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This comprehensive guide dives into the practicalities of curriculum mapping, from data collection to continuous revision. Through phases like map review sessions and essential question development, educators can align teaching strategies with curriculum standards effectively. Essential questions, content organization, assessment techniques, and engaging activities are highlighted for a holistic approach to curriculum planning. By involving all stakeholders in the mapping process, schools can ensure a dynamic curriculum that fosters deep understanding and inquiry-based learning.
Curriculum Mapping Boyer Valley
Standards How will we find our way? Nationa sion Team themes ? ? ? ?
Old Chinese Proverb says… “Tell me and I'll forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I'll understand”
Definition • “Mapping is a technique for recording time on task data and then analyzing this data to determine the ‘fit’ to the officially adopted curriculum and the assessment/testing program.” -English, 1983
Phase I: Collecting the Data The purpose of this phase is for each teacher to place realistic data about what he or she teaches in the course of the academic year on a macro level Three major elements that comprise the curriculum on the curriculum map: • The processes and skills emphasized • The content in terms of essential concepts and topics, or the content as examined in essential questions • The products and performances that are the assessments of learning
Phase 2: The First Read-Through Once the maps are completed, each teacher becomes an editor for the map for the entire building • Teacher-as-editor reads through the maps to gain understanding.
Phase 3: Mixed Group Review Session These groups need to be comprised of people WHO DO NOT work together
Phase 4: Large Group Review All members of the faculty attend the group review.
Tasks within Phase 4 • Reads Maps to Gain Information • Identify Gaps • Identify Repetitions • Identify Potential Areas for Integration • Match Assessment with Standards • Review for Timeliness
Phase 5: Determine Those Points That Can Be Revised Immediately With the lists of observations, the staff starts to sift through the data and determine the areas that can be handled by faculty members, teams and administration.
Phase 6: Determine Those Points That Will Require Long-Term Research and Development While reviewing maps, groups will find areas that require more in-depth investigation before a solution can be produced.
Phase 7: The Review Cycle Continues Curriculum review should be active and ongoing.
Examination Revision Documentation Revision Examination Documentation Revision Examination Documentation Revision Examination Documentation Maps are never finished; they are a work in progress!
Refining the Map through ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS • Defining the nature of essential questions • Identifying the kinds of questions that are valuable for refining and; • Organizing the curriculum in the individual classroom and throughout the school
What is an ESSENTIAL QUESTION? • It is the heart of every curriculum • It is the essence of what you believe students should examine and know in the short time they have with you • It is a question suggesting investigation and inquiry • It is an organizer • It is a creative choice • It is a conceptual commitment • It is a skill to be encouraged in students
Essential Questions and Examples • Focus on a broad topic of study • Have multiple answers and perspectives. They address “why” or “how.” • They are “mental velcro” that helps ideas stick in students’ minds • Which is more important-water or air?, What is change?, What if Shakespeare were a woman?
Criteria for Writing Essential Questions • Each child should be able to understand the question. • The language of the questions should be written in broad, organizational terms. • The question should reflect your conceptual priorities. • Each question should be distinct and substantial. • Questions should not be repetitious. • The questions should be realistic given the amount of time allocated for the unit or course. • There should be a logical sequence to a set of essential questions. • The questions should be posted in the classroom.
Content and Examples • Content is the essential concepts and topics covered during a month. • Content is written beginning with a noun • Cultural Diversity, Water Cycle, Hamlet, Local Government Systems, Bicycle Safety
Skills and Examples • Skills are key abilities and processes students will develop related to a specific content. • Skills are written beginning with a verb • Reading a map, writing a play, analyzing non-fiction text, writing persuasive essays, matching words to pictures
Assessment and Examples • Assessments are the products or performances that demonstrate student learning. • Assessments are what the student does (the actual product or performance), not the evaluation toll used to assess the product • Group presentation, brochure, research paper, essay exam, puppet show, debate
Activities and Examples • Key activities that lead to acquisition of knowledge and skills. • Describe the “how” for the knowledge and skills. • Technology should be embedded • Writing persuasive letters to local government, water analysis of local pond, ASL translation of selected scenes of Hamlet, analyze brochures in preparation to design one for the spring play, create a 50 states quilt
Curriculum Mapping Boyer Valley