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Dive into the historical significance of Decimal Day in 1971, when the UK and Ireland transitioned their currencies to a decimal system, simplifying calculations and trading with the introduction of the pound (£) divided into 100 pence. Explore how this change impacted everyday transactions and international relations. Stay informed about upcoming events, clubs, and activities at a local school, including sports, eco initiatives, and community projects. Get involved in games, healthy eating initiatives, and celebrations of student achievements.
Interesting Facts: 15 February 1971 Decimal Day was the day the UK and Ireland decimalised their currencies. The pound (£) was divided into 100 pence. Prior to 1971 the pound was made up of 240 pence, with 12 pence in a shilling and 20 shillings in a pound. Adding up sums of money was more complicated than with decimal currency and people from other countries found it difficult too.
What’s on this week? Monday 9.15 Business Meeting – Infant Hall 1.30 Tesco Football – 3M PE Hall Tuesday 11.20 P6 Piping – GP Room 2 11.50 P7 Piping – GP Room 2 1.30 Tesco Football – 3E PE Hall 2.15 Tesco Football – 2/3S PE Hall 3.00 Chess Club P5-7 – Room 10 Wednesday 3.00 Supa Club P5-7 – GP Room 3
Eco Club Good morning everyone Our new and improved Eco Action Board is ready for everyone to see what the Eco Club hope to be doing this year. The Eco Club members would like to take their class and their buddy class to visit the display sometime this week to explain all about it. We did this with 1M last Friday and they really enjoyed it and gave some great answers. We look forward to seeing you at the Eco Action Board. Thank you so much for taking part in the Big Bird Watch. We are collecting all the results and will let you know about the most popular birds in and around school. As it is a short week, everyone is on LAW Duty. So please help out everyone to keep a tidy playground. Thank you for listening.
Games Parliament Hoppy Races Hoppy races will be held on the race track on Mondays and Wednesdays. If you want to have a shot, go to the race track at break time. Mini League There are organised games available at lunch break for all those who want to play. Mondays – Netball on the netball court Tuesdays – Football in the ball court Wednesdays – Kick Rounders in the ball court Thursdays – Dodgeball in the ball court If you would like to play just turn up at 1.30pm to join in.
Games Parliament Fruit and Vegetable Break Day On Monday 7th March the Early Bird break-time Bar will only be serving fruit and vegetables to support our Good Health Global Goals New Years Resolution. We would ask everyone to take part by buying fruit from the break-time bar or taking fruit to school for their break-time snack that day. Fruit Questionnaire To check what fruit is popular we will put a questionnaire around classes next week asking for you to choose what you would like. These will be given to all classes and will help us know what fruit and vegetables to get. Scrapstore Tidy Up If you are playing with the scrapstore please remember to help tidyup when the bell goes so that all equipment is put away again before line up.
Games Parliament All Weather Pitch Cones are going to be provided on the AWP to help make more goals if needed. And finally Games Parliament thought it would be good to have a slogan to encourage positive play and be sensitive to others in the playground so here it is: Be nice, because it’s nice to be nice
Well done to… Lisamarie for working hard in Highland Dancing to achieve all those awards!
Well done to… Fergus and Mark for receiving a certificate for Swimming.
Well done to… Calvin, Elsie Mae, Jess, Molly and Tom for taking part in the KAOS production of Wizard of Oz.
Well done to… To those who competed in the Fun 4’s Football Tournament at Picky.
Buddy of the Week Charlotte 7M