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Training Session Stock Market, Stocks, Indexes, Order Types
What Actually is “Stock”? • A stock represents a percentage of ownership in a company. • When you INVEST in STOCKS you buy “shares” of that company.
What Actually is “Stock”? • Found via their TICKER SYMBOL • 1 to 4 letters in length • Citigroup= C • Alcoa = AA • Bank of America= BAC • Apple = AAPL
What Actually is “Stock”? • The percentage of the company you buy with each share depends on the total number of shares available (shares outstanding) • Shares Outstanding - Stock currently held by investors, including restricted shares owned by the company's officers and insiders, as well as those held by the public Source: Investopedia.com
Stock / Outstanding Shares Example • Stock Price = Market Cap÷ Shares Outstanding • Example: (CMG)
Stock Research • Google Finance • Yahoo Finance • Your online broker • Bloomberg.com • Morningstar.com • Investopedia.com • CNBC.com
Where Can I buy stocks ??? • Answer: The Stock Market
Stock Market • Where shares of stock are traded • Several different exchanges: NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX • International Markets • You need a broker to buy the stock for you
Stock Market • Divided into SECTORS • Basic Materials, Conglomerates, Consumer Goods, Health Care, etc. • Within these SECTORS they are further divided into INDUSTRIES • Every company is listed in a sector within an Industry.
Indexes A method of measuring a section of the stock market • S&P 500 • The DOW
Order Types • Market: Buy/sell at the next available price • Limit: Buy/sell at any price better than what you specify • Stop: Sell if the price falls to a certain price or buy if a price rises to a certain price (AKA Stop-loss)
End Training Session Stock Market, Stocks, Indexes, Order Types