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课程编号: 0122211 课程名称: MIMO 系统与 OFDM 传输技术. 授课老师:赵力强 西安电子科技大学综合业务网国家重点实验室 Tel: 88201397-8508 (科技楼 A508 ) Website: http://www.freewebs.com/liqiangzhao/ E-mail: lqzhao@mail.xidian.edu.cn. Contents. 1. Introduction 2. The MIMO Wireless Channel 3. Wireless Channel 4. Space-time Block Coding
课程编号:0122211 课程名称:MIMO系统与OFDM传输技术 授课老师:赵力强 西安电子科技大学综合业务网国家重点实验室 Tel: 88201397-8508 (科技楼A508) Website: http://www.freewebs.com/liqiangzhao/ E-mail: lqzhao@mail.xidian.edu.cn State Key Lab. of ISN, Xidian University
Contents • 1. Introduction • 2. The MIMO Wireless Channel • 3. Wireless Channel • 4. Space-time Block Coding • 5. Space-time Trellis Codes • 6. Layered Space-time Codes • 7. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing • 8. IEEE 802.11a Packet Transmission System • 9. Space-time Coding for Broadband Channel • 10. The Way Ahead State Key Lab. of ISN, Xidian University
Chapter 2 examines the MIMO channel and determines its capacity under different conditions. • Chapter 3 provides an overview of the fading channel models and channel propagation. • Chapter 4 introduces space-time block coding techniques. We also examine the performance of space-time block codes in the presence of imperfect channel estimation and antenna correlation. We conclude with dominant eigenmode transmission. • Chapter 5 introduces space-time trellis codes and its design and performance evaluation in fast and slow fading channels. • Chapter 6 discusses layered space-time codes and BLAST algorithm. • Chapter 7 introduces OFDM techniques, which has become an integral part of MIMO technology. We also examine synchronization and channel estimation of OFDM signals. • Chapter 8 introduces IEEE 802.11a standard, which has a lot of potential as a packet transmission system for MIMO systems. • Chapter 9 discusses the behavior of the space-time algorithms in a broadband wireless channel. We also discuss the capacity of spatially multiplexed signals and their performance. In addition, a new topic called “hybrid OFDM/CDMA” is introduced. The CDMA-OFDM system is coupled with MIMO to yield a powerful solution to the ever-increasing requirement of high throughput cell phones. • Chapter 10 discusses topics for further reading in the MIMO field. State Key Lab. of ISN, Xidian University
References: • Mohinder Jankiraman, Space-Time Codes and MIMO systems, Artech House Publishers, Boston, London, 2004. • Branka Vucetic, Jinhong Yuan, Space-Time Coding, John Wiley, 2003. State Key Lab. of ISN, Xidian University