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Research Methodology

Research Methodology. EPH 7112 LECTURE 2: CHARACTERISTICS AND TYPES OF RESEARCH. Contents. Characteristics of Scientific Research Types of Research Basic Research Applied Research Academic Research Industrial Research. Scientific Research.

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Research Methodology

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  2. Contents • Characteristics of Scientific Research • Types of Research • Basic Research • Applied Research • Academic Research • Industrial Research

  3. Scientific Research • How is it different from non-scientific research? • Focuses on solving problems and pursues a step-by-step logical, organized, and rigorous method to • identify the problems • collect data • analyze and • draw valid conclusions

  4. Scientific Research • Non-scientific research based on hunches, experience and intuition • Pilot study, exploratory

  5. Characteristics of Scientific Research • Aim • Rigor • Testability • Replicability • Precision and Confidence • Objectivity • Generalizability • Parsimony

  6. Characteristics of Scientific Research • Aim • The purpose of scientific research is clear • eg to increase gain of EDFA • to reduce Optical Beat Interference • to reduce Noise Figure

  7. Characteristics of Scientific Research • Rigorous • Based on good theoretical base and sound methodology • Careful and scrupulous • eg all design parameters concerning the gain in EDFA must be considered; EDF length and concentration, pump power, input signal power and wavelength. • eg resolution of OSA, stability of current source for pump laser

  8. Characteristics of Scientific Research • Testability • Test theoretical model by simulation or experiment • Analysis of performance parameter against design parameter • eg EDFA theoretical model show low gain with high input signal power. • Experiment to test this relationship while other design parameters are fixed can be carried out. • Gain is measured against input signal power

  9. Characteristics of Scientific Research • Replicability • The same relationship stands repeatedly under the same design parameters

  10. Characteristics of Scientific Research • Precision and Confidence • Precision refers to closeness of the findings to reality • Confidence refers to the probability that our estimations are correct

  11. Characteristics of Scientific Research • Objectivity • Conclusions drawn from the analysis of data must be objective • Proven from trend in data • Supported by theoretical model

  12. Characteristics of Scientific Research • Generalizability • Scope of applicability • The wider, the better • Eg. Rate Equation Model applicable for lasers and fiber amplifiers

  13. Characteristics of Scientific Research • Parsimony • Simplicity in explaining the phenomena or problem • Assumptions are critical • Minimize the dependant variable

  14. Types of Research • Basic Research • Applied Research • Academic Research • Industrial Research

  15. Basic Research • Also known as pure or fundamental research • Objective: • Advancement of knowledge • Understanding of theoretical relationship between variables

  16. Basic Research • Exploratory in nature • Without any practical end in mind

  17. Basic Research • Examples of questions asked in basic research: • Which aspects of genomes explain organismal complexity? • Is it possible to prove or disprove Goldbach's conjecture? (i.e. that every even integer greater than 2 can be written as the sum of two (not necessarily distinct) primes)

  18. Applied Research • Solve specific, practical questions • Can be exploratory, but descriptive • Involves precise measurement of the characteristics and describes relationships between variables of a studied phenomenon

  19. Applied Research • Can be carried out by academic or industrial institutions • Investigation directed “to discovering new scientific knowledge that has specific commercial objectives with respect to products, processes or services

  20. Applied Research • Examples of question asked in applied research: • How can Canada's wheat crops be protected from grasshoppers? • What is the most efficient and effective vaccine against influenza? • How can the Great Lakes be protected against the effects of greenhouse gas?

  21. Academic research • carried out in universities and research institutes • expanding the extant levels of knowledge and technology • does not have any limits as it does not have any bounds in terms of tangible goals or outputs

  22. Industrial Research • carried out in commercial organizations • a goal or a set of outputs that apply to the sector or industry • focuses on application of knowledge

  23. Defining MSc and PhD

  24. MSc, a process of • Identifying a research area of interest • Learning to carry out a research project • Identifying problems • Analyzing/ dissecting problems • Designing/developing solutions • Proving/Substantiating solution • Reporting

  25. Outcome of MSc program • Understand the issues of concerns within the area of specialization • Update with the latest development in the area of specialization • Master some of the tools (analytical, programming, simulation) required within the scope of study • Master some of the test and measurement skills

  26. Outcome of MSc program • Be able to analyze results • Be able to report results ; oral and written • Have published papers • Know the primary references for the area of specialization

  27. Outcome of MSc program • Know the leading researchers/research groups in the area of study • Know the relevant industries/companies • Identify his/her research strength and weaknesses (theoretical, experimental; materials, processes, components/devices, system) • Conduct research with minimal guidance • Smile..

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