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RTI Resources. National & State Resources: Webinars Tools (forms, tool-kits, rubrics) PL modules Freer-Bibb 2/2014. GaDOE and Fidelity. GaDOE Chapter on RTI and Fidelity
RTI Resources National & State Resources: • Webinars • Tools (forms, tool-kits, rubrics) • PL modules Freer-Bibb 2/2014
GaDOE and Fidelity GaDOE Chapter on RTI and Fidelity http://archives.gadoe.org/DMGetDocument.aspx/Chapter%209%20Fidelity%20of%20Implementation.pdf?p=6CC6799F8C1371F629C13CBF50C40F3C933BFD2C32CE92F150B5DDF13E2D2061&Type=D GaDOE/SERVE Chapter on R-B Interventions http://archives.gadoe.org/DMGetDocument.aspx/Chapter%208%20Section%208.1%20Interventions.pdf?p=6CC6799F8C1371F6D1DCF9259BC8B9BC6C274BBA0BE05CD558A2342FEFB41093&Type=D
Georgia RTI Georgia’s Promising Practices in RTI includes an Georgia’s RTI Leaders’ Panel Discussion and four teams representing the 2012 SSTAGE RTI STAR Award winning system , elementary, middle and high school. • Georgia’s RTI Leaders’ Panel: Realizing the Potential of RTI • System Level- Griffin Spalding County • High School Level- Ware Co High School • Middle School Level- Teasley Middle, Cherokee Co • Elementary School Level- Woodstock Elementary, Cherokee Co http://www.gadoe.org/Curriculum-Instruction-and-Assessment/Curriculum-and-Instruction/Pages/Response-to-Intervention.aspx
Georgia’s Promising RTI Practices RTI Leaders Panel http://www.gpb.org/education/common-core/georgias-rti-leaders-panel-realizing-the-potential-of-rti Griffin Spalding County School System http://www.gpb.org/education/common-core/2012-sstage-star-awards-griffin-spalding-county-school-system Ware County High School http://www.gpb.org/education/common-core/2012-sstage-star-awards-ware-county-high-school Teasley Middle School http://www.gpb.org/education/common-core/2012-sstage-star-awards-teasley-middle-school-cherokee-county Woodstock Elementary http://www.gpb.org/education/common-core/2012-sstage-star-awards-woodstock-elementary-school-cherokee-county
State Guidance onResearch and Evidence Based Resources GaDOE RTI Webpage http://www.gadoe.org/Curriculum-Instruction-and-Assessment/Curriculum-and-Instruction/Pages/Response-to-Intervention.aspx RTI Guidance Manual 2011 http://www.gadoe.org/Curriculum-Instruction-and-Assessment/Curriculum-and-Instruction/Documents/RTI%20document%20Full%20Text.pdf Parent GaPOI/RTI Brochure/Parent Chapter http://archives.gadoe.org/DMGetDocument.aspx/RTI%20for%20Parents%20Sep%2018%202009%20Newsletter%20format.pdf?p=6CC6799F8C1371F6809F76CEBC2D1082E99C433A5A790A1B42C22BA634A989A4&Type=D GaDOE SST Webpage http://www.gadoe.org/Curriculum-Instruction-and-Assessment/Student-Support-Teams/Pages/default.aspx
Materials and resources: • RTI Tools • Implementation of the RTI framework at the state, district, and local levels. http://www.rtictrl.org/
Connecting RTI to New Priorities: Aligning Educational Initiatives (Center on Instruction, 2011) The Center on Instruction hosted a webinar Oct-2011 discussing states’ implementation of new priorities and how these initiatives align with Response to Intervention (RTI): • School Improvement Grants (SIG), • College & Career Ready Standards (including Common Core State Standards), • Meeting the needs of diverse student populations, Tools: • Connecting RTI to New Priorities: Aligning Educ. Initiatives/pdf • Connecting RTI to New Priorities: Aligning Educ. Initiatives/pwrpt • RTI Alignment Planning Packet/doc http://centeroninstruction.org/webinar-connecting-rti-to-new-priorities-aligning-educational-initiatives
Tier 1 ResourcesUDL PD Resources on GPB UDL, Part 1: Principles of Universal Design http://www.gpb.org/education/common-core/udl-part-1 UDL, Part 2: Scaffolding Texts & Providing Explicit Strategy Instruction http://www.gpb.org/education/common-core/udl-part-2
Intervention Tools Evidence Based Intervention Network Dr. T. Chris Riley-Tillman, School Psych-Univ. of Missouri TOOLS *Evidence Briefs *Intervention Scripts *Videos http://ebi.missouri.edu/
Top Reasons for Academic Problems (Daly & Martens, 1997; EB Interv ret www. 2012 ) • The task is too hard for the student - Acquisition Interventions • They have not had enough help doing the task Proficiency/Accuracy Interv’s • The student has not spent enough time doing the academic activity - Proficiency/Speed Interv’s • The student has demonstrated the skill before, but has difficulty applying the skill in a new manner - Generalization Interventions • The student does not want to do the academic task Motivation Interventions
Intervention Tools Intervention Central www.interventioncentral.org Reading Intervention Manual http://www.jimwrightonline.com/pdfdocs/brouge/rdngManual.PDF Peer Tutoring Reading Manual http://www.jimwrightonline.com/pdfdocs/prtutor/peerTutorManual.pdf
Reading Intervention www.helpsprogram.org • (HELPS) Program is to assist students with their reading fluency. Multiple studies evaluating the effects of the HELPS Program show that students who receive this program, compared to those who do not, significantly improve their reading fluency and reading comprehension (references and articles available upon request john_begeny@ncsu.edu) • In Georgia, with a four-tiered model, HELPS may be appropriate at Tiers 1-4. There is also a HELPS Program that can be used with small groups of students (typically used as part of Tier 1 and Tier 2 instruction), and a Spanish version of the program (Leamos para Avanzar) also exists.
