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The Weimar Republic. From Democracy to Nazism. On the back…. Based upon what you know about World War II, the Holocaust, and Adolf Hitler - how did he take over Germany?. “Stab in the Back”. Nov. 1918 - Weimar Republic formed Nov. 1918 - Armistice signed by civilian representatives
The Weimar Republic From Democracy to Nazism
On the back… • Based upon what you know about World War II, the Holocaust, and Adolf Hitler - how did he take over Germany?
“Stab in the Back” • Nov. 1918 - Weimar Republic formed • Nov. 1918 - Armistice signed by civilian representatives • Versailles Treaty inflicted brutal punishment
Weimar Constitution • President elected popularly • Chancellor appointed by President • Legislators elected through proportional representation to Reichstag • Article 48 - Temporary dictatorship to solve crises
Weimar Culture • Berlin became center of European culture • Conservatives opposed changes • All Quiet banned
Early 1920’s • French occupy Ruhr • Far-left and right groups fight for control • Munich (Beer Hall) Putsch • Hyperinflation
Hyperinflation • Most workers were paid daily and given time to shop before the value of their wages fell further. • Depositors received letters from their banks informing them their life savings were worth less then the administrative costs of maintaining their accounts. • Young women who had been setting aside money for their dowries saw their savings evaporate, thus making a traditional German marriage impossible. • A concert pianist would be paid with a suitcase of bills for his performance and exchange half of the bills for several sausages.
Late 1920’s • Recovery based upon American loans • 1929 Stock Market crash, Depression • Taxes raised, wages and social programs cut • 6 million unemployed workers
Political Crisis • Coalitions collapse • Parties unwilling to compromise • President Hindenburg and Article 48 • Extremists gain power • Paramilitary groups roam cities
Hitler and Nazi Party • As party leader, he gave numerous speeches blaming Germany’s new found weakness on the current politicians, the French, the communists, and the Jews
Philosophy of Hitler • First outlined his political philosophy in Mein Kampf • Versailles Treaty must be repealed, it had dismantled the very nature of the Fatherland • All German-speaking people must be united in a single nation which therefore needed additional “living space” • Aryans are the highest form of life, must never intermingle with lesser races including Slavs and Jews; these groups must be separated from Aryans
Philosophy of Hitler • After prison, Hitler reorganized Nazi party and developed a political platform that would utilize the democratic system to obtain power
National Socialist Platform • Stop all compliance with the Versailles Treaty and punish those responsible for this “stab in the back” • Rid Germany of corrupt non-Aryan influences, including the Jews who he said had an international plan to take over world • Only allow people of German blood to be citizens
National Socialist Platform • Rebuild greatness of the German army; build an unrivaled navy • Unify the German peoples • Rebuild the German economy without foreign influences – protecting German workers and farmers
National Socialist Platform • Education in the name of the nation should be available to everyone and the press should have limitations placed on it • All citizens have equal access to pensions and medical care in their old age
1932 • Four parties vying for power • Nazis receive 37% of vote - 2nd • Hitler demands to be appointed Chancellor • President Hindenburg believes it would keep him in check
1933-34 • Feb. 1933, Reichstag burned • Consolidates power • Nazis gain control • Hindenburg dies • Hitler declares himself Fuhrer
"Comrades, we stand firmly together for Germany, and we must stand firmly together for Germany. I am handing you the new insignia, knowing I place it in the most loyal hands in Germany. In the past you have proven your loyalty to me a thousand times. In the future it cannot and will not be any different!"