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React Fast: Teens vs. Adults Reflexes Experiment

Delve into reflexes comparing teens to adults, uncovering surprising results. Explore variables, subjects, methodology, and conclusions of this insightful experiment.

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React Fast: Teens vs. Adults Reflexes Experiment

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  1. THINK FAST! By: Heather Eddy Amber Gerber Alison Eckas

  2. Introduction • Ask yourself do teens have better reflexes than adults? • Some say they have advantages over adults, and others are the opposite. • Just sit back relax those muscles, and listen. • Our experiment is trying to test the reaction time of 2 different age groups.

  3. Hypothesis • Our hypothesis: • If you throw a ball at a teenage group then they will react faster than those of an older age group.

  4. Variables • Dependent-the reaction time • Independent- age group • Control - ball, distance, and speed of throw

  5. Subjects • We have 2 age groups, with a male and a female. • The younger age group consists of 2 people going to start their freshmen year at high school. • The older age group consists of 2 of our T.C.’s here at the program.

  6. Freshmen Subject 1 Grade: Freshmen Age: 13 Gender: Female Self Described Athleticisms: Very Athletic Amount Of Sleep: Average

  7. Freshmen Subject 2 Grade: Freshmen Age: 14 Gender: Male Self Described Athleticisms: Little Amount Of Sleep: Average

  8. T.C. Subject 3 Grade: T.C. Age: 20 Gender: Male Self Described Athleticisms: Very athletic Amount Of Sleep: Below Average

  9. T.C. Subject 4 Grade: T.C. Age: 23 Gender: Female Self Described Athleticisms: Little Amount Of Sleep: Below Average

  10. Background research • A reflex is an involuntary or automatic action, our bodies do this to respond to something. • These are things you don’t have to think about. • Reflexes protect our bodies from things that can harm it.

  11. Background Research (Cont.) • Blinking and sneezing are reflexes. • Raising your arm to block something • The lack of sleep can cause people to have different reactions than they would usually

  12. Cont. • Many things effect your reflexes. • Reflexes require 2 out of the 3 neurons • They need the sensory and the motor neuron. • Sensory neuron conducts nerve impulses along the afferent path to the central nervous system. • Motor neuron conducts nerve impulses along the efferent path from the integration center

  13. Previous Experience • We based this experiment on a lab that Alison did in school. • The lab was testing reaction time, using a ruler and dropping it, to see how fast you could catch it. • We took information and changed it up a bit to get this experiment.

  14. Materials • Tape Measure • Stop Watch • Squishy Ball

  15. Procedure • First get permission. • Measure the distance between thrower and the subject stand to 25ft. • Have subject 1 stand at the given distance turned the opposite way. • Throw the ball and say their name as you throw it. • Start the stop watch when the ball is thrown.

  16. Procedure cont. • Stop the stop watch when they show any type of reaction. • Make observations. • Record data from stop watch and observations. • Repeat for all subjects around the same time 3 times. • Repeat steps for all subjects.

  17. Observation • Freshmen Female. • Turned around quickly and caught ball twice. Attempted and missed 1 • Freshmen Male. • Turned head around ball hit him, turned fully around hit again, turned fully around and attempted to catch but missed.

  18. Observation Cont. • T.C. Female. • Turned around and missed ball completely twice. Turned around and try to catch but missed. Let hit her • T.C. Male • Turned around quickly and caught once standing straight and once in crouch position. Turned around and tried to catch but missed.

  19. Data Red=Missed Blue=Caught (In Seconds)

  20. Reflex times (in seconds)

  21. Results • Since younger kids have slower reflexes, this could be the cause of the age change in when you get your drivers license. • Reflexes are important because they could be the difference between life or death.

  22. Conclusion • Our hypothesis was incorrect. We thought that teenagers have better reflexes than adults. But it turns out the opposite. • Next time we could improve this by having more variables so that it would make the data more accurate. We did not take many variables into consideration. Multi-tasking.

  23. Conclusion (Cont.) • We could have subjects that have the same amount of sleep and about the same athletic ability. • We could also do it with the sun. day vs. night. We could get someone that has a better accuracy of throwing. • We could also next time get different age groups with more of a distance between them.

  24. Works Cited • http://kidshealth.org/kid/talk/ga/reflexes/html • http://csm.jmu.edu/biology/danie2jc/reflexes.htm

  25. Special Thanks To… • Mrs. Morgan • Mrs. Scott • Mrs. Traci • Participants • Our Teachers

  26. The End • Thank you • And have a great rest of the day.

  27. ?Questions?

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