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Group name. Joachim, Augustine, Jerome Tondoh , Joseph Rusike, Vera, Gatien , Sibiry, Eva , Bonne and Abdou Tenkouano West Africa Review & Planning workshop. Double-check current plans with the whole team Firm up research hypotheses
Group name Joachim, Augustine, Jerome Tondoh, Joseph Rusike, Vera, Gatien, Sibiry, Eva , Bonne and Abdou Tenkouano West Africa Review & Planning workshop
Double-check current plans with the whole team • Firm up research hypotheses • Agree on some key elements of the design (e.g. RCT) to test hypotheses • Who should be part of the research teams? • Send a team member to UER and UWR (Augustine, Bonny?) • Mali group
Looking at what you developed yesterday, formulate (max) 2 research hypotheses that will help develop the (crop-soil-livestock-market-nutrition) concept note which help answer the AR research design hypotheses? • Plan activities for the next years that help answer these research hypotheses (i.e. research design, counterfactuals…) Be more specific about year 2 activities • Who should be part of the writing and of the research teams? • (If enough time) Who could we partner with? • Ghana groups
INTEGRATION: Integrating technological components into SI systems confers more benefits to small holder farmers than single components • ADOPTION: Integrating technological components into SI systems stimulates adoption compared to single components • TRADE-OFF: Offering interventions tailored to the context specific conditions lowers environmental damage • SEQUENCING: Right sequencing of integration of component technologies provides SI pathways • SCALABILITY: Agricultural SI interventions tailored to local context specific conditions are scalable to other settings • Africa RISING research design hypotheses
Hypothesis 1: Seed, Tress and Info • Strengthening (Integrating, across crops/trees/shrubs with appropriate information about their efficient use) cooperatives/enterprises’ capacity for production of planting materials (crops (field, fodder, vegetables)/trees) and in business skills will create sustainable seed enterprises. • Facilitate farmer experimentation on integrating options for maximising benefits, organized on a village level, will increase benefits to farmers • This in turn leads to increase crop diversity on-farm • This will in turn provide opportunities for income generation, dietary diversity (improved nutrition) and (system resilience?)
Relating to program hypotheses: Integration, Adoption, Integration, scalability • Activities (specify in table):
Writing team? Eva, ICRAF, AVRDC • Research team? • Plant breeders, and seed production : Bonny, Albert, Eva, Abdou F., Samake, IITA • Business management skills: AMASSA, • Planting material propagation: Samake, IITA • Agronomy and communication specialist: Gatien, Tom vM, • Demand analysis: Fadiga, • Who should be part of the research team for hypothesis 1 (Seed)?
Development partners • Other ‘knowledge’ partners • Specific institutions (and individuals)? • Who could we partner with around hypothesis 1?
Relating to program hypotheses: Tradeoff, Sequencing, scalability, integration • Activities (specify in table) Hypothesis 2 (Land and Fodder) : Integrated crop/tree/livestock provides opportunities for improved soil and water conservation and use, building social cohesion for community grazing management, transhumance and local institutions Building social cohesion for community grazing management, transhumance and local institutions will facilitate integration and intensification (technology adoption and overall benefits)
Writing team? • Augustine, Jerome, Joachim, Sibiry • Research team? • NRM & Production Ecology: Jerome, Augustine, Fred Kizito • Soil science: Jerome, • Remote sensing & GIS: Sibiry • Institutional economist (Joachim), anthropologist, law (M. Djire) • Animal science: Abdou F • Agronomy, forage: Gatien • Facilitation : AMEDD, Mobiom • Specific institutions and individuals? SANREM, CC and Livestock • Who should be part of the research team for hypothesis (Land &Fodder) 2?
Development partners • Other ‘knowledge’ partners • Specific institutions (and individuals)? • Who could we partner with around hypothesis 2?
Hypothesis 3 (Nutrition) : Provision of preparation methods with new products combined with nutrition education (including hygiene) for caretakers will lead to more diverse and complete meals being given to children. • Provision of improved post-harvest processing, storage and preparation methods with new products combined with nutrition education for caretakers and growing crops will lead to enhanced demand for seed, and more experimentation with nutritious crops (staples, legumes, vegetables, fruit trees) and livestock management options.
Relating to program hypotheses: Integration, adoption, (scalability) • Activities (specify in table) • Hypothesis 3 (Nutrition) : • Provision of improved post-harvest processing, storage and preparation methods with new products combined with nutrition education for caretakers will lead to improvements in nutritional status of young children.
Writing team? Vera, Eva, AVRDC, ICRAF • Research team? • Generic expertise required? • Nutrition : Vera, AVRDC • Plant breeders: AVRDC, Bonny, Eva, IITA • Planting material propagation: Samake, IITA • Food technology: Bussie • Food safety: Farid • communication specialist: AMEDD • Health professionals: MSF, CSCOM • Specific institutions and individuals? • Who should be part of the research team for hypothesis 3 (Nutrition)?