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Country Profiles Quick Tour Business, Insurance and Lloyd’s info on Lloyd’s International Office Network summarised on three slides for all territories Click HEREfor Tutorial ClickHEREto launch dashboard • Recent Updates: July 2010 • Update of all Lloyd’s figures • New Business Environment sections >www.lloyds.com/QUICKTOUR > filip.wuebbeler@lloyds.com FOR BROKERS & MANAGING AGENTS
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North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific QUICK TOURis designed to be used as a dashboard (in PowerPoint Show Mode). This enables quick navigation to areas of interest using the various dashboard tools summarised below. About Navigation Click Top Boxes to navigate to REGIONS ClickAny Box to navigate to area of interest ClickAny Top Box to navigate to any other section QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific North America Offices Illinois Kentucky New York Montreal Toronto US Virgin Islands Representation West Coast QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific US Profile • Key strengths and challenges of the economy • Size and growth of the economy • Basic economic indicators • Key insurers • Insurance industry events • Basic insurance indicators Click Box to navigate • Lloyd’s office details and contacts • Trading position and size of Lloyd’s business • Available market intelligence products QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Public Admin. & Defence Construction Banking & Related Financial Retail Trade Real Estate 581 731 885 1,140 1,669 -15.2% +1.8% -3.2% -8.1% -6.9% 09 07 05 03 01 Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific US > Back to Country Dashboard Business Environment > KEY ISSUES To Watch US Expansion Increasingly Self-Sustaining: A series of upbeat data releases has been capped off by a near-blowout employment report for April showing 290,000 jobs added. Even the bad news in the report—a higher unemployment rate—reflected a strengthening labour market, because it showed job seekers returning to the market. The second-quarter GDP picture looks very strong, enhanced by a weather bounce after the first quarter. Nevertheless, this remains a subdued recovery by historical standards, due to credit and balance-sheet constraints. Rising Employment Will Support Consumption and Housing: The strong employment report was crucial because it will underpin consumer spending. The 3.6% consumption increase in the first quarter was achieved entirely through a lower saving rate, but rising employment and hours worked will start to kick incomes higher again in the second quarter. Rising employment is also a key to a revival in housing activity. Tax incentives may have filled in a hole by pulling some activity forward, but they are not the basis for a sustained housing revival. SOURCE:IHS Global Insight, (June 2010). For daily updates visit: www.ihsglobalinsight.com Democrats Face Tough Challenges at 2010 Mid-Term Elections: In January 2010 the Democrats lost their prized outright control of the Senate with a shock defeat in Massachusetts. No longer able to go it alone in Congress, this has set back their legislative plans and is very ominous for the November mid-term elections. To date, the Republicans have shown little appetite for bipartisanship. Administration Victorious on Healthcare Reform, But at a Price: The Massachusetts defeat seemed to doom the administration’s signature healthcare reforms, but some nimble footwork in Congress pulled them back from the brink in March 2010. The House of Representatives approved the Senate’s earlier version, avoiding another vote in the latter chamber. The reconciliation process was then used to amend the Senate version in tune with House demands. While the reforms rate as a landmark in the history of social policy in the United States, the battle has taken its toll on the administration, eroding the popularity of President Obama and distracting the administration from other priorities. The administration has now switched its focus to bold financial regulation reform, an immigration policy overhaul, and new energy/environment legislation. Terrorist Incidents Revive Concerns: Terrorism has been a key political theme and security preoccupation in the United States since the attacks of 11 September 2001, but the lack of further attacks on US soil had pushed the issue down the agenda somewhat. This changed in 2009/10 with a shooting on a military base in Texas, the attempted bombing of a flight as it approached Detroit, and an attempted car bomb attack on Times Square in New York. The three assailants seem to have held radical Islamist beliefs and had links either to al-Qaida or the Taliban. The incidents revived public fears and also revealed ongoing shortcomings in the intelligence system. The administration announced tougher security precautions for flights and an overhaul of intelligence procedures. Business Environment > Basic Indicators Gross Domestic Product (GDP)(nominal GDP levels in billion USD; Real GDP change) Top-10 Sectors (By Value Added)(a 2008 Level in billion USD & 2009 Change in %) Rankings Ease of Doing BusinessUS ranks 3rdout of 181 countriesGlobal CompetitivenessUS ranks 1stout of 134 countries Quick LinksDoing Business > www.doingbusiness.org Competitiveness > www.weforum.org 03 Business Services 1,492 -3.0% 02 01 Health & Social Services 1,017 +2.8% 04 Wholesale Trade 818 -5.2% 06 Education 699 +2.4% 08 Global Opportunitiesfor business indicators> www.lloyds.com/marketintelligence Hotels & Restaurants 396 -5.3% 10 QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Business Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific US > Back to Country Dashboard Insurance Environment > Key Stakeholders and Events • Major Insurers • State Farm > www.statefarm.com • AIG > www.aig.com • Allstate > www.allstate.com • Travelers > www.travelers.com • Liberty Mutual > www.libertymutual.com • Nationwide > www.nationwide.com • Farmers > www.farmers.com • Berskshire Hathaway > www.berkshirehathaway.com • Progressive > www.progressive.com • Zurich > www.zurich.com Key Industry & Lloyd’s Events Association Insurance Information Institute > www.iii.org Regulator National Association of Insurance Commissioners > www.naic.org > www.lloyds.com/News_Centre/Events Insurance Environment > Key Statistics Gross Written Premiums (GWP)(direct non-life GWP at constant prices; million USD) Density(direct non-life GWP per capita; USD) Broker PenetrationEstimated broker penetration: 75% – 100%Quick Links Insurance Information Institute> www.iii.org/international/profiles/ Worldwide Assecuranz Directory> http://assecuranz.kompass.com/ US UK US UK Based on soft intelligence and Axco, Statistics: > www.axcoinfo.com/ 800,000 2,500 2,177 662,432 658,674 2,000 600,000 1,276 1,500 400,000 1,000 200,000 115,725 107,393 500 0 0 2007 2008 2008 Density QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles) Based on: > www.swissre.com > “World Insurance in 2008” Based on: > www.swissre.com > “World Insurance in 2008” Insurance Environment
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific US > Back to Country Dashboard Offices / Representation Lloyd’s Business > Office Details • Lloyd’s President, North America Mr Henry Watkins The Museum Office Building 25 West 53rd Street 14th Floor New York NY 10019 • NEW YORK OFFICE TELEPHONE+1 212 382 4090 • FAX+1 212 382 4070 • EMAIL> hank.watkins@lloyds.com • WEBSITE> www.lloyds.com/america • US Virgin Islands Mr Henry L Feuerzeig hfeuerzeig@DTFLaw.com • USVI OFFICE TELEPHONE+1 340 715 4443 • Central Region Mr Pat Talley pat.talley@lloyds.com • ILLINOIS OFFICE TELEPHONE+1 312 407 6201 • KENTUCKY OFFICE TELEPHONE+1 502 875 5940 • Western Region Mr Anthony Joseph anthony.joseph@lloyds.com • LOS ANGELES OFFICE TELEPHONE+ 1 310 706 4100 Lloyd’s Business > Key Statistics, Trading Position and Market Intelligence 2009 Lloyd’s Gross Written Premiums Trading Position Market Intelligence > www.lloyds.com/crystal Brokers have access to information via:www.lloyds.com/MARKETPRESENTATIONS Direct – Licensed:No, except, Illinois, Kentucky and US Virgin IslandsDirect – Surplus Lines:Yes, except Kentucky and the US Virgin IslandsReinsurance: Most syndicates accredited reinsurers in all 50 states Lloyd's Total: USD 12.8bn* Direct: (including Surplus Lines) USD 6.3bn* Reinsurance: USD 5.5bn* *at constant prices; million USD See:Data limitations for detail Managing Agents have access to information via:www.lloyds.com/REGIONALWATCH> Managing Agent Version> North America > US QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Canada Profile • Key strengths and challenges of the economy • Size and growth of the economy • Basic economic indicators • Key insurers • Insurance industry events • Basic insurance indicators Click Box to navigate • Lloyd’s office details and contacts • Trading position and size of Lloyd’s business • Available market intelligence products QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Health & Social Services Education Banking & Related Financial Retail Trade Real Estate 69 78 85 92 146 +2.5% +2.9 +2.1% -1.1% -2.3% 09 07 05 03 01 Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Canada > Back to Country Dashboard Business Environment > KEY ISSUES To Watch Early Election in Prospect: Canada faces yet