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The use of the CEN & EN-ISO EPBD standards and the further development in CEN and ISO. Jaap Hogeling Director ISSO, Dutch building services knowledge centre Chair CEN TC 371 Program Committee on EPBD Partner in the EU CENSE project
The use of the CEN & EN-ISO EPBD standards and the further development in CEN and ISO. Jaap Hogeling Director ISSO, Dutch building services knowledge centre Chair CEN TC 371 Program Committee on EPBD Partner in the EU CENSE project Contract: EIE/07/069/SI2.466698 Duration: October 2007 – March 2010 Also contributing to the BUILP UP project REHVA Supporters Seminar
The EPBD standards has been prepared by the CEN TC’s: • CEN/TC 89 Thermal performance of buildings and building components • CEN/TC 156 Ventilation for buildings • CEN/TC 169 Light and lighting • CEN/TC 228 Heating systems in buildings • CEN/TC 247 Building automation, controls and building management This work is coordinated by: • CEN-TC 371 Programme Committee on EPBD ( the former CEN BT TF 173 on EPBD) j.hogeling@isso.nl
Methodology for calculating energy performance according EPBD Systeminspections Art. 8, 9 Energy Performance Requirement new buildings Art. 4, 5major renovations Art. 4, 6 Energy PerformanceCertificateand Recommendations Art. 7 EP Certificate format and content Energy performance Heating systems with boilersEN 15378 EP EXPRESSIONS EN 15217 EP CERTIFICATESEN 15217 Air conditioningEN 15240 TOTAL ENERGY USE, EP RATING TYPESEN 15603 Overall energy use, primary energy, CO2 emissionsTotal delivered energy Procedures for calculated and measured energy rating VentilationsystemsEN 15239 BUILDING NEEDS, SYSTEM USE, (H, V, C, DHW, L, [A])EN ISO 13790 , EN 15316-1, EN 15316-2, EN 15243,EN 15316-3, EN 15265, EN 15193, EN 15241, EN 15232 Definitions and terminology, external climate data, indoor conditions, overheating and solar protection, thermal performance of building components, ventilation and air infiltration, ..e.g.: EN ISO 6946, EN ISO 13370, EN ISO 10077-1, EN 13947, EN ISO 10211, EN ISO 10077-2,EN ISO 14683, EN ISO 10456, EN 15242,EN 13779,EN 15251,EN ISO 15927, EN ISO 7345, EN ISO 9288, EN ISO 925, EN 12792 j.hogeling@isso.nl
43 (parts of) standards on EPBD have been published in 2007/2008 • The TOP standards • EN15603 : Way of expression Energy Performance and CO2 • EN15217 : EP certificate • Standards on thermal property of buildings (TC89) • Standards on heating systems (TC228) • Standards on AC, ventilation and cooling systems, indoor environment (TC156) • Standards on lighting (TC169) • Standards on building automation and controls (TC 247) • Standards on inspection (TC156 & 228) The umbrella document CEN TR 15615 • Overview • Common definitions j.hogeling@isso.nl
The set of CEN-EPBD standards cover different levels EP Overall Energy Performance of buildings Overall EP: Energy Performance of the building including its technical building systems Specifications Specifications Subsystem properties Component properties Boundary conditions j.hogeling@isso.nl
CEN experience • The use in the EU MS’s of some standards is up to 80%, but not all, some standards around 50%. And growing. • More information available from European CENSE project (Oct. 2007-March 2010) • Also in CENSE: feed back on actual use recommendations for 2nd generation of CEN standards on EP of buildings j.hogeling@isso.nl
Examples: www.iee-cense.eu j.hogeling@isso.nl
Need to improve the structure of the CEN (and EN ISO) standards • CEN experience: many countries use CEN standards but not always as they are / “in a practical way’ • Example (next page) j.hogeling@isso.nl
Actual situation in many EU Member States On CEN standards to support the EPBD j.hogeling@isso.nl
Desirable situation On CEN standards to support the EPBD j.hogeling@isso.nl
