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Dr. Friedemann Kunst Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung Berlin

Dr. Friedemann Kunst Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung Berlin. Environment and Mobility Planning Berlin´s Environmental Zone IMPACTS Europe 11 th Conference in London, 28-30 March 2007. 1. Introduction - Environmental zone in the political discussion.

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Dr. Friedemann Kunst Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung Berlin

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  1. Dr. Friedemann KunstSenatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung Berlin Environment and MobilityPlanning Berlin´s Environmental ZoneIMPACTS Europe11th Conference in London, 28-30 March 2007

  2. 1. Introduction - Environmental zone in the political discussion

  3. Fig. 1: Environmental Zone in the political discussion

  4. 1. Introduction - Environmental zone in the political discussion - different problems – various solutions - Clean air: part of the wider subject „quality of life in cities“

  5. Fig. 2: Inner city – area worth living in

  6. Introduction • - Environmental zone in the political discussion • - different problems – various solutions • - Clean air: part of the wider subject „quality of life in cities“ - Efficient decrease in air pollutants requires an integrative approach

  7. 2. The initial situation in Berlin - Good traffic conditions, but much through traffic in the historical centre

  8. Fig 3: Through traffic in the historical centre

  9. 2. The initial situation in Berlin - Good traffic conditions, but much through traffic in the historical centre - Comprehensive decrease in air pollutions achieved as yet

  10. Fig. 4: Decrease in air pollutants Tonnen 60000 50000 50000 40000 30000 21000 20000 10000 10000 6000 3500 1400 0 1990 2005 1990 2005 1990 2005 Stickoxide Feinstaub PM10 Kohlenwasserstoffe

  11. 2. The initial situation in Berlin - Good traffic conditions, but much through traffic in the historical centre - Comprehensive decrease in air pollutions achieved as yet - But: compared to standard values degree of successful decrease by far insufficient

  12. Fig. 5: PM 10 pollution above standard values

  13. 2. The initial situation in Berlin - Good traffic conditions, but much through traffic in the historical centre - Comprehensive decrease in air pollutions achieved as yet - But: compared to standard values degree of successful decrease by far insufficient - Moreover: problems of road safety, motorised traffic with too much speed, high noise pollution

  14. 3. Response: Planning scheme - Three pillars of inner city strategy defined by transport policy • To further public transport, to encourage the use of bicycles in traffic

  15. Fig. 6: Bicycle promotion during the World Cup

  16. Fig. 7: Raising use of bicycles

  17. 3. Response: Planning scheme - Three pillars of inner city strategy defined by transport policy • To further public transport, to encourage the use of bicycles in traffic • Strict on-street parking control

  18. Fig. 8: parking area under on-street control

  19. 3. Response: Planning scheme - Three pillars of inner city strategy defined by transport policy • To further public transport, to encourage the use of bicycles in traffic • Strict on-street parking control • Redirecting inner-city trough traffic

  20. Fig. 9: Schematic redirecion of innercity through traffic

  21. 3. Response: Planning scheme - Three pillars of inner city strategy defined by transport policy • To further public transport, to encourage the use of bicycles in traffic • Strict on-street parking control • Redirecting inner-city trough traffic - Additional strategies as regards road safety, decrease in air pollutants, in noise based on traffic planning - Example: three starting points for the „clean air and action plan“ - „Environmental zone“ part of a package of measures

  22. 4. Environmental zone: Objectives and implementation (I.) - Objective: short to medium-term decrease through ban on high-polluting cars in the inner city, a higher rate of fleet changeover as from phase ! - As of 1.1.2008 – phase I: primarily a decrease in PM 10, at present approx. 90,000 cars involved (of around 1.3 m) - As of 1.1.2010 – phase II: also decrease in NO2 , in addition around 35,000 cars - As for purchase of new cars both air pollutants are to be considered!

  23. 4. Environmental zone: Objectives and implementation (II.) - Environmental zone: 80 sqkm with clear bounds as to its surface area

  24. Fig. 10: Comparison of restricted inner city areas Berlin (Environmental Zone 2008) London Stockholm Rom ca. 5 km² ca. 32 km² ca. 64 km² ca. 88 km²

  25. 4. Environmental zone: Objectives and implementation (II.) - Environmental zone: 80 sqkm with clear bounds as to its surface area - Arrangements well underway • National Ordinance defines badges in three categories

  26. Fig. 11: Badges indicating pollution levels

  27. 4. Environmental zone: Objectives and implementation (II.) - Environmental zone: 80 sqkm with clear bounds as to its surface area - Arrangements well underway • National Ordinance defines badges in three categories • As of 1.1.2008 red/yellow/green badges only allowed in the inner city • limited exemptions • 40 € administrative fine in case of violation

  28. 5. Conclusion - Environmental zone is one building stone of an integrated urban/transport/environmental policy - Degree of efficient decrease at the “source” – the car –is limited, hence “RSC – Initiative”

  29. Fig. 12: Berlins RSC-Initiative

  30. 5. Conclusion - Environmental zone is on building stone of an integrated urban/transport/environmental policy - Degree of efficient decrease at the “source” – the car –is limited, hence “RSC – Initiative” - Initiative within the context of the EU “Green paper - consultation”

  31. Thank you for your attention Further information: www.stadtentwicklung.berlin.de

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