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Supporting digital skills as a necessary competence in the workforce of the future

As the European Commission emphasizes the need for digital skills in the evolving job market, this text highlights the urgency for individuals to acquire both basic and transversal competencies for employment. Despite existing EU efforts, more decisive actions are required at both EU and national levels to ensure a diverse pool of digital talent. With an increasing demand for digital skills, up to 90% of all jobs by 2020 will require these competencies. Challenges such as digital illiteracy and the lag in lifelong learning need to be addressed through initiatives like the European Digital Competence Framework and self-assessment tools. Overall, enhancing digital skills is essential for employability, social inclusion, and active citizenship in the digital era.

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Supporting digital skills as a necessary competence in the workforce of the future

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  1. Supporting digital skills as a necessary competence in the workforce of the future • Lieve Van den Brande, European Commission, DG EMPL • Brussels, 20 November 2014 Media and Learning Conference

  2. What qualifications will Europe need by 2020?

  3. Key messages Boosting skills for jobs and growth is one of the priorities of Junker's Commission The labour market is constantly evolving. Therefore, also the skills, competences, and qualifications that people need change over time In order to face such changes, people need to have a variety of basic skills, but also transversal skills Unfortunately, evidence tells us that too many people in the EU still do not have the skills required

  4. Action is requiredEU does a lot: provide funding (EIT, Erasmus+, ESF, Youth Employment Initiative), policy development, best practice exchange, cooperation with business and other stakeholders, etc.Still, more decisive action at EU and national level is needed to ensure that Europe has a large and diversified pool of digital talent.

  5. EU Citizens need to understand how to use ICT to ensure their active participation in society and the economy. • Until now, no common understanding but also no scientific base to say which competences should be part of every citizen's digital competence A common European referenceframework for digital competencefor citizens & Online assessmenttool

  6. Education is lagging behind * generation of digital natives are no critical users of ICT* 63% do not study at a highly digital equipped school * only 20% are taught by digital confident educators * 50-80% never use digital textbooks, broadcasts/podcasts, simulations or learning gamesLifelong learning in EU is lagging behind …. * 30% of Europeans are digitally illiterate

  7. DEMAND is huge and increasing Digital competences are a must for employability… * Digital skills will be required by 90% of all jobs across all sectors in 2020 * Up to 900,000 unfilled ICT vacancies in 2020.…and for social inclusion and active citizenship * part of our society: e-health, e-care, e-banking, e- communication, etc.

  8. ICT competences levels vary greatly between countries % of individuals with low, medium and high computer skills (2011) Source: Eurostat, Information society Statistics, 2011

  9. Conceptual mapping Case studies analysis Online Consultation Experts’ workshop 69 references 100+ (15 in-depth) 17 + 9 EC 95 experts First proposal Stakeholders’ Consultation 40 consultants Validated proposal

  10. 5 Competenceareas • More thanpurefunctional ICT skills

  11. 2. Communication • 2.3 Engaging in online citizenship • To participate in society through online engagement, seek opportunities for self-development and empowerment in using technologies and digital environments, be aware of the potential of technologies for citizen participation 5. Problem Solving 5.3 Innovating, creating and solving using digital tools To identify and solve conceptual problems or issues through technological means, to improve and innovate with ICT, to actively participate in collaborative digital and multimedia production, to express him/herself creatively through digital media and technologies, to create knowledge with the support of technologies digital tools

  12. Self-assessment

  13. Independent user level

  14. From 3 levels to 8 EQF relatedlevels

  15. Final remarks • European Digital Competence Framework Online available end 2014 • Endorsed by EU Member States representatives in the E&T2020 Thematic Working group on 'ICT and Education' (May 2013) and on 'Transversal Skills' (2014) • Endorsed by ICT-related user and demandindustry and ngo's • Self-assessment tool of digital competences for citizens  EUROPASS available end 2014 • Wil become part of a one single access point for Citizens skills • And more : • Development of applied frameworks for educators digital competences and consumer digital competences • Measurement: Eurostat 2015 Survey on digital skills

  16. Thank you for your attention

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