another early general election after the Liberals withdrew their parliamentary support for the minority Conservative government in September 2009. The left-wing New Democrats decided in the end to support the Conservatives in key votes, but a fresh election is expected in 2010. Political Upheavals Unlikely to End: The next election is unlikely to change the unstable status quo greatly, however, with neither of the major parties likely to secure an outright majority. If this is the case, the two most obvious outcomes are either another minority Conservative government or a Liberal-New Democratic Party coalition. The latter could boast a majority, but the parties have considerable ideological differences and the alliance would probably prove unstable. Such a government would also be significantly more left-wing than its predecessor. SOURCE:IHS Global Insight, (June 2010). For daily updates visit: www.ihsglobalinsight.com Economy on Course Escaped Recession in Q3 2009: Buffeted by the global economic crisis, Canada dropped into a sharp recession in the final months of 2008. GDP contracted by -6.2% in the first quarter of 2009 and by -3.1% in the second quarter, before finally creeping into positive territory (0.4%) in the third quarter. Weakness has been pronounced in most areas of the economy, both domestic and international. The economy is now past the worst, but is not recovering as quickly as the United States. As the crisis unfolded the Bank of Canada increased liquidity and the overnight rate was cut to an historic low of 0.25%. Fiscal Surpluses Abandoned in Favour of Stimulus: The 2009 budget was brought forward by Prime Minister Stephen Harper and announced in late January. It foresaw Canada's first fiscal deficit after 11 consecutive surpluses and featured stimulatory tax cuts and spending initiatives. The C$40-billion package is big by Canadian standards, although it is dwarfed by the package unveiled in the United States. The stimulus measures have been broadly welcomed, but arguably they should have come sooner to benefit the economy during the worst of the downturn. The government was soon forced to revise its deficit estimates up sharply, causing it considerable political discomfort. Foreign Investors Face Growing Barriers: Canada has traditionally had a very open economy, but the spectacle of a succession of major Canadian firms being taken over by foreign companies has sparked a growing backlash. In April 2008 the government blocked the takeover of MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd (MDA)'s space business by the United States' Alliant Techsystems, on the grounds that the deal was not in Canada's interests. The decision is ominous for future large-scale foreign takeovers in any sector, although the current economic turmoil has inevitably slowed such activity. Business Environment > Basic Indicators Gross Domestic Product (GDP)(nominal GDP levels in billion USD; Real GDP change) Top-10 Sectors (By Value Added)(a 2008 Level in billion USD & 2009 Change in %) Rankings Ease of Doing BusinessCanada ranks 8thout of 181 countriesGlobal CompetitivenessCanada ranks 10thout of 134 countries Quick LinksDoing Business > www.doingbusiness.org Competitiveness > www.weforum.org 08 Oil & Gas Mining 110 -3.9% 02 10 Construction 91 -2.2% 04 Public Administration & Defence 78 +2.5% 06 Wholesale Trade 73 -8.8% 08 Global Opportunitiesfor business indicators> www.lloyds.com/marketintelligence Business Services 58 -1.8% 10 QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Canada > Back to Country Dashboard Insurance Environment > Key Stakeholders and Events • Major Insurers • Intact > www.intactinsurance.com • Aviva > www.avivacanada.com • Coperators > www.cooperators.ca • TD > www.tdcanadatrust.com • Economical > www.economicalinsurance.com • State Farm > www.statefarm.ca • RSA > www.rsa.ca • Lloyd’s > www.lloyds.com • Wawanesa > www.wawanesa.com • Desjardins General > www.desjardins.com Key Industry & Lloyd’s Events Association Insurance Bureau of Canada > www.ibc.ca Regulator OSFI > www.osfi-bsif.gc.ca > www.lloyds.com/News_Centre/Events Insurance Environment > Key Statistics Gross Written Premiums (GWP)(direct non-life GWP at constant prices; million USD) Density(direct non-life GWP per capita; USD) Broker PenetrationEstimated broker penetration: 75% – 100%Quick Links Insurance Information Institute> www.iii.org/international/profiles/ Worldwide Assecuranz Directory> http://assecuranz.kompass.com/ Canada UK Canada UK Based on soft intelligence and Axco, Statistics: > www.axcoinfo.com/ 200,000 2,500 2,133 2,000 150,000 115,725 107,393 1,276 1,500 100,000 1,000 57,319 55,415 50,000 500 0 0 2007 2008 2008 Density QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles) Based on: > www.swissre.com > “World Insurance in 2008” Based on: > www.swissre.com > “World Insurance in 2008”
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Canada > Back to Country Dashboard Lloyd’s Business > Office Details • Lloyd’s President for Canada Ms Deborah Moor 1155 Rue Metcalfe Suite 2220 Montreal Quebec H3B 2V6 • TELEPHONE+1 514 864 5484 • FAX+1 514 861 0470 • EMAIL> deborah.moor@lloyds.com • WEBSITE> www.lloyds.com/canada Lloyd’s Business > Key Statistics, Trading Position and Market Intelligence 2009 Lloyd’s Net Signed Premiums Trading Position Market Intelligence Market Intelligence > www.lloyds.com/crystal Brokers have access to information via:www.lloyds.com/MARKETPRESENTATIONS Direct:Lloyd's is licensed for all classes of insurance except life, title, mortgage, credit protection, home warranty (in the province of British Columbia only) and hail in respect of crop (in the province of Quebec only).Reinsurance: Lloyd's is licensed for all classes of reinsurance except life, title, mortgage, credit protection, home warranty (in the province of British Columbia only) and hail in respect of crop (in the province of Quebec only). Lloyd's Total: USD 1.5bn* Direct: USD 1.3bn* Reinsurance: USD 204m* *at constant prices; million USD See:Data limitations for detail Managing Agents have access to information via:www.lloyds.com/REGIONALWATCH> Managing Agent Version> North America > Canada QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Europe TYPE 1 Austria Denmark Norway Portugal TYPE 2 Greece / Cyprus Israel Malta Netherlands / Belgium TYPE 3 France Germany Ireland Italy Poland Spain Sweden Switzerland QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Austria – TYPE 1 Office Profile • Key strengths and challenges of the economy • Size and growth of the economy • Basic economic indicators • Key insurers • Insurance industry events • Basic insurance indicators Click Box to navigate • Lloyd’s office details and contacts • Trading position and size of Lloyd’s business • Available market intelligence products QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Health & Social Services Retail Trade Hotels & Restaurants Real Estate Wholesale Trade 20.9 21.9 36.4 23.8 17.2 -4.2% -3.8% -2.2% -3.8% +1.6% 01 05 07 03 09 Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Austria – TYPE 1 Office > Back to Country Dashboard Business Environment > KEY ISSUES To Watch Risk of Economic Relapse Remains: The burden of non-performing loans (NPLs) on financial sector balance sheets keeps lending conditions tight, which may well lead to a setback to GDP growth momentum during the latter half of 2010. The helpful Austrian export rebound is not assured, given fiscal consolidation needs in most parts of the world and a bumpy recovery in most Eastern European economies, which are of particular importance to Austria. Subdued Inflation Ensures Persistence of Loose Monetary Policy: Following a brief dip in inflation below zero in mid-2009, the recent rebound will not extend far beyond 1%, thus enabling the European Central Bank (ECB) to keep its key interest rate at the current record low of 1.00% until late 2010 or even 2011. SOURCE:IHS Global Insight, (June 2010). For daily updates visit: www.ihsglobalinsight.com Government Plans to Reduce Deficit: Announcements made in March 2010 underlined the government's intention to reduce the public sector deficit over the coming years from a peak of 4.7% of GDP in 2010 to less than 3% by 2013. Extra tax revenues of around 1.1 billion euro and spending cuts of 1.7 billion euro are being targeted, but the precise measures (beyond a special tax on banks) will be decided only after two key regional elections due in late 2010. Pressure Eases on Austria over Tax Co-Operation: The majority of European Union (EU) finance ministers are easing the pressure on "tax havens" Austria and Luxembourg. The ministers' initial attempts to force Austrian and Luxembourgish officials into complying with requests for co-operation in the exchange of tax information have now been replaced by a softer approach. