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Evaluation of Project Activities in University of Mostar-West

Details the implementation of the Bologna process, ECTS credit system, curriculum changes, and quality improvement initiatives at University of Mostar-West. Issues with ECTS implementation and future activities are discussed. Findings from analyses on student workload, teaching methods, and exam results are highlighted.

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Evaluation of Project Activities in University of Mostar-West

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  1. TEMPUS JEP projekt UM-jep-18041-2003“Evaluation of project activities” Prof.dr.sc. Dražena Tomić University of Mostar - West Banja Luka, 13-14.11.2006.

  2. Content: • Realised activities at the University of Mostar – West • ECTS implementation problems • Further activities • Conclusion

  3. Realised activities at the University of Mostar – West • In academic year 2006/2007 started the second “Bologna” generation • All faculties started academic year 2005/2006 with new curricula and implementing Bologna Declaration • ECTS credit system was implemented by all faculties

  4. Realised activities at the University of Mostar – West CURRICULA AND ECTS • The following committees were formed by the Senate’s decision and they continuously monitor and analyze implementation of new curricula: • Committee for the implementation of the Bologna Declaration, curricula and ECTS • Committee for improving the quality of teaching process at the University

  5. Realised activities at the University of Mostar – West CURRICULA AND ECTS Members of the Committee for the implementation of the Bologna Declaration, curricula and ECTS are vice-deans for teaching process and ECTS coordinators from each faculty. Meetings are mostly monthly and deal with actual issues related to implementation of new curricula and ECTS (summary is sent to Senate)

  6. Realised activities at the University of Mostar – West CURRICULA AND ECTS Committee for the implementation of the Bologna Declaration, curricula and ECTS in May 2006 recommended to Senate and Senate accepted to make decision related to equal preconditions for students’ enrollment to the second year (Bologna generation) Precondition is that student has to earn at least 45 ECTS at first (former) academic year in order to be allowed to enroll in the second (next year)

  7. Realised activities at the University of Mostar – West CURRICULA AND ECTS Committee for improving the quality of teaching process at the University has assignment to analyze, monitor and reconcile with Bologna principles the way of teaching. Besides classical ways of teaching (lectures, labs) faculties includes project oriented approachand practical projects (group and individual). The most of the faculties make extensive use of lab work, internet and web technology in creating an active and challenging learning environment for the students.

  8. Realised activities at the University of Mostar – West CURRICULA AND ECTS • According to the Senate’s decision, after the first semestar of the academic year 2005/2006 was finished, each fauculty was obliged to make detail analyze of the Bologna generation, including following: • Student’s workload (lower or higher) • Student’s participation in teaching process (presence, discussion, projects, practical work …) • Results of student’s exams (comparation with older – non Bologna generations) • The similar analyze is just in progress, but related to the whole academic year (2005/2006) – still not completed and united on the University level

  9. Realised activities at the University of Mostar – West CURRICULA AND ECTS • The NEW ECTS guide - Information package has been made at the level of the University (June 2006) – this publication is printed with the financial support of this TEMPUS project • Electronical version of new ECTS guide is available on the university web page • www.sve-mo.ba • both in Croatian and English language, and on CD.

  10. Realised activities at the University of Mostar – West

  11. Realised activities at the University of Mostar – West

  12. Realised activities at the University of Mostar – West ECTS DOCUMENTS Information Package/Course Catalogue ECTS Student Application Form ECTS Learning Agreement ECTS Transcript of Records Diploma Supplement

  13. Realised activities at the University of Mostar – West CURRICULA AND ECTS Participation on the Seminar about ECTS organized by Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – University of Sarajevo Duration two days Place Neum Participants from all Faculties of Mechanical Engineering from BH Issue: Analyze and comparation of teaching plans and programs – first step towards their harmonization

  14. CURENT ACTIVITIES • Analyzing of the implemented Bologna’s teaching plans and programs and making them harmonized with the referential surrounding Faculties • Detail analyze of the structure of ECTS related to referential Faculties (core, related, specialized, optional courses) • Detail analyze of teaching staff

  15. ECTS implementation problems GLOBAL • No legal ground for 3+2 implementation • No leading Body in Higher Educational Matters of the Country • No organizations accompanying a Higher Education Structural Reform (Accreditation agency …) SPECIFIC • Estimation of student workload, particular of the preparation time • Elective courses • Modularization

  16. Further activities • Continuous validation and improvement • Quality Control • International cooperation • The Distribution of Responsibilities • Practice Oriented Studies • Potential employers should be more actively involved in the teaching program • Course offers should be at least partly taught in a foreign language • Study abroad should be part of the curriculum • Students could establish contacts to companies via internships and project works

  17. Conclusion • Adaptation of the higher education to EU standards is a long and hard working process. • Ahead of us is a long, risky and challenging way, but stakes and expecting benefits are so high that we have to done our best to succeed.


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