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A secure Sockets layer (SSL) is the process of protecting the data which travels around the internet, so prevent hackers and bots from accessing sensitive information online. Private information like credit card details goes through the different servers and this is where the proper network security and encryption is needed to prevent the hackers from intercepting data.
WhydoesthesiteneedanSSLcertification? Security should always be a high concern for your website, but do you need an SSLcertificate? A secure Sockets layer (SSL) is the process of protecting the data which travels around the internet, so prevent hackers and bots from accessing sensitive information online. Private information like credit card details goes through the different servers and this is where the proper network security and encryption is neededtopreventthehackersfrominterceptingdata. The rule of thumb is that you are responsible for protecting your business and client’s private and sensitive information like financial records, password log-ins, identifynumbers,creditcarddetails. HowSSLwork: In the same way that we use to lock and unlock doors, SSL certificate use keys to validate and protect the sensitive information. The certificate signing request or CSR must also be created on the server. This creates a pair of public and private keys. The public key is used to encrypt the sensitive information, whilst the private key is used to decrypt the information provided and restore it to its
originalformatsothatitcanberead. Here are the top reasons why you need to get that SSL certificate for your website: Tobuildconsumerconfidence: A website with the SSL certificate can be easily recognized when the URL starts with the https instead of http and where there’s a green padlock symbol next to the URL bar. As such, you are sending a clear signal to your target customers that your business has the integrity and savvy to implementthisadditionallevelofprotectionfortheirprivatedata. SecurePayment: For the e-commerce sites, credit card details are often collected. In doing this, the customer is giving his full trust that this sensitive information will be transmitted securely. The SSL will serve as the security protocol for the paymenttransactions. BoostyourGoogleRanking: According to the Google, websites with an SSL certificate are given small ranking benefits on the Google’s search engine results because they want to encourage all the website owners to switch from the HTTP to HTTPs, to promote web security. This means that when you acquire an SSL certificate foryourwebsite,thiscanhelpyouboostyourGooglesearchrankings. SecuredPasswordLog-Ins: If your pages are password protected, then the SSL certificate is must on your website for you to secure the log-in details such as the username and passwordofyourcustomersandtopreventhackersfromhacking. PDPACompliance: Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) is a law that governs how businesses collectandusethepersonaldata. Having the SSL Certificate on your website will give your customers a sense of security that their private data are in safe hands. This is a big requirement when it comes to a website dealing with the sensitive information like the card details and other personal information about their customers. Securing this information with the SSL encryption (https) immediately combats any risk of unwanted sharing of your information. “PrivacybyDefault”isthenewinternetmantra.
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