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Near-real-time Backup of Large Seismic Waveform Datasets with the Storage Resource Broker

Near-real-time Backup of Large Seismic Waveform Datasets with the Storage Resource Broker. Kent Lindquist, Jennifer Eakins, Frank. L. Vernon, Arcot Rajasekar. February 2, 2006. The EarthScope Project. Structure and Evolution of the North American Continent NSF, IRIS Three components:

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Near-real-time Backup of Large Seismic Waveform Datasets with the Storage Resource Broker

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  1. Near-real-time Backup of Large Seismic Waveform Datasets with the Storage Resource Broker Kent Lindquist, Jennifer Eakins, Frank. L. Vernon, Arcot Rajasekar February 2, 2006

  2. The EarthScope Project • Structure and Evolution of the North American Continent • NSF, IRIS • Three components: • San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) • Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO; Geodetics) • USArray (Seismic)

  3. The EarthScope Project Image Credit: EarthScope.org

  4. Permanent Seismic Stations Image Credit: EarthScope.org

  5. Transportable Seismic Stations Image Credit: EarthScope.org

  6. USArray Instrumentation GPS Socorro, NM Photo Credit: IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center

  7. Transportable Array Seismometer Photo Credit: EarthScope.org

  8. EarthScope/USArrayTransportable Array • Fixed design transportable array, “bigfoot” • 400 broadband seismometers • ~70 km spacing • ~1500 x 1500 km grid • 50 magnetotelluric field systems • ~2 year deployments at each site • rolling deployment over more than 10 years

  9. The EarthScope Transportable Array Image Credit: EarthScope.org

  10. USArray Currently Deployed Stations

  11. USArray Data Flow • 0.6 Terabytes of data Apr. 2004 – Oct. 2005 • > 265,000 individual files • > 1.3 Million seismic waveform segments • As of October 2005: • 1.2 GB/day ingestion rate • 102 seismic stations • 612 seismic channels

  12. The Array Network Facility • Acquisition of data from • Transportable Array • Flexible Array • Hosted at Institute for Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP), UCSD • Maintenance of station metadata • Quality control of incoming seismic data • Control of the running stations

  13. Antelope Real-time System

  14. Streaming Real-time USArray Seismic Data

  15. Waveform Archival and Review

  16. Waveform Archival and Review Banda Sea, Indonesia Magnitude 7.5 Jan 27, 2006

  17. USArray ANF Processing Sun 1/29/06 4:09 am PST 5.0 ML 18 km deep

  18. USArray SRB Usage • Datascope used as primary real-time buffer database and initial processing database • Proximal goal: • Immediate backup and archiving of incoming data, protection against loss at operations facility • Additional benefits: • Resource virtualization, distributed access • May be distinct from long-term organizational archiving in the community (IRIS etc) • Opportunity for cross-resource interconnections

  19. USArray data-backup context ANF Ops (Sun Solaris) Rtbackup_srb Mercali SRB (Linux) SDSC MCAT, SRB, Storage Resources

  20. Datascope ‘wfsrb’ database table SRB location fields

  21. Rtbackup_srb • S-command transfer of raw waveform files to SRB • Antelope RDBMS tracking of archive files • Periodic, version-timestamped snapshot of parametric tables (origin, arrival, etc), i.e. vital-statistic metadata about earthquakes • Triggered replication of archive data • Perl

  22. rtbackup_srb

  23. Get_archive_srb • S-command script retrieval of archived data • Extraction based on subsetting commands • Recreates seismic “wfdisc” waveform database and external BLOB files of raw waveforms • Perl

  24. get_archive_srb

  25. Conclusions • 0.6 Terabytes of data Apr. 2004 – Oct. 2005 • > 265,000 individual files • > 1.3 Million seismic waveform segments • As of October 2005: • 1.2 GB/day ingestion rate • 102 seismic stations • 612 seismic channels • Backed up in SRB • SRB has contributed to at least one large operational-robustness event

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