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USDA Southeast Regional Climate Hub (SERCH) Assisting land managers adapt and plan for the impacts of current climate variability. Steve McNulty Director, USDA Southeast Regional Climate Hub steve_mcnulty@ncsu.edu. 1991-2012 Air Temperature Change.
USDA Southeast Regional Climate Hub (SERCH) Assisting land managers adapt and plan for the impacts of current climate variability Steve McNulty Director, USDA Southeast Regional Climate Hub steve_mcnulty@ncsu.edu
Baseline rules • Reagans quote • No regulatory role • Working with ARS, NRCS, and FS • Must be useful to both extension and land owner
Vision: Agricultural production and natural resources maintaind and strengthened under increasing climate variability and environmental change Mission: To develop and deliver science-based, region-specific information and technologies to agricultural and natural resource managers that enable climate-smart decision-making and provide assistance to enable land managers to implement those decisions.
USDA Regional Climate Hubs will provide: • Technical & Program Support • Assessments and Forecasts • Outreach and Education
Revised USDA Climate Hub Regions Forest Service Lead ARS / Forest Service Forest Service Lead Sub - Hub Locations
How the hubs work • find or develop tools or information that could be of use to the manager for increasing resiliency and sustainability of land during times of environmental stress • share information with extension/NRCS/private consultants to assess interest and usefulness • If useful, train the trainers and increase tool access and use
How the hubs work (cont.) • listen to feedback on tool from land managers and report needs for improvement or gaps to WO funding sources. • Promote new funding to fill gaps in tool or information directly useful to land managers
SCIENCE AT YOUR FINGERTIPS USDA Forest Service – Southern RegionChris Liggett (PI) David Meriwether Paul Arndt USDA Forest Service – Pacific Southwest Region Bruce Goines Lara Polansky Bradley Burmark USDA Forest Service – Threat Assessment CentersSteve McNulty (PI) Emrys Treasure Lisa Jennings Jennifer Moore Myers Robert Herring Nancy Grulke Lisa Balduman www.forestthreats.org/taccimotool
TACCIMO is a web-based application integrating climate change science with management and planning options through search and reporting tools that connect land managers with peer-reviewed information they can trust. Science: Geospatial Science: Literature USDA FS Forest Planning Inputs Outputs
Fire Coastal Ecosystems Climate Trends Freshwater Ecosystems Forest Health Plant Communities Invasive Species Vegetation Management Animal Communities Recreation General Biodiversity Water Resources Extreme Weather Air Quality Human Dimensions Land Use & Planning Soil & Geologic Resources Photo credits from Bugwood.org: Climate Trends—Petr Kapitola, State Phytosanitary Administration; Fire—Region 2, USFS; Freshwater Ecosystems—Chris Evans, River to River CWMA; Invasive Species—Kerry Britton, USFS; Animal Communities—Alfred Viola, Northeastern University; Vegetation Mgt.—John D. Hodges, MS State Univ.; Plant Communities—Jason Sharman, Vitalitree; General Biodiversity—David Cappaert, MI State Univ.; Water Resources—Chris Evans, River to River CWMA; Soils—Howard F. Schwartz, CO State Univ.; Land Use—James Denny Ward, USFS; Disturbance—Ronald F. Billings, Texas FS
TACCIMO Project History 2009: Concept and prototype development 2010: Web application development Implementation of basic reporting and explore functionality Version 1.0 released: June 2010 Review and refinement of web application Version 2.0 released: October 2010 2011: Content development and web application redesign Forest plan and literature development Version 2.1 released: April 2011 Implementation of enhanced reporting and explore functionality Version 2.2 released: October 2011 2012-2014: Continuing development through user support Expanded partnerships Intensive literature and geospatial content development Version 3.0 expected release: Fall 2013
Who is using TACCIMO? NEPA Analysis and Responding to Public Comments NEPA coordinators in the Southern region are using TACCIMO to respond to public comments regarding climate change and carbon sequestration. Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments TACCIMO is working with the California Landscape Conservation Cooperative and non-profit partners EcoAdapt and the Geos Institute to provide the scientific basis for a vulnerability assessment for the Sierra Nevada Mountains. State and Private-Level Forest Management Forest managers from the North Carolina Forest Service, Southern Regional Extension Forestry, and the PINEMAP project used TACCIMO to craft climate change materials for state level managers and private landowners. Everyday Use TACCIMO is used for every day climate change needs by federal, state, and private natural resource professionals, and provides a valuable teaching aidfor climate change education.
Describing the bounds of future climate TACCIMO Climate Report
Describing the bounds of future climate TACCIMO Climate Report
Investigating Effects of Climate Change TACCIMO Literature Explorer
Investigating Effects of Climate Change TACCIMO Literature Report
Investigating Effects of Climate Change TACCIMO Literature Report
Emerging Forest Threats:Management Options For Healthy Forests Pamphlet created in collaboration with the NC Forest Service Forest Management Division with reviews from NCSU Extension Forestry Targeted at private forest landowners engaged in stewardship plans Does not explicitly mention Climate Change or Global Warming Summarized from over 300 peer-reviewed sources in TACCIMO Available at ncforestservice.gov
Visit our Case Studies Page For more examples of TACCIMO applications, visit our case studies page: http://www.taccimo.sgcp.ncsu.edu/casestudy
So, If you are interested in seeing your climate impacts adaptation work make it into the hands of those folks who can really use it, please contact me at steve_mcnulty@ncsu.edu or call my office number 919 515-9489 Keep on SERCHing!