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) regulations do not force countries to co-operate with such requests and Austria wants fellow EU member states to respect this. Labour Market Restrictions Set to Remain in Place Until 2011: The European Commission has accepted the arguments of the Austrian government for upholding labour market restrictions on citizens from Central and Eastern European member states of the EU in certain sectors. The government has primarily pointed to the sharp economic downturn to justify its decision. However, the Commission has urged Austrian officials to ensure that the labour market is prepared for liberalisation in 2011. The expected public outcry in Austria over this liberalisation has thus merely been postponed. Business Environment > Basic Indicators Gross Domestic Product (GDP)(nominal GDP levels in billion USD; Real GDP change) Top-10 Sectors (By Value Added)(a 2008 Level in billion USD & 2009 Change in %) Rankings Ease of Doing BusinessAustria ranks 27th out of 181 countriesGlobal CompetitivenessAustria ranks 14thout of 134 countries Quick LinksDoing Business > www.doingbusiness.org Competitiveness > www.weforum.org 27 Construction 25.9 -3.4% 02 14 Business Services 23.3 -3.2% 04 Public Administration & Defence 20.9 +3.1% 06 Education 19.8 +1.5% 08 Global Opportunities for business indicators> www.lloyds.com/marketintelligence Banking & Related Financial 13.6 -5.5% 10 QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Austria – TYPE 1 Office > Back to Country Dashboard Insurance Environment > Key Stakeholders and Events • Major Insurers • Generali > www.generali.at • Wiener Staedtische > www.wienerstaedtische.at • UNIQA > www.uniqua.at • Allianz > www.allianz.at • Donau > www.donauversicherung.at • Zurich > www.zurich.at • Grazer Wechselseitige > www.grawe.at • Oberosterrichische > www.keinesorgen.at • Niederoesterreichische > www.noev.at • Wuestenrot > www.wuestenrot.at Key Industry & Lloyd’s Events Association Verband der Versicherungsunternehmen > www.vvo.at Regulator Bundesministerium fuer Finanzen > www.fma.gv.at > www.lloyds.com/News_Centre/Events Insurance Environment > Key Statistics Gross Written Premiums (GWP)(direct non-life GWP at constant prices; million USD) Density(direct non-life GWP per capita; USD) Broker PenetrationEstimated broker penetration: 25% – 50%Quick Links Insurance Information Institute> www.iii.org/international/profiles/ Worldwide Assecuranz Directory> http://assecuranz.kompass.com/ Based on soft intelligence and Axco, Statistics: > www.axcoinfo.com/ Austria UK Austria UK 150,000 2,000 1,569 115,725 107,393 120,000 1,500 1,276 90,000 1,000 60,000 500 30,000 13,095 11,876 0 0 Global Opportunities for insurance indicators> www.lloyds.com/marketintelligence 2007 2008 2008 Density QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles) Based on: > www.swissre.com > “World Insurance in 2008” Based on: > www.swissre.com > “World Insurance in 2008”
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Austria – TYPE 1 Office > Back to Country Dashboard Lloyd’s Business > Office Details • Lloyd’s General representative Dr Harald Svoboda Kubac, Svoboda & Kirchweger Rechtsanwälte (GbR) Kantgasse 3 1010 WienAustria • TELEPHONE+43 (0)1 713 07 13 • FAX+ (43-1) 713 24 21 • EMAIL> Harald.svoboda@lloyds.com • WEBSITE> www.lloyds.com/austria • Market Relations Manager Mr Volker Eutebach • TELEPHONE+49 (0)69 5970253 • FAX+49 (0)69 550926 • EMAIL> volker.eutebach@lloyds.com Lloyd’s Business > Key Statistics, Trading Position and Market Intelligence 2009 Lloyd’s Gross Signed Premiums Trading Position Market Intelligence > www.lloyds.com/crystal Total: USD 41m* Direct: USD 16m* Reinsurance: USD 24m* * See:Data limitations for detail; figures are rounded and may not add up to total Services:YesEstablishment:YesReinsurance: Yes Managing Agents have access to information via:www.lloyds.com/REGIONALWATCH> Managing Agent Version> Europe > Eastern Markets QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Belgium – TYPE 2 Office Profile • Key strengths and challenges of the economy • Size and growth of the economy • Basic economic indicators • Key insurers • Insurance industry events • Basic insurance indicators Click Box to navigate • Lloyd’s office details and contacts • Trading position and size of Lloyd’s business • Available market intelligence products QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Public Admin. & Defence Banking & Related Financial Retail Trade Wholesale Trade Business Services 15.2 26.4 31.9 33.1 51.1 -4.4% +2.8% -2.3% -4.6% -4.6% 05 07 03 01 09 Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Belgium – TYPE 2 Office > Back to Country Dashboard Business Environment > Strengths & Challenges Recurring Political Stalemate: In April 2010, Prime Minister Yves Leterme offered his resignation for the third time since the 2007 parliamentary election following the resignation of a key coalition ally. Administrative reforms, particularly regarding greater regional fiscal autonomy, have poisoned relations between the ruling parties. The ongoing disputes do not threaten the country's overall stability, but progress on administrative and economic reforms will remain sluggish at best. Higher Oil Prices Main Risk to Near-Term Economic Growth: Rising global oil prices and a recently weaker euro could push consumer price inflation higher in the near term. This would restrict purchasing power and limit private consumption, thus hampering the fragile economic recovery. SOURCE:IHS Global Insight, (June 2010). For daily updates visit: www.ihsglobalinsight.com Fiscal Position Deteriorating: No improvement in the fiscal position is expected in the near term as the government is continuing to pursue an expansionary fiscal policy to help the fragile economy. As a result, the country's public debt will continue its upward trend in the near term and remain very high by Eurozone standards. Tax Disputes Still Possible Despite Removal from OECD "Grey List": Belgium was quickly removed from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's (OECD) "grey list" after the government managed to sign the requisite 12 revised double-taxation agreements between April and July 2009. The new treaties increase the scope for co-operation between Belgian tax authorities and foreign public investigators in cases of suspected tax evasion. However, disputes may still occur since the new treaties—based on the OECD Model Tax Convention—offer considerable room for refusal to co-operate. Fate of Fortis Bank Haunts Government: The government is constantly being reminded of its shortcomings during negotiations over the fate of financial services group Fortis. It is determined to break up the entity, yet minority shareholders are pushing for an improved offer. Talks are being held under the aegis of a court-appointed panel of experts. The general line is that shareholders will be consulted further but that the break-up will ultimately go ahead. Business Environment > Basic Indicators Gross Domestic Product (GDP)(at constant prices; billion USD) Top-10 Sectors (By Value Added)(a 2008 Level in billion USD & 2009 Change in %) Rankings Ease of Doing BusinessBelgium ranks 19th out of 181 countriesGlobal CompetitivenessBelgium ranks 19thout of 134 countries Quick LinksDoing Business > www.doingbusiness.org Competitiveness > www.weforum.org 19 Real Estate 42.5 -5.6% 02 19 Health & Social Services 32.2 -0.2% 04 Education 29.9 +0.7% 06 Construction 23.3 -4.6% 08 Global Opportunities for business indicators> www.lloyds.com/marketintelligence Supporting Transport Services 14.4 -4.6% 10 QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Belgium – TYPE 2 Office > Back to Country Dashboard Insurance Environment > Key Stakeholders and Events • Major Insurers • AXA > www.axa.be • BNP Paribas Fortis > www.fortis.be • Ethias > www.ethias.be • KBC > www.kbc.be • Winterthur (AXA) > www.winterthur.com • Dexia > www.dexia.be • Allianz > www.allianz.be • DKV > www.dkv.be • Vivium > www.vivium.be • Mercator > www.mercator.be Key Industry & Lloyd’s Events Association Insurance Companies' Association > www.assuralia.be Regulator Banking, Finance and Insurance Commission > www.cbfa.be > www.lloyds.com/News_Centre/Events Insurance Environment > Key Statistics Gross Written Premiums (GWP)(direct non-life GWP at constant prices; million USD) Density(direct non-life GWP per capita; USD) Broker PenetrationEstimated broker penetration: 50% – 75%Quick Links Insurance Information Institute> www.iii.org/international/profiles/ Worldwide Assecuranz Directory> http://assecuranz.kompass.com/ Based on soft intelligence and Axco, Statistics: > www.axcoinfo.com/ Belgium UK Belgium UK 1,277 1,276 150,000 1,400 115,725 1,200 107,393 120,000 1,000 90,000 800 600 60,000 400 16,358 30,000 14,527 200 0 0 Global Opportunities for insurance indicators> www.lloyds.com/marketintelligence 2007 2008 2008 Density QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles) Based on: > www.swissre.com > “World Insurance in 2008” Based on: > www.swissre.com > “World Insurance in 2008”
