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Expressions and Control Flow. An expression is a combination of values, variables, operators, and functions that results in a value y = 3(abs(2x) + 4) which in PHP would be: $ y = 3 * (abs(2*$x) + 4);. Expressions. Example 4.1 < ? php echo "a: [" . (20 > 9) . "]< br />";
An expression is a combination of values, variables, operators, and functions that results in a value y = 3(abs(2x) + 4) • which in PHP would be: $y = 3 * (abs(2*$x) + 4); Expressions
Example 4.1 • <?php • echo "a: [" . (20 > 9) . "]<br />"; • echo "b: [" . (5 == 6) . "]<br />"; • echo "c: [" . (1 == 0) . "]<br />"; • echo "d: [" . (1 == 1) . "]<br />"; • ?> Boolian
Example 4-3. Five types of literals • <?php$myname = "Brian"; $myage = 37;echo "a: " . 73echo "b: " . "Hello" echo "c: " . FALSE echo "d: " . $myname echo "e: " . $myage ?> . "<br />"; // Numeric literal. "<br />"; // String literal. "<br />"; // Constant literal. "<br />"; // Variable string literal . "<br />"; // Variable numeric literal Literals and Variables
Example 4-4. An expression and a statement • <?php$days_to_new_year = 366 - $day_number; // Expression if ($days_to_new_year < 30){ • echo "Not long now till new year"; // Statement } • ?> Expression Statement
Table 4-1. PHP operator types • Operator Description Example • Arithmetic Array Assignment Bitwise • Basic mathematicsArray unionAssign valuesManipulate bits within bytes • $a + $b $a + $b $a = $b + 23 12 ^ 9 Operators
Table 4-1. PHP operator types • Operator Description Example • Arithmetic Array Assignment Bitwise • Basic mathematicsArray unionAssign valuesManipulate bits within bytes • $a + $b $a + $b $a = $b + 23 12 ^ 9 PHP operator types
If all operators had the same precedence, they would be processed in the order in which they are encountered. In fact, many operators do have the same precedence, so let’s look at a few in Example 4-5. • Example 4-5. Three equivalent expressions • 1 +2+3-4+5 • 2 -4+5+3+1 • 5 +2-4+1+3 Operator Precedence
PHP’s operators in order of precedence from high to low. • Table 4-2. The precedence of PHP operators (high to low) Operators
the equality operator is == (two equals signs) • Example 4-12. Assigning a value and testing for equality <?php $month = "March"; if ($month == "March") echo "It's springtime"; ?> • Returning either TRUE or FALSE, the equality operator enables you to test for conditions using, for example, an if statement Relational Operators
you can test for more than just equality and inequality. PHP also gives you > (is greater than), < (is less than), >= (is greater than or equal to), and <= (is less than or equal to) • Example 4-15. The four comparison operators • <?php • $a = 2; $b = 3; • if ($a > $b) echo "$a is greater than $b<br />"; • if ($a < $b) echo "$a is less than $b<br />"; • if ($a >= $b) echo "$a is greater than or equal to $b<br />"; • if ($a <= $b) echo "$a is less than or equal to $b<br />"; • ?> Comparison operators
The if Statement • The else Statement • The elseifStatement • The switch Statement Conditionals
Example 4-26. Using the ? operator <?php echo $fuel <= 1 ? "Filltanknow" : "There'senough fuel"; ?> The ? Operator
do...while Loops • forLoops • Breaking Out of a Loop • The continue Statement Loopie
You can split your website up into sensible sections of PHP code, each one self-contained, and therefore treat yourself to a much easier future developing each new feature and maintaining old ones • Dynamic Linking in Action Wordpress PHP DynamicLinking