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FIA Ownership Classification. Brett J. Butler National Woodland Owner Survey Coordinator Forest Inventory and Analysis USDA Forest Service. National FIA Users Group Meeting August 1, 2002. Quick Overview. Why does FIA collect ownership information?
FIA Ownership Classification Brett J. Butler National Woodland Owner Survey Coordinator Forest Inventory and Analysis USDA Forest Service National FIA Users Group Meeting August 1, 2002
Quick Overview • Why does FIA collect ownership information? • What information have we been collecting? • How do we collect this information? • How are data stored and distributed? • Where are we headed? • Discussion
The Need for Ownership Data • It is ultimately the owners who decide if the land will be developed, timber will be harvested, or a nature preserve will be established • “Recognize and identify ownership, regulatory, and social impacts on forest productivity” - FIA Blue Ribbon Panel • “Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.” - Albert Einstein
Forest Ownership in the U.S. Source: USDA Forest Service 1958, Birch et al. 1978, Birch 1996, Smith et al. 1997
Ownership Information Collected • RPA Ownership • Current FIA forest inventory • Current FIA ownerships survey
1987 All Forest Ownerships All Forest Ownerships 1907 Public Private Public Private Federal Non-Federal Forest Industry Farmer Other Private Farmer Lumber Manuf. National Forest Tribal Lands National Forests Other Private Pulp Manuf. Bureau of Land Management State National Parks Other Wood Manuf. Military Reserves County and Municipal Other Federal Tribal Lands Public Domain All Forest Ownerships 1953 1997 All Forest Ownerships Public Private Public Private Federal Non-Federal Forest Industry Farmer Other Private Federal Non-Federal Forest Industry Nonindustrial Private National Forest State National Forest State Tribal Lands County Bureau of Land Management County Bureau of Land Management Municipal and Local Municipal and Local Other Federal Other Federal Ownership Schema for National Forest Assessments, 1907 - 1997
FIA Forest Inventory • Ownership Group • Forest Service, other federal, state/local, private • Ownership Class • National Forest, National Grassland, other forest service, NPS, BLM, F&WS DOD/DOE, Other federal, state, local, other non-federal public, corporation, NGO/natural resource organization, unincorporated Partnership/assoc./club, Native American, individual • Industrial Status
Collection of Ownership DataForest Inventory Aerial photographs → County/municipal tax offices → Ownership name and address → Categorize ownership → Ask for access
FIA Ownership Survey • Forestland characteristics • Size of forestland holdings • Number of forestland parcels • Ownership traits • Form of ownership • Reasons for ownership • Forestland uses and management • Constraints and future plans • Demographics
Collection of Ownership DataOwnership Survey Name and address from forest inventory → Direct mailing (→ Telephone follow-up) → Completed questionnaires
Data Storage & Distribution • Storage • Confidentiality • Fire walls & data keys • Distribution • Publications • Databases
Where are we headed? • A system that: • Accurately reflects the intentions, opportunities, and constraints of landowners; • Provides consistent and timely data across all ownerships and across the whole country; and • Is capable of tracking large-scale changes.