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Belgium – TYPE 2 Office > Back to Country Dashboard Lloyd’s Business > Office Details • Lloyd’s General representative Mr Alexis Fontein Underwriters' in Belgium c/o D’Hoine & Mackay Schalienstraat 30 2000 Antwerp Belgium • TELEPHONE+32 3470 2309 • FAX+32 3470 2317 • EMAIL> alexis.fontein@lloyds.com • WEBSITE> www.lloyds.com/belgium Lloyd’s Business > Key Statistics, Trading Position and Market Intelligence 2009 Lloyd’s Gross Signed Premiums Trading Position Market Intelligence > www.lloyds.com/crystal Total: USD 111m* Direct: USD 77m* Reinsurance: USD 35m* * See:Data limitations for detail; figures are rounded and may not add up to total Services:YesEstablishment:YesReinsurance: Yes Managing Agents have access to information via:www.lloyds.com/REGIONALWATCH> Managing Agent Version> Europe > Small Markets QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Cyprus – TYPE 2 Office Profile • Key strengths and challenges of the economy • Size and growth of the economy • Basic economic indicators • Key insurers • Insurance industry events • Basic insurance indicators Click Box to navigate • Lloyd’s office details and contacts • Trading position and size of Lloyd’s business • Available market intelligence products QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Cyprus – TYPE 2 Office > Back to Country Dashboard Business Environment > KEY ISSUES To Watch Potential Costs of Reunification Top 9 billion Euro: Most recent estimates have put the potential cost of reunification at 9 billion euro, with the international community likely to be asked to make up a substantial shortfall in public finances. However, the potential economic benefits of reunification far outstrip this, with the island's principal sectors—tourism and construction—expected to receive a major boost, as well as improving the general business environment. Slack Economic Activity, Burst Property Bubble Exacerbating Fiscal Gap: Cyprus had undertaken aggressive steps to bring its public-sector deficit and public debt within the Maastricht criteria in order to join the Eurozone. However, in the lacklustre European economic environment, and with the downward correction in asset values, tax receipts are affected, whereas the social safety net has required additional expenditure. The pension system will also experience problems, as it was already in need of reform, given an ageing population. SOURCE:IHS Global Insight, (June 2010). For daily updates visit: www.ihsglobalinsight.com Shaky Consumer Confidence in Western Europe Likely to Affect Critical Tourism Sector: The tourism sector is important to the economy, accounting for a larger share of value added than industry, and helping to balance the chronic deficit on merchandise trade. Record low consumer confidence and tighter household budgets in Western Europe resulted in cancelled holidays in 2009 and, given stubborn unemployment and concern over the impact of fiscal reform across the region, we are unlikely to see much of a recovery in 2010. Net Inflows on Non-Factor Services and Foreign Direct Investment Play a Critical Role in Providing Financing for External Trade Gap: Cyprus' imports continue to massively outweigh the island's goods exports. Typically, it has substantially offset that gap with large surpluses on non-factor services. However, lacklustre consumer demand in key economies is eroding tourism receipts, as well as receipts from financial services in this popular offshore banking centre. Although import demand has also slackened, a large merchandise trade deficit will still be registered. Immigration Policy Facing Overhaul: There is a pressing need for a general overhaul of Cyprus' immigration policy, not only to bring it into line with European Union guidelines, but also with reality, and the economy's needs. However, any attempts at reform are likely to be met with suspicion because of the high seasonal influx of illegal immigrants arriving on the island every year. This reluctance has been exacerbated by the economic downturn and subsequent public reluctance to tolerate high spending on policies designed to integrate immigrants. Business Environment > Basic Indicators Gross Domestic Product (GDP)(nominal GDP levels in billion USD; Real GDP change) Rankings Ease of Doing BusinessCyprus ranks N/A out of 181 countriesGlobal CompetitivenessCyprus ranks 40thout of 134 countries Quick LinksDoing Business > www.doingbusiness.org Competitiveness > www.weforum.org N/A 40 Global Opportunities for business indicators> www.lloyds.com/marketintelligence QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Cyprus – TYPE 2 Office > Back to Country Dashboard Insurance Environment > Key Stakeholders and Events • Major Insurers • Laiki > www.laiki.com • General Insurance of Cyprus > www.gic.com.cy • Pancyprian Insurance > www.hellenicbank.com • Cosmos > www.cosmosinsurance.com.cy • Atlantic > www.atlantic.com.cy • Universal Life > www.universallife.com.cy • American Home > www.aigcyprus.com • Minerva > www.minerva.com.cy • Commercial General > www.cgi.com.cy • Alpha Insurance > www.alphabank.com.cy Key Industry & Lloyd’s Events Association Insurance Association of Cyprus > www.iac.org.cy Regulator Insurance Companies Control Service > www.mof.gov.cy > www.lloyds.com/News_Centre/Events Insurance Environment > Key Statistics Gross Written Premiums (GWP)(direct non-life GWP at constant prices; million USD) Density(direct non-life GWP per capita; USD) Broker PenetrationEstimated broker penetration: 00% – 25%Quick Links Insurance Information Institute> www.iii.org/international/profiles/ Worldwide Assecuranz Directory> http://assecuranz.kompass.com/ Based on soft intelligence and Axco, Statistics: > www.axcoinfo.com/ Cyprus UK Cyprus UK 1,276 150,000 1,400 115,725 1,200 107,393 120,000 1,000 90,000 800 611 600 60,000 400 30,000 200 455 528 0 0 Global Opportunities for insurance indicators> www.lloyds.com/marketintelligence 2007 2008 2008 Density QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles) Based on: > www.swissre.com > “World Insurance in 2008” Based on: > www.swissre.com > “World Insurance in 2008”
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Cyprus – TYPE 2 Office > Back to Country Dashboard Lloyd’s Business > Office Details • Lloyd’s General representative Ms Marianna Papadakis Lloyd's Cyprus Limited 195 Arch Makarios lll Avenue Neocleous House Limassol 3030 Cyprus • TELEPHONE+44 0207 327 6802 • FAX+44 0207 327 5255 • EMAIL> marianna.papadakis@lloyds.com • WEBSITE> www.lloyds.com/cyprus Lloyd’s Business > Key Statistics, Trading Position and Market Intelligence 2009 Lloyd’s Gross Signed Premiums Trading Position Market Intelligence > www.lloyds.com/crystal Total: USD 45m* Direct: USD 32m* Reinsurance: USD 13m* * See:Data limitations for detail; figures are rounded and may not add up to total Services:YesEstablishment:YesReinsurance: Yes Managing Agents have access to information via:www.lloyds.com/REGIONALWATCH> Managing Agent Version> Europe > Small Markets QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Denmark – Type 1 Office Profile • Key strengths and challenges of the economy • Size and growth of the economy • Basic economic indicators • Key insurers • Insurance industry events • Basic insurance indicators Click Box to navigate • Lloyd’s office details and contacts • Trading position and size of Lloyd’s business • Available market intelligence products QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Public Admin. And Defence Wholesale Trade Education Oil and Gas Mining Health & Social Services 12.1 32.5 16.2 18.9 17.9 -3.8% +2.5% +0.7% +1.8% -3.6% 09 01 03 07 05 Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Denmark – TYPE 1 Office > Back to Country Dashboard Business Environment > KEY ISSUES To Watch Worsening Competitive Position is a Risk to Exports: High and rising labour costs coupled with a strong currency are hurting Denmark's currently strong competitive position. The trade balance turned to deficit in 2008 although it moved back to a small surplus in 2009. The situation could worsen, however, in the near term as rising labour and input costs, in conjunction with a stronger krone, will make Danish exports increasingly expensive. A Prolonged Housing-Market Slump is Main Near-Term Risk to Domestic Demand: Indeed, house prices declined markedly in 2008-2009, following double-digit annual increases for several years up until late 2007. If the housing market slump was to continue in 2010, consumer confidence and spending will not recover as we expect. In turn this would limit overall growth and the activity in the construction sector, in particular. SOURCE:IHS Global Insight, (June 2010). For daily updates visit: www.ihsglobalinsight.com New Government, Old Remedies: Against the high odds, the Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen managed to push through his candidacy for NATO General Secretary. His successor is the previous Finance Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen, with whom Fogh Rasmussen shares the same outlook on how to resolve the economic downturn. Løkke Rasmussen has announced strikingly similar policies to see the government through to the parliamentary election in 2011. Yet he may have to deviate strongly as time progresses to keep government-friendly deputies in check and thus punch above the true weight of the ruling parties in parliament. Danish Government Backtracks on Holding EU Integration Referenda Soon: The financial and economic crises have reduced the willingness of the Danish government to hold referenda on greater integration into the European Union anytime soon. Back in August 2008, the Danish government was supposed to set the agenda for holding referenda on current Danish opt-outs, notably the euro. Yet the Irish no-vote on the EU Reform Treaty and the crises have upset the plan. At this stage, the government is not expected to announce any dates before late 2010/early 2011, when the economy is expected to have recovered slightly. Danish Banking Sector Receives Significant Makeover: The government is coming to the rescue of troubled Danish banks in order to stabilise the