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Social Media Strategy, HSM Mexico

Presentation by Charlene Li on 24 May 2011 for HSM Mexico in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico

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Social Media Strategy, HSM Mexico

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1 Creating A Coherent Social Media Strategy Charlene Li Altimeter Group 2011 May 24 Twitter: @charleneli Email: charlene@altimetergroup.com

  2. 2 © 2011 Altimeter Group

  3. 3 It‟s time to move past experiments © 2011 Altimeter Group

  4. It‟s about RELATIONSHIPS © 2011 Altimeter Group © 2011 Altimeter Group

  5. 5 Agenda  Strategy  Lead  Prepare © 2011 Altimeter Group

  6. 6 Agenda  Strategy  Lead  Prepare © 2011 Altimeter Group

  7. 7 Strategy Process Stages Formulation & Alignment Discovery Ideation Planning Roadmap © 2011 Altimeter Group

  8. 8 Strategy Process Stages Formulation & Alignment Discovery Ideation Planning Roadmap Set context • Determine key objectives • Level of strategy (corporate, biz unit, brand) • Identify key metrics • Assess readiness © 2011 Altimeter Group

  9. 9 Align social with key strategic goals Examine your 2011 goals Pick ones where social will have an impact © 2011 Altimeter Group

  10. 10 Objectives differ by level Corporate Business unit Risk management Consistency across brands Brand Leadership development & culture Social strategist & COE Community manager & education Engagement metrics Channel focus ROI metrics Value metrics © 2011 Altimeter Group

  11. 11 Ask the Right Questions about Value “We tend to overvalue the things we can measure, and undervalue the things we cannot.” - John Hayes, CMO of American Express © 2011 Altimeter Group © 2011 Altimeter Group

  12. 12 Use appropriate metrics at each level Corporate Business metrics: revenue, CSAT, reputation. LOB/Geo Stakeholders Social media analytics: Insights, share of voice, resonance, WOM. Social Engagement metrics: fans, followers, clicks. Strategist/Community Manager © 2011 Altimeter Group

  13. 13 Assess your readiness to be social  Highlight where you are strong, where you need to develop.  Don‟t create strategies that you can‟t execute.  Demonstrate impact of strategic work.  Categories for readiness assessment • Customer Profile • Communication • Market Analysis • Mindset • Processes • Roles • Organizational Model • Stakeholders • Education • Monitoring • Reporting © 2011 Altimeter Group

  14. 14 Benchmarking Social Readiness (Before) December 2009 © 2011 Altimeter Group

  15. 15 Benchmarking Social Readiness (After) April 2010 © 2011 Altimeter Group

  16. 16 Strategy Process Stages - Discovery Formulation & Alignment Discovery Ideation Planning Roadmap Collect and prioritize strategic options • Metrics-based value assessment • Prioritize against objectives © 2011 Altimeter Group

  17. 17 Evaluate each initiative Impact • How does it support an objective? • What metrics matter? Readiness • Are there people who can do this? • Is there budget? Risks • What are the risks if we do this? • What if we don‟t? Priority • Does this initiative enable other work? © 2011 Altimeter Group

  18. 18 Define Your Strategy With Objectives Dialog Learn Support Innovate © 2011 Altimeter Group

  19. How does social media matter to B2B? Chief stakeholders may not be using social media. • But lieutenants will be. Social media is impacting how B2B decisions are being made. • Background research • Expertise • Search results impact © 2011 Altimeter Group

  20. 20 Why care about social technologies? • 62% read user ratings/reviews for business products/services • 62% visit company profiles on social media sites • 55% visit company blogs • 51% participate in online business communities or forums • 49% ask questions on Q&A sites • 29% use Twitter to find or request business- related information Source: 2009 Business.com Business Social Media Benchmarking Study (n=2,393) © 2011 Altimeter Group

  21. 21 People in B2B use social media for work Read user ratings/reviews for business products/services 62% Visit company profiles on social 62% media sites Visit company blogs 55% Participate in online business communities or forums 51% Ask questions on Q&A sites 49% Use Twitter to find or request business information 29% Source: 2009 Business.com Business Social Media Benchmarking Study (n=2,393) © 2011 Altimeter Group

  22. 22 Agenda  Strategy • Learn • Dialog • Support • Innovate  Lead  Prepare © 2011 Altimeter Group

  23. 23 Track brand mentions with basic tools What would happen if every employee could learn from customers? © 2011 Altimeter Group

  24. 24 Integrate monitoring with workflow Other providers Alterian BrandsEye Buzzmetrics Cymfony Sysmos Visible Tech. From Radian 6, to be acquired by Salesforce.com © 2011 Altimeter Group

  25. 25 Go beyond basic monitoring to analytics Monitoring & analytics support integrated into everyday workflow Deep monitoring to prep & support campaigns Centralized monitoring but not actionable in business unites Tracks brand mentions using basic tools (Google, Twitter) Make course corrections nearly real-time. Use predictive analytics to anticipate demand. No monitoring in place © 2011 Altimeter Group