National Center on Response to Intervention http://www.rti4success.org/ This free site is supported by the US Department of Education, the National Center on Response to Intervention (RTI) provides information to individuals and technical assistance to state educational agencies across the country about RTI. Institute of Education Sciences (IES) - National Center for Educational Evaluation and Regional Assistance http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/publications/practiceguides/#rti Spring of 2009 two practice guides on RTI were released, one on reading and one on mathematics. Other helpful information ranges from improving adolescent literacy to reducing behavior problems at the elementary school level.
Intervention Science SAMHSA- NREPP http://www.nrepp.samhsa.gov/ Colorado Blueprints http://www.colorado.edu/cspv/blueprints/ Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports www.pbis.org RTI Guidance Manual 2011 http://public.doe.k12.ga.us/Curriculum-Instruction-and-Assessment/Curriculum-and-Instruction/Documents/RTI%20document%20Full%20Text.pdf GaDOE/SERVE RTI Guidance Series: Using Research to Select Interventions http://public.doe.k12.ga.us/Curriculum-Instruction-and-Assessment/Curriculum-and-Instruction/Pages/Response-to-Intervention.aspx
National Center on RTI- Tools Chart http://www.intensiveintervention.org/chart/instructional-intervention-tools http://www.intensiveintervention.org/chart/progress-monitoring http://www.rti4success.org/resources/tools-charts/screening-tools-chart Research Institute on Progress Monitoring www.progressmonitoring.org
National Center on Student Progress Monitoring http://www.studentprogress.org/ This site provides information on the scientifically based practice of screening and monitoring students' skill development. Many different tools are available. Florida Center on Reading Research http://www.fcrr.org This site provides multiple intervention ideas linked to the five essential components of effective early reading instruction. Interventions for individuals or small groups can be effective early reading in printed in their entirety.
Intervention Fidelity/Integrity Forms Many research based interventions have those fidelity tools available • http://www.lasecfp.org/Intervention-Fidelity-Checklists.html • http://www.oregonrti.org/node/33/
PL Fidelity Tools Fidelity of RTI process forms: http://www.rtinetwork.org/getstarted/checklists-and-forms RTI Integrity Framework Tools http://www.rti4success.org/search?keywords=fidelity
PL Fidelity ToolsNational Center on RTI Fidelity of Implementation -RTI Framework Dr. Mellard • Webinar (56 min) • Power Point • Fidelity forms/tools http://www.rti4success.org/video/monitoring-fidelity-rti
IRIS Vanderbilt-PL Tools • The IRIS Center for Training Enhancements. (2010). Fidelity of Implementation: Selectingand Implementing Evidence-Based Practices and Programs Retrieved on [July 2012] from http://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/fid/chalcycle.htm
Intervention Central PLFidelity Toolkit Intervention Integrity Part 1: Building Integrity into the Academic Intervention in the Design Phase http://www.interventioncentral.org/blog/rti-archived-blog-entries-2010/intervention-integrity-part-1-building-integrity-academic-interv http://www.jimwrightonline.com/mixed_files/greene/wright_RTI_Elements_Questionnaire_Greene_NY_CSD.pdf
Intervention Central PLFidelity Toolkit Intervention Integrity Part 2: Using Multiple Measures to Track the Quality With Which Interventions Are Carried Out http://www.interventioncentral.org/blog/rti-archived-blog-entries-2010/intervention-integrity-part-2-using-multiple-measures-track-qual