economy. Yet, the 100-billion-kroner rescue package comes with far-reaching conditions. Banks taking up the funds should lend preferably to small- and medium-sized enterprises, managers should not earn more than 20% of their salaries in bonuses, and the Financial Supervisory Authority will have a greater say in the running of the banks. Loans are available between June 2009 and 2012 at a loan interest of 9-12%. Business Environment > Basic Indicators Gross Domestic Product (GDP)(nominal GDP levels in billion USD; Real GDP change) Top-10 Sectors (By Value Added)(a 2008 Level in billion USD & 2009 Change in %) Rankings Ease of Doing BusinessDenmark ranks 5th out of 181 countriesGlobal CompetitivenessDenmark ranks 3rdout of 134 countries Quick LinksDoing Business > www.doingbusiness.org Competitiveness > www.weforum.org 5 Real Estate 29.9 -1.1% 02 3 Business Services 18.3 -2.8% 04 Construction 17.0 -5.8% 06 Retail Trade 15.0 -4.7% 08 Global Opportunities for business indicators> www.lloyds.com/marketintelligence Banking & Related Financial 10.2 -2.5% 10 QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Denmark – Type 1 Office > Back to Country Dashboard Insurance Environment > Key Stakeholders and Events • Major Insurers • Tryg Skade > www.tryg.dk • Topdanmark > www.topdanmark.dk • Codan (RSA) > www.codan.dk • Alm. Brand > www.almbrand.dk • Danmark > www.sygeforsikring.dk • IHI Denmark (Bupa) > www.ihi.com • Alka > www.alka.dk • Nykredit > www.nykredit.dk • GF-Forsikring > www.gf-forsikring.dk • Danske Forsikring > www.danskeforsikring.dk Key Industry & Lloyd’s Events Association Forsikring & Pension > www.forsikringenshus.dk Regulator Insurance Supervisory Authority > www.ftnet.dk > www.lloyds.com/News_Centre/Events Insurance Environment > Key Statistics Gross Written Premiums (GWP)(direct non-life GWP at constant prices; million USD) Density(direct non-life GWP per capita; USD) Broker PenetrationEstimated broker penetration: 25% – 50%Quick Links Insurance Information Institute> www.iii.org/international/profiles/ Worldwide Assecuranz Directory> http://assecuranz.kompass.com/ Based on soft intelligence and Axco, Statistics: > www.axcoinfo.com/ Denmark UK Denmark UK 150,000 2,000 1,750 115,725 107,393 120,000 1,500 1,276 90,000 1,000 60,000 500 30,000 11,367 10,244 0 0 Global Opportunities for insurance indicators> www.lloyds.com/marketintelligence 2007 2008 2008 Density QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles) Based on: > www.swissre.com > “World Insurance in 2008” Based on: > www.swissre.com > “World Insurance in 2008”
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Denmark – Type 1 Office > Back to Country Dashboard Lloyd’s Business > Office Details • Lloyd’s General representative Mr Jes Anker MikkelsenLloyd’s c/o Bech-Bruun Langelinie Allé 35 DK-2100 Copenhagen Denmark • TELEPHONE+45 (0)7227 3586 • FAX+45 (0)7227 0027 • EMAIL> jam@bechbruun.com • WEBSITE> www.lloyds.com/denmark • Nordic Area Manager Mr Erik Borjesson Stureplan 4c 4th Floor Stockholm 114 35 Sweden • TELEPHONE+00 46 705 399 982 • EMAIL> erik.borjesson@lloyds.com Lloyd’s Business > Key Statistics, Trading Position and Market Intelligence 2009 Lloyd’s Gross Signed Premiums Trading Position Market Intelligence > www.lloyds.com/crystal Brokers have access to information via:www.lloyds.com/MARKETPRESENTATIONS Total: USD 180m* Direct: USD 114m* Reinsurance: USD 66m* * See:Data limitations for detail; figures are rounded and may not add up to total Services:Yes, other than aircraft liability Establishment:Yes, other than life insurance, suretyship, credit or tourist assistanceReinsurance: Yes Managing Agents have access to information via:www.lloyds.com/REGIONALWATCH> Managing Agent Version> Europe > Nordic Markets QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific France – Type 3 Office Profile • Key strengths and challenges of the economy • Size and growth of the economy • Basic economic indicators • Key insurers • Insurance industry events • Basic insurance indicators Click Box to navigate • Lloyd’s office details and contacts • Trading position and size of Lloyd’s business • Available market intelligence products QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Health & Social Services Banking & Related Financial Education Construction Real Estate 74.1 135.2 179.2 217.8 376.9 -0.8% +2.1% +0.4% +1.1% -6.7% 09 07 05 01 03 Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific France – Type 3 Office > Back to Country Dashboard Business Environment > KEY ISSUES To Watch Government Reform Zeal Worries Local Authorities: The government introduced a number of proposed reforms to the regional administrative system in October 2009, leading to much consternation among the local authorities. Although plans to transfer greater powers to the local level have been welcomed, many of the proposed reforms have come in for heavy criticism. The main bone of contention is the decision to scrap the business tax, which has been a lifeline for many local governments but a huge burden on many businesses. The government's success in decentralising administration will hinge to a large extent on how well the business tax's replacement, the "territorial economic contribution" (CET), is applied. Government Looks to Address Work-Related Stress: A wave of suicides at France Télécom, the country's leading operator in the fixed-line and mobile sectors, has led to criticism of French labour regulations. Between January 2008 and October 2009, 25 France Télécom staff members took their own lives, something trade unions have blamed on the company's management style. A government inquiry into work-related stress is set to be completed in February 2010, culminating in an action plan to improve employees' wellbeing without jeopardising companies' profits. SOURCE:IHS Global Insight, (June 2010). For daily updates visit: www.ihsglobalinsight.com Economic Recovery Likely to Be Laboured: Increasing unemployment, still tight credit conditions, the need to reduce the large fiscal deficit, and the phasing out of the successful car scrappage scheme will limit economic growth going forward. IHS Global Insight's April 2010 forecast sees GDP rising by 1.3% in 2010 and by 1.5% in 2011, following contraction of 2.2% in 2009. Draft 2010 Budget Foresees Record Deficit and Debt Levels: The 2010 budget keeps in place most of the stimulus measures implemented in 2009. The fiscal shortfall is expected to stand at 8.5% in 2010, up from an anticipated 8.2% in 2009 and well above the European Union's (EU) 3%-of-GDP limit. Higher deficits are projected to take the total stock of government debt to a staggering 84% of GDP in 2010 and to 91% by 2013. Labour Market Unlikely to Improve Before H2 2010: GDP growth in recent quarters has been insufficient to create jobs. Indeed, firms are still reluctant to add to their workforces as a result of weak demand and excess capacity levels. Encouragingly, business confidence has improved in recent months, albeit from a very low base. All in all, we expect the unemployment rate to average 10.1% in 2010 and 9.8% in 2011, up from an estimated 9.3% in 2009. Business Environment > Basic Indicators Gross Domestic Product (GDP)(nominal GDP levels in billion USD; Real GDP change) Top-10 Sectors (By Value Added)(a 2008 Level in billion USD & 2009 Change in %) Rankings Ease of Doing BusinessFrance ranks 31stout of 181 countriesGlobal CompetitivenessFrance ranks 16thout of 134 countries Quick LinksDoing Business > www.doingbusiness.org Competitiveness > www.weforum.org 31 Business Services 246 -1.6% 02 16 Public Admin. & Defence 188.9 +0.7% 04 Retail Trade 140 -2.7% 06 Wholesale Trade 109.5 -3.1% 08 Global Opportunities for business indicators> www.lloyds.com/marketintelligence Computing & Related Services 64.3 -0.5% 10 QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific France – Type 3 Office > Back to Country Dashboard Insurance Environment > Key Stakeholders and Events • Major Insurers • Covea > www.covea.fr • Axa > www.axa.fr • Groupama > www.groupama.fr • AGF Allianz > www.allianz.fr • Generali > www.generali.fr • Macif > www.macif.fr • MAIF > www.maif.fr • ACM > www.acm.fr • Credit Agricole / Lyonnais > www.credit-agricole.com • Swiss Life > www.swisslife.fr Key Industry & Lloyd’s Events Association Federation Française des Societes d'Assurances > www.ffsa.com Regulator Secrétariat du Comité des entreprises d'assurance > www.ceassur.fr > www.lloyds.com/News_Centre/Events Insurance Environment > Key Statistics Gross Written Premiums (GWP)(direct non-life GWP at constant prices; million USD) Density(direct non-life GWP per capita; USD) Broker PenetrationEstimated broker penetration: 00% – 25%Quick Links Insurance Information Institute> www.iii.org/international/profiles/ Worldwide Assecuranz Directory> http://assecuranz.kompass.com/ Based on soft intelligence and Axco, Statistics: > www.axcoinfo.com/ France UK France UK 150,000 1,360 1,339 115,725 1,340 107,393 120,000 91,861 1,320 83,229 90,000 1,300 60,000 1,276 1,280 30,000 1,260 1,240 0 Global Opportunities for insurance indicators> www.lloyds.com/marketintelligence 2007 2008 2008 Density QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles) Based on: > www.swissre.com > “World Insurance in 2008” Based on: > www.swissre.com > “World Insurance in 2008”