  26. 26 Shoppers want to be “known” I walk into the store Store knows it‟s me Give me offers And plans my visit © 2011 Altimeter Group

  27. 27 Community insight platforms » Communispace and Passenger offer online focus groups solutions. © 2011 Altimeter Group

  28. 28 Pros and cons of private communities  Private communities give better control • Get input from specific communities • Can target specific hard-to-reach communities  But they are hard to create – and maintain • Who needs to be included? Excluded? • Provide non-monetary incentives/rewards for participating in the community • Deserves and requires dedicated community manager • Integrate into your company‟s support and innovation process © 2011 Altimeter Group

  29. 29 Go beyond traditional data to understand your customers Demographic Geographic Psychographic Behavioral Socialgraphic © 2011 Altimeter Group

  30. 30 Socialgraphics asks key questions 1. Where are your customers online? 2. What social information or people do your customers rely on? 3. What is your customers‟ social influence? Who trusts them? 4. What are your customers‟ social behaviors online? 5. How do your customers use social technologies in the context of your products. © 2011 Altimeter Group

  31. 31 Engagement Pyramid Curating Producing Commenting Sharing Watching © 2011 Altimeter Group

  32. 32 Engagement Pyramid - Watching Watch videos Read blog posts Listen to podcasts Read tweets Read discussion forum posts Curating Producing Commenting Sharing Watching © 2011 Altimeter Group

  33. 33 Engagement Pyramid - Sharing Share a link Share photos Share videos Write a status update Retweet Curating Producing Commenting Sharing Watching © 2011 Altimeter Group

  34. 34 Engagement Pyramid - Commenting Comment on a blog Write a review Rate a product Participate in a discussion forum @Reply on Twitter Curating Producing Commenting Sharing Watching © 2011 Altimeter Group

  35. 35 Engagement Pyramid - Producing Curating Write a blog Create videos or podcasts Tweet for an audience Producing Commenting Sharing Watching © 2011 Altimeter Group

  36. 36 Engagement Pyramid - Curating Curating Moderate a wiki or discussion forum Curate a Facebook fan page Producing Commenting Sharing Watching © 2011 Altimeter Group

  37. 37 Engagement Pyramid Data United States Mexico Brazil UK Curating <1% <1% <1% <1% Producing 42.7% 52.7% 21.1% 26.1% Commenting 56.9% 54.0% 31.9% 34.4% Sharing 69.8% 79.3% 61.8% 63.0% Watching 89.8% 89.3% 78.9% 78.1% Source: Global Wave Index Wave 2, Trendstream.net, January 2010 © 2011 Altimeter Group

  38. 38 Putting socialgraphics to work  Conduct research to identify the social behaviors of your target customer  Also identify: • Where are they online: Surveys or brand monitoring • Who do they trust: Surveys • Who do they influence: Survey or brand monitoring • How they use these tools in context of your products: Most often surveys.  When you first understand your customers, your marketing efforts will naturally unfold. © 2011 Altimeter Group

  39. 39 Summary - Learn  Listen and learn from your customers.  Start with basic monitoring tools, but quickly evolve them.  Invest in analytics that matter. Use metrics that are relevant to your business.  Understand the socialgraphics of your customers. © 2011 Altimeter Group

  40. 40 Agenda  Strategy • Learn • Dialog • Support • Innovate  Lead  Prepare © 2011 Altimeter Group

  41. 41 The New Normal  Conversations, not messages  Human, not corporate  Continuous, not episodic © 2011 Altimeter Group

  42. 42 Blogs establish thought leadership CEO Richard Edelman has been blogging consistently since September 2004. © 2011 Altimeter Group

  43. 43 Dos Equis surpasses 1 million „likes‟, uses social media to increase reach © 2011 Altimeter Group

  44. 44 Mundo-Contact establishes thought- leadership on Facebook and Twitter © 2011 Altimeter Group

  45. 45 The Central Bank of Brazil shares articles on twitter © 2011 Altimeter Group

  46. 46 Encourage commenting to get into the Facebook news feed © 2011 Altimeter Group

  47. 47 B2B can also use Facebook • Develop relationships with job candidates, prospects, and current employees • Insert your content into newsfeed of fans • B2B is really people to people © 2011 Altimeter Group

  48. 48 Also encourage dialog inside the company © 2011 Altimeter Group

  49. 49 ISS connects distributed work-force with social-powered intranet “Everyone feels more connected. Socialtext is allowing us to work as a team towards our goals and serve customers more efficiently.” - Erick Vera, Enterprise Social Media Manager © 2011 Altimeter Group

  50. 50 Premier Farnell supports engineers with community, and employees with “OurTube” © 2011 Altimeter Group

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