practice. Please provide time at home, and on the road to practice math and reading! Shopping with your child is a great time to talk about time, money, making change, and elapsed time.
Q – Quick Classroom Tour Mastery Club Enrichment Activities Library
R - Reading From “learning to read” to “reading to learn”! Please help your child to find time and a place to practice these important skills at home. Model the joy of reading at home. Read with your child and to your child Ask them about what they have read Tell them about the things you’ve learned while reading
R – Responsibility andRotations We are expecting the students to be responsible and remember to bring all the things they need to each class. Rotations are new this year, but thestudents have already caught on tothem. It’s great to see!!
S – Schedules - Subjects Day One Day Two Day Three Mustang Activities • Language/Literacy • Paige Schulz / Beth Cook • Mathematics • May Voltz /Christine McNeme • Science • May Voltz / Neera Jackson • Social Studies • Paige Schulz / Neera Jackson • HandwritingWithout Tears • Homeroom Teacher
T - Talking A time to talk… a time to listen! C ConversationH HelpA ActivityM MovementP ParticipationS SUCCESS
U - Unique Everyone is unique! This is what makes us all so special! Our focus is on engagement and differentiation so that all students are successful! Renzulli – Schoolwide Enrichment Program www.renzullilearning.com
V - Volunteers All on-site or field trip volunteers must fill out necessary paperwork and background checks. This is completed every year. We need you… we want you! Lunch and Recess Volunteer Sign-Up Room Parent Volunteers
W - Writing Reading and Writing are closely linked. We will be writing and across all subject areas. Punctuation, spelling and capitalization will be fine-tuned, because writing has meaning. HWT – Handwriting Without Tears! Third graders will begin cursive with this new program. Please check out the website. www.hwtears.com
Website My website address is: http://teacherweb.com/TX/AustinElementary/MrsJacksonsAviators http://teacherweb.com
X - Cited… • Excited about: • CHAMPS • PBIS • Glogsters • Google Apps • Renzulli • Getting to know your child better • Learning, Growing, Excellence…
Y – Yours, Mine, and Ours… It takes a village… Educating your child is a partnershipbetween you, your child, and the teachers. Let’s do everything we canto help make this year one of the mostsuccessful and fun we can for yourchild!
Z – Catching your Zzzzz’s At home please! Not at school! Goodnight! Thanks for coming.
Please stop by to introduce yourself to Mrs. McNeme (Math teacher) and Mrs. Cook (Language and Literacy teacher)!