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Interesting Facts:

Stay updated with the happenings at school, from eco club initiatives to student achievements and upcoming events. Keep the campus clean, celebrate successes, and encourage sportsmanship among students.

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Interesting Facts:

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  1. Interesting Facts: 25th September 1513 Vasco Nunez de Balboa, a Spanish explorer, become the first European to sight the Pacific Ocean. 26th September European Day of Languages European Day of Languages celebrates language and cultural diversity and was first celebrated in 2001. Over 6000 languages are spoken in the world, approx 1 ¼ billion speak Chinese, 550 million English, 500 million Hindustani and 450 million Spanish.

  2. What’s on this week? Monday 9.15 Business Meeting – Infant Hall 2.00 Recycling Presentation - P7 3.15 Netball Training P6 – Infant Hall Tuesday 11.15 Karyn Tait – visit to 3M 11.50 Karyn Tait – visit to 3S 1.50 Karyn Tait – visit to 3E 3.00 Cycle Training – 6E Wednesday 11.15 Matthew Byers – visit to 3E & 3M 12.00 Matthew Byers – visit to 3S 3.00 Cycle Training – 6M 3.00 Supa Club P5-7

  3. What’s on this week? Thursday 3.00 Netball Training P7 – Infant Hall 3.00 Cycle Training – 6S Friday 12.00 Games Parliament – GP Room 2 Playground Message Can pupils please remember to put all rubbish in the bins provided around the playground. We’ve had a member of the public complain to say the walkways/cycle paths around the school are covered in litter. Please help to keep our school clean and tidy. Thank you.

  4. Eco Club Ryan, our Eco Club Chairperson, has allocated Eco Buddies for the Infant classes: 1E Ellie 2E Callum 3E Alannah 1M Emma 2M Bailey 3M Jacob 1S Jenna 2S Ailsa 3S Jamsie 5M are on LAW Duty this week. Thank you.

  5. Well done to… Kerry and Darcie for organising a MacMillan Coffee Morning at the weekend and raised £2230.05. Well done girls!

  6. Well done to… Oscar for receiving his white and yellow belt in Kickboxing.

  7. Well done to… Kairi and Stella for receiving Blue Peter Sports Badges. This is gained by inspiring a friend to do something new. Kairi inspired Stella to do Kickboxing, and Stella inspired her little sister Tamsin to do Tap Dancing.

  8. Well done to… Laurie, Finley, Ryan, Jacob and MacKenzie for taking part in the Fun 5z Football at the weekend.

  9. Well done to… Rhian, Jorja and Jenna as they were models at the Wedding Fayre at the Pickaquoy Centre yesterday. They had to model different dresses.

  10. Well done to… Amelie and Molly for winning first overall in their age groups in the Junior Triathlon.

  11. Well done to… Hunter, Innes, Stella and Harry for completing their first Junior Triathlon at the weekend.

  12. Well done to… Shannon, Abbie and Elsie-Mae for competing in the Junior Triathlon at the weekend.

  13. Well done to… Lianna and Logan for receiving Buddy Awards.

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