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Indiana Employer Workforce Survey 2019 Analysis

Overview and insights from the 12th annual Indiana Chamber Employer Workforce Survey 2019, highlighting talent challenges, job trends, and employer strategies to address workforce needs.

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Indiana Employer Workforce Survey 2019 Analysis

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  1. 2019 Indiana ChamberEmployer Workforce SurveyOctober 25, 2019

  2. Background • 12th annual survey • 1,005 responses (691 in 2018) • Responses from 89 of 92 counties • 41% of responses from owner/CEO/president

  3. Leading Industries of Respondents Manufacturing: 17.6% Construction: 9.2% Health care/Social Assistance: 8.5% Professional/Scientific/Technical: 8.4%

  4. Indiana Employees 5 or less: 18.3% 6 to 19: 18.0% 20 to 49: 18.7% 50 to 99: 13.3% 100 to 499: 19.0% 500 to 999: 5.9% 1,000 or more: 6.8%

  5. Left Jobs Open in Past Year Due to Underqualified Applicants

  6. Supply of Applicants Does Not Meet Needs

  7. Filling Workforce /Talent Needs Is Our Biggest Challenge

  8. Filling Workforce /Talent Needs is Either Our Biggest or Among Our Biggest Challenges

  9. How Do You Fill These Positions?Hire Underqualified Applicants

  10. How Do You Fill These Positions? Assign Responsibilities Internally

  11. Increase Size of Workforce Next 1-2 Years

  12. Likely to Add High-Wage Jobs (more than $50,000) Likely: 48% Unlikely: 39%

  13. NOT planning to add high-paying jobs but partnering to develop talent 66% Planning to add high-paying jobs and already partnering to develop talent 23%

  14. NOT planning to add high-paying jobs and NOT using technology in recruitment 59% Planning to add high-paying jobs and using new technology/digital tools in recruitment 55%

  15. Training Largest % of Current Workforce Internal Staff

  16. Missed Opportunities Work With K-12 Schools, Colleges or Other Training Providers to Develop Current and Future Talent 58% NO No… But Interested in Learning More 15% YES

  17. Missed Opportunities Work With External Organization/Develop Work-Based Learning 58% NO Work With External Organization/Support Work-Based Learning 54% NO

  18. Missed Opportunities Work With K-12 Schools/Career Awareness 50% NO Talent Development Strategies 40% NONE OF THESE* *Student site visits, job shadowing, internships, apprenticeships

  19. Next Level Jobs Programs Awareness: 38% Taken advantage: 28% Would like to learn more: 48%

  20. Next Level Jobs Programs 65% 72% Enough Applicants + Taking Advantage of State Grants NOTEnough Applicants + NOTTaking Advantage of State Grants

  21. Talent Challenges 53% • Attracting: • Developing: 30% • Retaining: 30%

  22. Measuring Skills vs. Education Level or Credential 44%doing so 13% interested in learning more

  23. Quality of Place 45% of employers believe applicants not attracted to community where company is located

  24. Regulatory/Tax Burdens Impeding Company Growth 63% NO 20% YES

  25. Termination as Consequence of Failed Drug Test 2018: 52% 2019: 30%

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