On structure of the standards • How to ensure that the standards can be used as such by the countries (referred to in the national building regulations)? • E.g. by making in each standard a clear distinction between: • General part • Part with options (A, B, C..) to be selected at national level for a specific application • Part with national input (and optionally: default input values provided) j.hogeling@isso.nl
Standards providing input for the energy performance assessment and standards on boundary conditions • On building and system components ( 7 ) • On boundary conditions (climate, indoor cond…) • Action JWG: • This need to be identified as such (standards, work items, gaps) • Requirements need to be specified on these, e.g.: • The output variables: consistency in (or conversion of) used terms, definitions and symbols • Type of output: fit for use in annual calculations? Monthly? Hourly? • Application range (e.g. types of bldg, new/existing bldng/systems, • Fit for use in context of building regulations j.hogeling@isso.nl
EN-ISO standards: aim is to develop global standards • vital: ISO standards also applicable to CEN, for use in context of Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) • for CEN: existing set of CEN standards (published 2007-2008) will be replaced by revised standards, developed as EN ISO standards under Vienna agreement between CEN and ISO • This is very important, because this will involve acceptance from different CEN Technical Committees (CEN TC 89, TC 156, TC 228, TC 247, TC 169) that ISO takes the leadNote: • Several of the CEN standards to support the EPBD are already EN ISO standards, mainly under ISO TC 163. See N06, annex A • Within CEN: CEN standards not voluntary: national standards in conflict or overlapping have to be withdrawn j.hogeling@isso.nl
ISO-TC 163 and 205 will coordinate their work in this field • The JWG of TC163-205 was established • 1st meeting of the JWG "Energy performance of buildings using holistic approach", at ISO in Geneva on 8th June 2009, • 2nd meeting Nov. 16 in Kyoto (ISO TC 205) • Next meeting in combination with ISO TC 163 around the 7th June 2010, Seoul, Republic of Korea • Task Groups have been formed. • The participation to the TG’s is open: those interested are invited to contact the TG leaders and their national standards body. j.hogeling@isso.nl
Terms and definitions • (ISO/WD 12842 clauses 3-4, ISO 16818 and recommendations by SAG E): • Ziegler (Leader F), Oschatz(G), Spitzner(G), van Dijk(NL), Railio (Finl), Fairey(USA), Ljungquist(USA), Sawachi (J) j.hogeling@isso.nl
Assessment of overall energy performance • (segments 3-5 of the hierarchic scheme, ISO/CD 11638 and ISO/WD 12842 clauses 9-15): • Oschatz (Leader,G) , Ziegler(F), Hogeling (NL), Zirngibl(F), Khalil(E), van Dijk(NL), FaireyUSA), Erhorn(G),Udagawa(J), Watson(USA) j.hogeling@isso.nl
Rating • (segments 1-2 of the hierarchic scheme. ISO/WD 12842 clauses 5-8): • Fairey(USA), Erbe(USA), Sawachi(J), Zirngibl(F), Eriksson(S), van Dijk (Leader,NL) , KhalilE), Erhorn(G), Hogeling(NL). j.hogeling@isso.nl
Advisory group on work items (new proposals and existing items/standards) and JWG boundaries , Hogeling (leader,NL), van Dijk(NL), Essam Khalil(E), Bagge(S), Tucker(USA), van Winkel(NL), Zirngibl(F), Olesen(D), Erbe(USA), Ljungquist(USA), Erhorn(G), Udagawa(J). • NOTE: The participation to the advisory group is open: those interested are invited to contact the AG leader and their national standards body. j.hogeling@isso.nl
Meeting(s)TGs and AG leaders to report and present proposals to the next JWG meeting. JWG co-convenors to report to the next TC plenary meetings • It is agreed to hold JWG meetings twice a year, in conjunction with the parent committees' plenary • TGs meetings 26th and 27th October 2009, Florida, USA • JWG meeting November 2009, Kyoto, Japan • TC 205 17th - 19th November 2009, Kyoto, Japan • TC 163 7th-11th June 2010, Seoul, Republic of Korea j.hogeling@isso.nl