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific France – Type 3 Office > Back to Country Dashboard Lloyd’s Business > Office Details • Lloyd’s General representative Mr Guy-Antoine de La Rochefoucauld Lloyd's France SAS 4 rue des Petits Pères 75002 Paris France • TELEPHONE+33 1 42 60 43 43 • FAX+33 1 42 60 14 41 • EMAIL> guy-antoine.delarochefoucauld@lloyds.com • WEBSITE> www.lloyds.com/france Lloyd’s Business > Key Statistics, Trading Position and Market Intelligence 2009 Lloyd’s Gross Signed Premiums Trading Position Market Intelligence > www.lloyds.com/crystal Total: USD 691m* Direct: USD 368m* Reinsurance: USD 322m* * See:Data limitations for detail; figures are rounded and may not add up to total Services:Yes Establishment:Yes, except life assistanceReinsurance: Yes Managing Agents have access to information via:www.lloyds.com/REGIONALWATCH> Managing Agent Version> Europe > France QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Germany – TYPE 3 Office Profile • Key strengths and challenges of the economy • Size and growth of the economy • Basic economic indicators • Key insurers • Insurance industry events • Basic insurance indicators Click Box to navigate • Lloyd’s office details and contacts • Trading position and size of Lloyd’s business • Available market intelligence products QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Health & Social Services Sanitation, Trade Organisations Education Retail Trade Real Estate 93.2 143.9 172.8 238.3 400.2 +1.0% +2.2% -1.6% +2.1% -0.8% 09 07 05 03 01 Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Germany – TYPE 3 Office > Back to Country Dashboard Business Environment > KEY ISSUES To Watch Regional Election in North Rhine-Westphalia Casts Shadow: Tensions between the centre-right government coalition partners are set to grow again after the dismal performance of the senior ruling Christian Democratic Union (CDU) at the key May 2010 regional election in Germany's most populous state, North Rhine-Westphalia. The CDU and Free Democratic Party (FDP) had put a lid on simmering tensions ahead of the poll, but disagreements on tax and health-care reforms and possibly Afghanistan are now likely to come to the fore. Financial Sector Problems Remain Burden Despite Economic Recovery: Weakening financial sector balance sheets will depress domestic demand for a lengthy period because of persistently tight lending conditions, but exports are being fuelled with growing momentum by solid global growth. Leading indicators such as the Ifo index need to be monitored closely for any signs that improving external demand is faltering again during 2010. SOURCE:IHS Global Insight, (June 2010). For daily updates visit: www.ihsglobalinsight.com ECB Will Keep Foot on Accelerator for Extended Period: As inflation temporarily turned negative during the third quarter of 2009 and currently remains subdued, the European Central Bank (ECB) will keep its key interest rate at the current record low of 1.00% during 2010. Any "non-standard" measures aimed at supporting liquidity and bank lending will be phased out only very gradually and with great care in order to prevent a renewed banking sector crisis. Consumption Set to Remain Weak for Most of 2010: Consumer spending was supported throughout the worst months of the 2008–09 recession by lagged effects of previous employment and wage growth, sharply declining inflation, the increase in the savings rate over the last decade (creating pent-up demand), fairly strong pension increases in July 2009, and various fiscal stimulus measures. These factors are absent or will disappear in 2010, and unemployment should show a lagged increase, placing a burden on private consumption. Labour Market Restrictions on East European EU Citizens Remain in Place: Germany managed to convince the European Commission in June 2009 of the need to keep these restrictions in place until 2011 in light of the sharp economic downturn, despite protests from the governments of the affected Central and Eastern European countries. By delaying the relaxation of these restrictions, the government may have merely postponed a domestic outcry on the issue; such a reaction seems inevitable, especially if unemployment continues to increase amid sluggish economic growth. Business Environment > Basic Indicators Gross Domestic Product (GDP)(nominal GDP levels in billion USD; Real GDP change) Top-10 Sectors (By Value Added)(a 2008 Level in billion USD & 2009 Change in %) Rankings Ease of Doing BusinessGermany ranks 25th out of 181 countriesGlobal CompetitivenessGermany ranks 7thout of 134 countries Quick LinksDoing Business > www.doingbusiness.org Competitiveness > www.weforum.org 25 Business Services 303.5 -2.1% 02 7 Public Admin. & Defence 188.7 +2.2% 04 Wholesale Trade 149.1 -4.9% 06 Construction 131.2 -5.4% 08 Global Opportunities for business indicators> www.lloyds.com/marketintelligence Banking & Related Financial 91.4 -6.3% 10 QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Germany – TYPE 3 Office > Back to Country Dashboard Insurance Environment > Key Stakeholders and Events • Major Insurers • Allianz > www.allianz.com • HDI-Gerling > www.hdi-gerling.com • AXA > www.axa.com • R + V Allgemeine > www.ruv.de • Zurich > www.zurich.com • Victoria > www.victoria.de • Wuerttembergische > www.wuerttembergische.de • Gothaer > www.gothaer.de • Huk Coburg > www.huk.de Key Industry & Lloyd’s Events Association GDV > www.gdv.de Regulator Bafin > www.bafin.de > www.lloyds.com/News_Centre/Events Insurance Environment > Key Statistics Gross Written Premiums (GWP)(direct non-life GWP at constant prices; million USD) Density(direct non-life GWP per capita; USD) Broker PenetrationEstimated broker penetration: 50% – 75%Quick Links Insurance Information Institute> www.iii.org/international/profiles/ Worldwide Assecuranz Directory> http://assecuranz.kompass.com/ Based on soft intelligence and Axco, Statistics: > www.axcoinfo.com/ Germany UK Germany UK 150,000 2,000 131,807 121,446 1,573 115,725 107,393 120,000 1,500 1,276 90,000 1,000 60,000 500 30,000 0 0 Global Opportunities for insurance indicators> www.lloyds.com/marketintelligence 2007 2008 2008 Density QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles) Based on: > www.swissre.com > “World Insurance in 2008” Based on: > www.swissre.com > “World Insurance in 2008”
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Germany – TYPE 3 Office > Back to Country Dashboard Lloyd’s Business > Office Details • Lloyd’s General representative Mr Burkard von Siegfried Niederlassung für Deutschland Gärtnerweg 3 60322 Frankfurt Deutschland • TELEPHONE+ 49 (0)69 5970253 • FAX+ 49 (0)69 550926 • EMAIL> burkard.vonsiegfried@lloyds.com • WEBSITE> www.lloyds.com/germany • Market Relations Manager Mr Volker Eutebach • TELEPHONE+49 (0)69 5970253 • FAX+49 (0)69 550926 • EMAIL> volker.eutebach@lloyds.com Lloyd’s Business > Key Statistics, Trading Position and Market Intelligence 2009 Lloyd’s Gross Signed Premiums Trading Position Market Intelligence > www.lloyds.com/crystal Brokers have access to information via:www.lloyds.com/MARKETPRESENTATIONS Total: USD 511m* Direct: USD 271m* Reinsurance: USD 240m* * See:Data limitations for detail; figures are rounded and may not add up to total Services:YesEstablishment:YesReinsurance: Yes Managing Agents have access to information via:www.lloyds.com/REGIONALWATCH> Managing Agent Version> Europe > Germany QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Greece – Type 2 Office Profile • Key strengths and challenges of the economy • Size and growth of the economy • Basic economic indicators • Key insurers • Insurance industry events • Basic insurance indicators Click Box to navigate • Lloyd’s office details and contacts • Trading position and size of Lloyd’s business • Available market intelligence products QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Hotels & Restaurants Water Transport Education Wholesale Trade Real Estate 12.6 19.1 21.7 24.3 34.2 -2.3% -1.4% -0.8% +1.1% -3.3% 09 07 05 03 01 Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Greece – Type 2 Office > Back to Country Dashboard Business Environment > KEY ISSUES To Watch Market Pressure Shows No Sign of Abating: Rating agency Standard and Poor's (S&P) downgraded Greece's sovereign rating to "junk" status in April 2010, the first time this has happened to a Eurozone member, triggering a sharp increase in bond spreads and credit default swaps. The government must not only achieve the planned reduction in the fiscal shortfall in 2010—from 13.6% to 8.1% of GDP—but it must also announce how the deficit will be brought down in 2011 and 2012 and implement reforms to improve the long-term sustainability of the public finances if it is to have any chance of succeeding. Economy Will Contract Sharply in 2010: A "flash" estimate released in May 2010 suggested Greek GDP plunged during the first quarter of the year. IHS Global Insight expects the dip in activity to intensify during the coming quarters. Private consumption will come under intense pressure as a result of higher unemployment, weaker wage growth, and significantly tighter fiscal policy, including a higher value-added tax (VAT) rate. Moreover, a reduced availability of credit and concerns about the economic outlook will not only deter households from consuming, but will also weigh down on investment expenditure, which will also be hit by large spare capacity