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Curriculum Mapping A View from the GMC

Curriculum Mapping A View from the GMC. Professor Peter McCrorie Head of the Centre for Medical and Healthcare Education St George’s, University of London GMC Visitor (HYMS, Liverpool, UCL, Leicester, Cambridge). visit institutions to ensure that undergraduate teaching is appropriate

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Curriculum Mapping A View from the GMC

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  1. Curriculum MappingA View from the GMC Professor Peter McCrorie Head of the Centre for Medical and Healthcare Education St George’s, University of London GMC Visitor (HYMS, Liverpool, UCL, Leicester, Cambridge)

  2. visit institutions to ensure that undergraduate teaching is appropriate inspect examinations to make sure that the standards expected at qualifying examinations are maintained and improved The purpose of the GMC visits to Medical Schools

  3. ensure that the outcomes in Tomorrow's Doctors are met identify examples of innovation and good practice identify, discuss and resolve issues of concern identify changes that need to be made and a timetable for their introduction promote equality and diversity in medical education Aims of the QA Process

  4. monitor changes to curricula, assessments, staffing formally approve new courses identify, discuss and resolve issues of common concern in UME produce evidence-based reports on whether schools meet the requirements in Tomorrow's Doctors identify examples of good practice recommend to the Privy Council the addition or removal of an institution which is allowed to award a primary UK medical qualification Objectives of the Process

  5. The term wasn’t around when the QABME process began The first visits were pilots for the subsequent “live” visits The GMC continually updates the QA process, in response to feedback The term “curriculum map” has gradually crept into usage during the last 2 years What does the GMC understand by the term “Curriculum Map”?

  6. It has come to mean several different things Different Visiting Teams may well be using the term in different ways The latest institutions being visited have been asked specifically for a curriculum map in their QABME submission The earlier institutions were not Hence there is much confusion! The GMC slant on curriculum mapping

  7. a broad timetable of the 4/5/6 year programme a course outline, laid out in years and blocks of teaching, in nice, pretty colours, to make it easy for the visitors to get a broad view of the whole course 1. an overall diagram of the whole course

  8. A VLE resource which the Visitors can access so that they can find where specific curriculum components occur in the curriculum 2. A Search Tool

  9. Disciplines such as anatomy, psychology, medical ethics, public health Topics which are likely to appear throughout the curriculum such as cancer, infection, hormones Specific topics such as eye movement, immunosuppression, breaking bad news, penis envy ….. and what might they search for?

  10. Hull York Medical School

  11. A key educational principle is that learning is enhanced if it is re-iterated and revisited several times It is also enhanced if it is extended and taken to a higher level each time it is visited Hence the importance of a spiral curriculum 3. Checking out the spiral curriculum

  12. A curriculum map showing how students build up their learning in a sequence such as DNA → genes → oncogenes → cancer → staging → clinical features → treatment → oncology → palliative care → dying Examples?

  13. Epithelial cells → skin → eczema → atopy/allergy → infections → airway damage → wheeze → asthma → history-taking and examination → respiratory function tests → treatment → use of inhalers → compliance → living with a chronic disease → social effects → status asthmaticus → emergency treatment And another …

  14. University of East Anglia

  15. The GMC has stipulated the inclusion of certain topics They also talk about factual overload A curriculum map would help to check out the balance between inclusion and exclusion Check if a topic is taught, missing or is being taught unnecessarily

  16. Brighton Sussex Medical School

  17. Another use of a curriculum map is to match an institution’s curriculum outcomes with Tomorrow’s Doctor outcomes There is a specific section in the QABME submission on this Ditto for GMP Check against Tomorrow’s Doctors

  18. Peninsula Medical School

  19. The GMC uses a curriculum map for a range of purposes This includes: a course outline a search tool check spiralling of the curriculum check omissions and excesses check institution adhering to Tomorrow’s Doctors Summary

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