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How the rapid industrial growth in Stalin’s Russia is affecting the industrial workers. Done by: Mattheus Wee 3A229. 5-Year Plans. [ BRIEF BACKGROUND] Aim : to lay foundations for factories to produce steel, tractors, automobiles; coal & iron; railways
How the rapid industrial growth in Stalin’s Russia is affecting the industrial workers Done by: Mattheus Wee 3A229
5-Year Plans [BRIEF BACKGROUND] • Aim: to lay foundations for factories to produce steel, tractors, automobiles; coal & iron; railways • Purpose: for Russia to build up defenses economically and physically, against a possible invasion from a capitalist country from the West.
5-Year Plans HOWEVER • Dealing only with the expansion/betterment of “capital industries” – industries necessary for other industries to expand (e.g. tractors, which were needed for agriculture) • Another important factor of building a holistically strong country is being neglected!: social area - human rights and welfare
5-Year Plans Display boards recording output of worker outside factories • Failure to reach required targets means being publicly criticized and humiliated • Result: an increase in absenteeism due to inability of us workers to cope with pressure • Increase in absenteeism then leads to more repressive measures – records kept of workers’ lateness, absenteeism, bad workmanship • Poor record can mean death for us (!) or forced labour on Baltic Sea Canal/Siberian Railway
5-Year Plans No consumer goods • No more choice of foodstuffs or clothes (at affordable prices at least) • Why? - Focus of production placed on “capitalist industries” • We hence lack motivation to work/labourbecause the money we get won’t do us much good either, other than just getting along with life
5-Year Plans Working conditions • Work areas: • > unsafe, inhumane (due to emphasis placed on the high output goals set by Stalin) • > unhealthy (food shortages caused by harvest failures) • We do not want to work if labouring itself means having to put up with bad working conditions. We are humans!
5-Year Plans Seven-day workweek (for creation of land for industrialization) • Goes against some of our religions (Christianity – Sunday: Sabbath) • No time for relaxation – Monday-Sunday: all preoccupied with working • We need rest! We need respect!
Conclusion • We as the workers, demand more human rights even if you sir, want to industrialize our country rapidly. For what good is a booming Russian economy is its people are suffering?
Other references • http://www.milford.k12.il.us/MHSsite/students/studentproj/animal/historicalevents/industri.htm • http://www.johndclare.net/Russ_Rev_Brett.htm#The Five-Year Plans