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Scripture Reading. James 1:12-16. Introduction. Can a person be “driven” to commit sin? Often we hear this as an excuse when someone gets caught up in sin. For example, a man or woman commits adultery against their spouse, and the guilty one says, “They drove me to it”.
Scripture Reading James 1:12-16
Introduction • Can a person be “driven” to commit sin? • Often we hear this as an excuse when someone gets caught up in sin. • For example, a man or woman commits adultery against their spouse, and the guilty one says, “They drove me to it”. • Or when a person becomes a drunkard. • Does the bible uphold such ideology? • Let us examine the scriptures and see.
What the Bible Says • What I read in the scriptures is much different than what I hear people in society & sometimes in the church say. • James 1:12-16. • We are tempted when we are drawn away of our own lusts and enticed. • God does not say we are “driven” but that we are drawn or led by our own lusts.
What the Bible Says • 1 Cor 7:1-7. • Generally speaking, an affair-adultery- usually happens something like this. • A man, (or woman), begins to become friends with a co-worker, neighbor, or another friend. • They begin to tell them of all their problems at home.
What the Bible Says • The “other party” becomes sympathetic and “listens” to them. • Then lusts creeps in. • Then the husband (or wife) begins withholding love and affection from their spouse. • 1 Cor. 7:3-4. • Then adultery happens.
What the Bible Says • Then the guilty one starts to blame the innocent (the one not guilty of adultery). • The guilty one talks about how the other one was always nagging, not affectionate, not romantic. • When it is all said and done the guilty one says they “drove” me to cheat. • What a cop out!
What the Bible Says • Ezek. 18:1-13. • What I read in the scriptures is that a soul is held responsible for the sins it commits. • I cannot blame my father, my children, my spouse, my co-workers, not even the devil himself. • I must take responsibility for my own actions and sins.
What the Bible Says • Paul said in 2 Cor. 5:10, that we must give an account for our actions (deeds) done in the body. • On the day of judgment will God accept the excuse that we so often hear now? • I was driven to adultery, drunkenness, stealing, drug addiction, or covetousness, lying, etc.
Conclusion • When we sin, we have no one to blame but ourselves. • God cannot be blamed. • The devil cannot be blamed. • Others cannot be blamed. • We will give an account of ourselves on the day of judgment.