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Simple Abundance Learning Series: Inspiring Sustainable Living

Join our Simple Abundance Learning Series to discover how to live more simply, mindfully, and sustainably while appreciating the interconnectivity between land and living beings. Participate in arts and writers workshops, natural building tours, off-grid demonstrations, and annual events like the Land Art BioBlitz. Engage in citizen science and inspire the next generation of naturalists. Register now!

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Simple Abundance Learning Series: Inspiring Sustainable Living

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  1. Simple Abundance Learning Series

  2. What is ?

  3. OUR MISSION IS TO… • inspirepeople to live • more simply, mindfully, • andsustainably, • and to appreciatethe interconnectivitybetweenthelandandliving beings.

  4. Arts and writers workshops

  5. Natural building tours

  6. Off grid demonstration site

  7. EveningEvents

  8. Annual Land Art BioBlitz

  9. WHAT IS A BIOBLITZ? Engaging in citizen science, learning more about what’s living in your backyard, and inspiring the next generation of naturalists. Proudly registered with

  10. Off-site workshops

  11. This workshop is one of a 5-part series developed by Wintergreen Studios to promote sustainable living: • Simple Abundance • GetEnergy Smart • Natural Building and Renovating • Sustainable Food • Sustainable Energy • Workshops are downloadablefromourwebsite: • wintergreenstudios.com/education/resources-for-teachers Sustainable Living Learning Series

  12. Simple Abundance

  13. Sustainability Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meettheirownneeds. ~ Bruntland Commission 3 pillars: Social (people), Environmental (planet), and Economic (profit)

  14. Environmentalism Care for the planet and the long-termsurvival of life on Earth. It meansrecognizing the planet’senvironmentalproblems and coming up with solutions (individually and collectively). The process by whichweworktowardsachievingsustainability.

  15. Simple Abundance: What is it?

  16. What do you value most in life? Small group discussion • Family? • Friends? • Success? • Happiness? • Health and wellbeing? Where did material goods rank on your list?

  17. Lottery Paradise Whatwould you do with … $1,440? $10,080? $43,200? $525,600? $31,536,000?

  18. You wintheseprizeseveryday. But you must spendthembefore the dayis over. Theycan’tbesaved. 1,440 minutes a day 10,080 minutes a week 43,200 minutes a month 525,600 minutes a year 31,536,000 seconds a year How do youspendyour millions?

  19. How did you spend your time yesterday? • With family and friends • Working indoors • Working or playing outdoors • Driving or being a passenger in a car • Social media and other “screen time” • Being physically active • Making things (art, music, gardens, carpentry) • Preparing meals • Sitting down to meals • Sleeping Small group discussion

  20. How did you spend your time yesterday?

  21. How do we shift attitudes and practices? Outward reflection: educate ourselves on global trends Inward reflection: evaluate your lifestyle Distinguish between wants and needs Invest energy in experiences and relationships over objects Be aware of the power of media messaging

  22. How do we shift attitudes and practices? Outward reflection: educate ourselves on global trends Inward reflection: evaluate your lifestyle Distinguish between wants and needs Invest energy in experiences and relationships over objects Be aware of the power of media messaging

  23. Global Issues Population Growth: a hands-on simulation of the future Activity

  24. Social, Educational, Economic Worlds Bouncy Maps: mapping the world -- yesterday, today, and tomorrow Activity

  25. Social, Educational, Economic Worlds Worldometers: live world statistics on population, government and economics, society and media, environment, food, water, energy and health. Activity

  26. How do we shift attitudes and practices? Outward reflection: educate ourselves on global trends Inward reflection: evaluate your lifestyle Distinguish between wants and needs Invest energy in experiences and relationships over objects Be aware of the power of media messaging

  27. EvaluateYour Lifestyle Calculate your Ecological Footprint: how much “nature” does your lifestyle require? www.myfootprint.org http://calc.zerofootprint.net/youth Activity

  28. Living Lightly on the Earth ~ Steven van Matre, American environmental educator Japanese Viewing Party:sensitizingstudents to the natural world Activity

  29. How do we shift attitudes and practices? Outward reflection: educate ourselves on global trends Inward reflection: evaluate your lifestyle Distinguish between wants and needs Invest energy in experiences and relationships over objects Be aware of the power of media messaging

  30. Wants vs. Needs United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/ Activity

  31. Trends TowardSustainable Lifestyles Mary Kondo | Sparking Joy & The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up Small group discussion

  32. Trends TowardSustainable Lifestyles Minimalism: finding the value and importance of things Small group discussion

  33. Trends TowardSustainable Lifestyles Repair Cafes, Right to Repair Legislation,Thrifting, & Free/For Sale: reducing consumption by giving a second life Small group discussion

  34. How do we shift attitudes and practices? Outward reflection: educate ourselves on global trends Inward reflection: evaluate your lifestyle Distinguish between wants and needs Invest energy in experiences and relationships over objects Be aware of the power of media messaging

  35. Materialism The Story of Stuff: “We have a problem with Stuff. We use too much, too much of it is toxic and we don’t share it very well.” Small group discussion If young people are so environmentally driven, what is holding us back?

  36. Whatis 30 x 30?

  37. Suzuki Superhero Challenge – Connecting youth with nature by getting back outside

  38. How do we shift attitudes and practices? Outward reflection: educate ourselves on global trends Inward reflection: evaluate your lifestyle Distinguish between wants and needs Invest energy in experiences and relationships over objects Be aware of the power of media messaging

  39. Marketing & Consumerism Random Acts of Green: consume less and reuse more Small group discussion

  40. Finding a waythrough the noise Small group discussion

  41. How do we shift attitudes and practices? Outward reflection: educate ourselves on global trends Inward reflection: evaluate your lifestyle Distinguish between wants and needs Invest energy in experiences and relationships over objects Be aware of the power of media messaging

  42. GREENIFY YOUR WORLDMake a promise

  43. What are the changes I want to make?Whatisstopping me frommakingthose changes? • Brainstorm possible changes in consumption related to: • work • transportation • food • clothes and otherobjects • outdooractivities • gifts Small group discussion

  44. Inspiring examples

  45. Zero Waste & Intentional Choices The Clean Bin Project (2010) Movie time!

  46. Clean Bin Project’s Top 10 Tips Stop using plastic bags Set up recycling in a convenient place in your home Compost Recycle No take-out containers Check packaging to see if it’s recyclable before you buy it Buy second-hand Do it yourself Get educated and learn from what others are doing differently Let businesses know how you feel http://cleanbinproject.com/takeaction/toptentips/

  47. Reducing Food Waste Just Eat It (2015) Movie time!

  48. Meatless vs. Meaty Mondays Canada’s Food Guide (2019) Small group discussion

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