levels and plunging demand. Improving external demand and the recent depreciation of the euro should help exports, but gains will be limited by the weak external competitiveness of Greece's export sector. SOURCE:IHS Global Insight, (June 2010). For daily updates visit: www.ihsglobalinsight.com Government's Austerity Measures Spark Wave of Demonstrations: Since returning to power in October 2009, the ruling Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) has announced a number of austerity packages aimed at resuscitating the economy and regaining the trust of international markets. The tightening measures, however, have not been welcomed by the trade unions and throughout the first quarter of 2010 Greece experienced a series of nationwide protests, paralysing most of the country's public services. Social tensions are likely to continue in the near future. New Tax Reforms to Curb Evasion and Shift Burden to Wealthy: In a bid to increase state revenues, the PASOK government has proposed a new tax reform that will shift the tax burden onto high earners (mainly by changing income tax brackets and through the introduction of a 45% income tax rate) and attempt to crack down on widespread tax evasion. The corporate tax rate is still set to decrease from the current 25% to 20% by 2014. Unemployment Will Continue to Increase, Putting Private Consumption Under Pressure: Falling demand levels, tight credit conditions, squeezed margins, and uncertainly over the economic outlook are weighing down on firms' hiring decisions. IHS Global Insight believes that higher unemployment, combined with significantly tighter fiscal conditions, will keep private consumption—which represents around 70% of Greek GDP—in the doldrums throughout 2010. Business Environment > Basic Indicators Gross Domestic Product (GDP)(nominal GDP levels in billion USD; Real GDP change) Top-10 Sectors (By Value Added)(a 2008 Level in billion USD & 2009 Change in %) Rankings Ease of Doing BusinessGreece ranks 96th out of 181 countriesGlobal CompetitivenessGreece ranks 67thout of 134 countries Quick LinksDoing Business > www.doingbusiness.org Competitiveness > www.weforum.org 96 Public Admin. & Defence 27.9 +2.3% 02 67 Construction 23.2 +1.2% 04 Retail Trade 21.4 -2.1% 06 Health & Social Services 15.3 +2.4% 08 Global Opportunities for business indicators> www.lloyds.com/marketintelligence Agriculture 12.3 +3.9% 10 QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Greece – Type 2 Office > Back to Country Dashboard Insurance Environment > Key Stakeholders and Events • Major Insurers • Ethniki > www.ethniki-asfalistiki.gr • Interamerican > www.interamerican.gr • Agrotiki > www.agroins.com • Intersalonika > www.intersalonika.gr • Aspis > www.aspis.gr • Ydrogios > www.ydrogios.gr • Commercial Value > www.commercialvalue.gr • Groupama > www.groupama.gr • International Union • General Union Key Industry & Lloyd’s Events Association Association of Insurance Companies > www.eaee.gr Regulator Private Insurance Supervisory Committee > www.pisc.gr > www.lloyds.com/News_Centre/Events Insurance Environment > Key Statistics Gross Written Premiums (GWP)(direct non-life GWP at constant prices; million USD) Density(direct non-life GWP per capita; USD) Broker PenetrationEstimated broker penetration: 00% – 25%Quick Links Insurance Information Institute> www.iii.org/international/profiles/ Worldwide Assecuranz Directory> http://assecuranz.kompass.com/ Based on soft intelligence and Axco, Statistics: > www.axcoinfo.com/ Greece UK Greece UK 1,276 150,000 1,400 115,725 1,200 107,393 120,000 1,000 90,000 800 600 60,000 287 400 30,000 200 3,224 2,912 0 0 Global Opportunities for insurance indicators> www.lloyds.com/marketintelligence 2007 2008 2008 Density QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles) Based on: > www.swissre.com > “World Insurance in 2008” Based on: > www.swissre.com > “World Insurance in 2008”
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Greece – Type 2 Office > Back to Country Dashboard Lloyd’s Business > Office Details • Lloyd’s General representative Ms Marianna Papadakis Office in Greece 25A Boukourestiou Street 106 71 Athens Greece • TELEPHONE+44 0207 327 6802 +30 210 363 9156 • FAX+44 0207 327 5255 • EMAIL> marianna.papadakis@lloyds.com • WEBSITE> www.lloyds.com/greece Lloyd’s Business > Key Statistics, Trading Position and Market Intelligence 2009 Lloyd’s Gross Signed Premiums Trading Position Market Intelligence > www.lloyds.com/crystal Total: USD 221m* Direct: USD 166m* Reinsurance: USD 55m* * See:Data limitations for detail; figures are rounded and may not add up to total Services:Yes Establishment:Yes Reinsurance: Yes Managing Agents have access to information via:www.lloyds.com/REGIONALWATCH> Managing Agent Version> Europe > Small Markets QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Ireland – Type 3 Office Profile • Key strengths and challenges of the economy • Size and growth of the economy • Basic economic indicators • Key insurers • Insurance industry events • Basic insurance indicators Click Box to navigate • Lloyd’s office details and contacts • Trading position and size of Lloyd’s business • Available market intelligence products QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Banking & Related Financial Public Admin. & Defence Retail Trade Wholesale Trade Construction 10.9 12.0 13.3 17.4 20.6 -0.7% -9.6% -20.2% -11.6% -9.2% 09 07 05 03 01 Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Ireland – Type 3 Office > Back to Country Dashboard Business Environment > KEY ISSUES To Watch Irish "Bad Bank" Scheme Starts to Operate: In March 2010, the long-awaited "bank bad" scheme was finally launched in Ireland to take ownership of banks' loans arising from the property market. The National Asset Management Agency (NAMA) will now buy loans from the country's largest banks and building societies. The government hopes that the scheme will allow Irish banks to recover from their bad loan problems. However, critics are sceptical about the scheme's long-term effectiveness. Economy Still Under Intense Pressure, But Worst Now Over: IHS Global Insight's February forecast foresees GDP contracting only modestly in 2010, following a sharp fall in 2009. Although several short-term indicators suggest there was a noticeable improvement in economic conditions during the first quarter of 2010, the recovery will be extremely laboured. The government has tightened its fiscal policy significantly in order to deal with the huge deficit, while unemployment is expected to continue to increase despite the country's exit from recession. Additionally, tight credit conditions, still plummeting house prices, and large excess capacity will limit the recovery during the coming quarters. SOURCE:IHS Global Insight, (June 2010). For daily updates visit: www.ihsglobalinsight.com Prices Expected to Continue to Fall Until Mid-2010: Consumer prices started to contract on an annual basis in January 2009 and are likely to continue to fall over the coming months. Although base effects stemming from the record oil prices recorded in 2009 will be increasingly negative—driving the headline inflation figure up—still very weak demand, large excess capacity levels, and increasing competition will continue to dent firms' pricing power, keeping inflation at bay. Demand for Irish Government Bonds Will Remain Strong: Ireland's government has already raised more than 50% of its total bond issuance for 2010. The latest bond auction, carried out in mid-March, paid the lowest spreads vis-à-vis comparable German bonds in more than a year, showing that investors' appetite for Irish debt is still robust. Ireland has differentiated itself from other highly indebted Eurozone countries by implementing one of the toughest budgets in its history, and the country is expected to meet its funding requirements for 2010 comfortably. Business Ties with Northern Ireland Have Improved Markedly: Irish business organisations and government agencies have recently pushed for better relations with the economically booming Northern Ireland. Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Brian Cowen and Northern Irish first minister Peter Robinson plan to boost investment opportunities both in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland by, among other things, facilitating worker mobility and acknowledging entitlement to social security benefits. The Northern Irish authorities will have to overcome the shortcomings in the political arena as relations between nationalist and unionist leaders are still strained. Business Environment > Basic Indicators Gross Domestic Product (GDP)(nominal GDP levels in billion USD; Real GDP change) Top-10 Sectors (By Value Added)(a 2008 Level in billion USD & 2009 Change in %) Rankings Ease of Doing BusinessIreland ranks 7thout of 181 countriesGlobal CompetitivenessIreland ranks 22ndout of 134 countries Quick LinksDoing Business > www.doingbusiness.org Competitiveness > www.weforum.org 7 Health & Social Services 18.7 -4.1% 02 22 Business Services 15.7 -12.2% 04 Real Estate 13.3 -16.1% 06 Education 11.6 -2.7% 08 Global Opportunities for business indicators> www.lloyds.com/marketintelligence Computing & Related Services 10.1 -11.2% 10 QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Ireland – Type 3 Office > Back to Country Dashboard Insurance Environment > Key Stakeholders and Events • Major Insurers • Hibernian (Aviva) > www.hibernian.ie • Quinn > www.quinn-direct.com • Allianz > www.allianz.ie • FBD > www.fbd.ie • AXA > www.axa.ie • RSA > www.rsa.ie • Zurich > www.zurich.ie • Irish Public Bodies > www.ipb.ie • AIG > www.aig.ie • Combined > www.combinedinsurance.ie Key Industry & Lloyd’s Events Association Irish Insurance Federation > www.iif.ie Regulator The Financial Regulator > www.ifsra.ie > www.lloyds.com/News_Centre/Events Insurance Environment > Key Statistics Gross Written Premiums (GWP)(direct non-life GWP at constant prices; million USD) Density(direct non-life GWP per capita; USD) Broker PenetrationEstimated broker penetration: 75% – 100%Quick Links Insurance Information Institute> www.iii.org/international/profiles/ Worldwide Assecuranz Directory> http://assecuranz.kompass.com/ Based on soft intelligence and Axco, Statistics: > www.axcoinfo.com/ Ireland UK Ireland UK 150,000 1,400 115,725 107,393 120,000 1,350 1,315 90,000 1,300 1,276 60,000 1,250 30,000 10,863 10,212 1,200 0 Global Opportunities for insurance indicators> www.lloyds.com/marketintelligence 2007 2008 2008 Density QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles) Based on: > www.swissre.com > “World Insurance in 2008” Based on: > www.swissre.com > “World Insurance in 2008”
