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Objectives. 1. An understanding of the relationship between influencing and emotional intelligence 2. An understanding of interpersonal communication 3. A knowledge of how to use feedback 4. An appreciation for the importance of nonverbal communication

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Objectives 1. An understanding of the relationship between influencing and emotional intelligence 2. An understanding of interpersonal communication 3. A knowledge of how to use feedback 4. An appreciation for the importance of nonverbal communication 5. Insights into formal organizational communication 6. An appreciation for the importance of the grapevine 7. Some hints on how to encourage organizational communication

  2. Fundamentals of Influencing • Defining Influencing • The Influencing Subsystem 1. Leading 2. Motivating 3. Considering groups 4. Communicating 5. Understanding people 6. Encouraging creativity and innovation • Emotional Intelligence

  3. Fundamentals of Influencing

  4. Fundamentals of Influencing

  5. Fundamentals of Influencing

  6. Fundamentals of Influencing

  7. Communication • Interpersonal Communication • How Interpersonal Communication Works 1. The source/encoder 2. The signal 3. The decoder/destination • Successful and Unsuccessful Interpersonal Communication

  8. Communication

  9. Communication

  10. Communication • Interpersonal Communication (continued) • How Interpersonal Communication Works (continued) • Barriers to Successful Interpersonal Communication • Macrobarriers 1. Increasing need for information 2. Need for increasingly complex information 3. Reality that people in U.S. are coming in contact with people who don’t use English 4. Constant need to learn new concepts reduces time available for communication • Microbarriers 1. Source’s view of the destination 2. Message interference 3. Destination’s view of the source 4. Perception 5. Multimeaning words

  11. Communication • Interpersonal Communication (continued) • Feedback and Interpersonal Communication • Gathering and Using Feedback • Achieving Communication Effectiveness 1. Seek to clarify your ideas before communicating 2. Examine the true purpose of each communication 3. Consider total physical and human setting whenever you communicate 4. Consult with others,when appropriate, in planning communications 5. Be mindful of the overtones while you communicate 6. Take the opportunity to convey something of help or value 7. Follow up your communication 8. Communicate for tomorrow as well as today 9. Be sure your actions support your communications 10. Seek not only to be understood, but also to understand

  12. Communication • Interpersonal Communication (continued) • Verbal and Nonverbal Interpersonal Communication • The Importance of Nonverbal Communication

  13. Communication • Interpersonal Communication in Organizations • Formal Organizational Communication • Types of Formal Organizational Communication 1. Downward 2. Upward 3. Lateral • Patterns of Formal Organizational Communication

  14. Communication

  15. Communication • Interpersonal Communication in Organizations (continued) • Informal Organizational Communication • Patterns of Informal Organizational Communication Grapevine characteristics: 1. Springs up and is used irregularly within the organization 2. Not controlled by top executives 3. Exists largely to serve the self-interests of the people within it Grapevine patterns: 1. The single-strand grapevine 2. The gossip grapevine 3. The probability grapevine 4. The cluster grapevine • Dealing with Grapevines

  16. Communication

  17. Communication • Interpersonal Communication in Organizations (continued) • Encouraging Formal Organizational Communication • Listen attentively to messages that come through formal channels. • Support the flow of clear and concise statements • Ensure that all members have free access to formal channels • Assign specific communication responsibilities to staff

  18. Communication

  19. ? Questions

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