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Ireland – Type 3 Office > Back to Country Dashboard Lloyd’s Business > Office Details • Lloyd’s General representative Mr Eamonn P Egan Lloyd’s Ireland Representative Limited 7-8 Wilton Terrace Dublin 2 Ireland • TELEPHONE+35 31631 3600 • EMAIL> eamonn.egan@lloyds.com • WEBSITE> www.lloyds.com/ireland Lloyd’s Business > Key Statistics, Trading Position and Market Intelligence 2009 Lloyd’s Gross Signed Premiums Trading Position Market Intelligence > www.lloyds.com/crystal Brokers have access to information via:www.lloyds.com/MARKETPRESENTATIONS Total: USD 248m* Direct: USD 169m* Reinsurance: USD 79m* * See:Data limitations for detail; figures are rounded and may not add up to total Services:Yes, except permanent health insurance Establishment:Yes, except permanent health insuranceReinsurance: Yes Managing Agents have access to information via:www.lloyds.com/REGIONALWATCH> Managing Agent Version> Europe > Ireland QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Israel – Type 2 Office Profile • Key strengths and challenges of the economy • Size and growth of the economy • Basic economic indicators • Key insurers • Insurance industry events • Basic insurance indicators Click Box to navigate • Lloyd’s office details and contacts • Trading position and size of Lloyd’s business • Available market intelligence products QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Education Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Health & Social Services Real Estate 6.9 9.3 10.2 14.1 17.6 -2.4% +4.5% +1.6% +1.7% +3.8% 09 07 05 03 01 Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Israel – Type 2 Office > Back to Country Dashboard Business Environment > KEY ISSUES To Watch Right-Wing Parties Score Overall Parliamentary Majority: The hard-line leader of Israel’s Likud party was selected to form the next government after right-wing parties scored an impressive victory in last February’s general elections. Israel’s political system, which forces the formation of multi-party coalitions, is such that at most times it remains inherently unstable. The next government will clearly be no exception. Prospects for the resumption of comprehensive peace talks with the Palestinians appear increasingly bleak. The Israeli Economy Emerges from Recession: With the major economies of the world stabilising and returning to growth in the second quarter of 2009, we expect the Israeli economy to contract 0.5% this year. Consumer spending, exports, and investment, though weak the first quarter, have begun to recover and should continue growing into 2010. Strong monetary stimulus has lifted the economy out of its downturn, though growth going forward will be slower than had been before the global financial crisis. SOURCE:IHS Global Insight, (June 2010). For daily updates visit: www.ihsglobalinsight.com Inflation Concerns Re-Emerge: Disinflation caused by the global economic crisis has ended, and with the rise in commodity prices, especially crude oil, inflation concerns have reemerged. After falling the first two months of the year, consumer prices have risen more than expected through the second quarter and into the third quarter. Though wholesale inflation should remain contained, consumer inflation is expected to exceed the Bank of Israel's 1—3% target for the year. Budget Deficit Continues Growing: The recent approval of the 2009-10 state budget included an across the board cut at all ministries, as well as measures to generate additional revenue. Nevertheless, the budget deficit has continued to increase as tax revenues have declined, while social services, especially unemployment compensation continue to grow. The budget deficit is forecast to exceed 7% of GDP in 2009 and 2010 before declining. Hopes Fade for Israeli-Palestinian Peace: Israeli-Palestinian peace talks have made little tangible progress since the Annapolis peace talks which were launched in December 2007. The pace of Jewish settlement expansion, deemed a major obstacle to peace, has also quickened over the past two years. Any remaining optimism was again shattered with triumph of Israel’s far-right parties at the 2009 elections. Much to the dismay of the international community, Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu has thus refused to throw his weight behind a two-state solution which would require Israel to cede almost all Palestinian territory currently under Israeli control, arguing that the risk that the new state’s institutions could be usurped by Hamas remains too high. Business Environment > Basic Indicators Gross Domestic Product (GDP)(nominal GDP levels in billion USD; Real GDP change) Top-10 Sectors (By Value Added)(a 2008 Level in billion USD & 2009 Change in %) Rankings Ease of Doing BusinessIsrael ranks 30th out of 181 countriesGlobal CompetitivenessIsrael ranks 23rdout of 134 countries Quick LinksDoing Business > www.doingbusiness.org Competitiveness > www.weforum.org 30 Public Admin. & Defence 15.3 +2.9% 02 23 Business Services 13.7 -1.0% 04 Banking & Related Financial 10.0 +1.6% 06 Construction 8.9 -2.0% 08 Global Opportunities for business indicators> www.lloyds.com/marketintelligence Telecommunications 5.7 +1.7% 10 QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Israel – Type 2 Office > Back to Country Dashboard Insurance Environment > Key Stakeholders and Events • Major Insurers • Harel > www.harel-group.com • Clal > www.clalbit.co.il • Menorah > www.menoramivt.co.il • Phoenix > www.fnx.co.il • Migdal > www.migdal.co.il • Ayalon > www.ayalon-ins.co.il • Eliahu > www.eliahu.co.il • IDI > www.555.co.il • ILD > www.ildinsur.co.il • AIG > www.aig.co.il Key Industry & Lloyd’s Events Association Israel Insurance Association > www.igudbit.org.il Regulator Ministry of Finance > www.mof.gov.il > www.lloyds.com/News_Centre/Events Insurance Environment > Key Statistics Gross Written Premiums (GWP)(direct non-life GWP at constant prices; million USD) Density(direct non-life GWP per capita; USD) Broker PenetrationEstimated broker penetration: 00% – 25%Quick Links Insurance Information Institute> www.iii.org/international/profiles/ Worldwide Assecuranz Directory> http://assecuranz.kompass.com/ Based on soft intelligence and Axco, Statistics: > www.axcoinfo.com/ Israel UK Israel UK 1,276 150,000 1,400 115,725 1,200 107,393 120,000 1,000 764 90,000 800 600 60,000 400 30,000 200 5,381 4,550 0 0 Global Opportunities for insurance indicators> www.lloyds.com/marketintelligence 2007 2008 2008 Density QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles) Based on: > www.swissre.com > “World Insurance in 2008” Based on: > www.swissre.com > “World Insurance in 2008”
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Israel – Type 2 Office > Back to Country Dashboard Lloyd’s Business > Office Details • Lloyd’s General representative Mr Jonathan Gross Gibor Sport Bldg. 7 Menachem Begin Rd. Ramat Gan 52521 Israel • TELEPHONE+972 (0)3 612 2233 • FAX+972 (0)3 612 2233 • EMAIL> jonathan.gross@lloyds.com • WEBSITE> www.lloyds.com/israel Lloyd’s Business > Key Statistics, Trading Position and Market Intelligence 2009 Lloyd’s Gross Signed Premiums Trading Position Market Intelligence > www.lloyds.com/crystal Total: USD 127m* Direct: USD 62m* Reinsurance: USD 65m* * See:Data limitations for detail; figures are rounded and may not add up to total Direct:Yes Reinsurance: Yes Managing Agents have access to information via:www.lloyds.com/REGIONALWATCH> Managing Agent Version> Europe > Small Markets QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)
Business Environment Insurance Environment Lloyd’s Business North America Latin America Europe IMEA Asia Pacific Italy – TYPE 3 Office Profile • Key strengths and challenges of the economy • Size and growth of the economy • Basic economic indicators • Key insurers • Insurance industry events • Basic insurance indicators Click Box to navigate • Lloyd’s office details and contacts • Trading position and size of Lloyd’s business • Available market intelligence products QUICK TOUR (Country Profiles)