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General Education Student Learning Assessment. Data Analysis. GEO Training Series: 3 of 5 Spring 2012 February 13, 2012. Interpret Results.
General Education Student Learning Assessment Data Analysis GEO Training Series: 3 of 5 Spring 2012 February 13, 2012
Interpret Results • Use the resulting Institutional Planning and Research Raw Data Report to further analyze the student learning data. • Ask whether the scores achieved on the General Education Outcome assessment captured your students/program graduates’ knowledge/skill level. • If the scores match your expectation, explain why. • If they don’t align with expectations, determine the factors that impacted the results.
More Questions to Consider • How may those factors be minimized or eliminated to help improve student learning? • Focus on each learning outcome and Standard. • Look for ways to make the data meaningful. • Look for answers to your assessment team’s key questions posed about student learning. • Think about what the assessment data means and identify suggestions for improving student learning.
More Data Interpretation • The Evaluation Team reviews the IPR generated Data Report and may ask for further quantitative analysis: • Based on CRN: Modality, special term, previous credit completed at CAC, prerequisite completed at CAC with grade of “C” or higher, or other pertinent data. CAC uses only whole number scores on the Raw Data Submission form, however the Assessment Team may wish to chart incremental student progress toward a GEO competency, i.e. the percentage of students at “1.8” and nearing competency of “2.” • Your team may track incremental improvement over time, i.e. pre- to post-test improvements or review previous benchmark data to gauge improvement over a longer period of time based on the quality improvement measures implemented.
Consider • Focusing on the aggregated, institutional student seeking a degree or AGEC certificate provide an honest and accurate look at where institutionally our aggregated students: 1. fully meet our learning expectations (“2”) 2. need improvement, and 3. need strategies to help students learn better. • The professional judgment of faculty is essential to interpreting the data. • There is no “right” answer. • All faculty should participate in the data interpretation about student learning and determine whether students have satisfactorily demonstrated the GEO knowledge/skills/values.
Qualitative Data Questions • Determine which factors may have contributed to the findings or results you reported. • Provide a brief discussion of components of the course/program which led to student strengths or to student challenges in learning. • Were there pockets of students who seemed more challenged? • What specific shared characteristics may have contributed to this? • What does the data tell you about student learning in this course/program?
More Qualitative Questions • You may discuss a recent course change that you believe helped to improve student learning related to the GEO. • You may focus on aspects of the course which are particularly strong and should be highlighted. • You might also believe that the assessment measure(s) and instrument(s) used were well-suited to the GEO and provide high-quality information.
Qualitative Data (Continued) • Conversely, if you are dissatisfied with the data results, i.e. the data seems disconnected to accepted, standardized instructional methods and support structures, explain that weakness and provide a process solution. • Perhaps the performance criteria did not really capture your students’ knowledge/skill. • Are there foundational concepts or theories that students did not adequately apply near the end of the course? If so, at what point in the curriculum could that content have been more strongly emphasized?
Was a standardized test used as one of your measures not sufficiently related to your curriculum/MSLOs? • Was the rubric set at an unrealistically high level? • Program faculty, as the experts on the curriculum, are the best suited to judge why student learning for the outcome did not meet expectations.
Act on Results • How will program faculty use the assessment results? • After the Evaluation Team reviews the assessment data and identifies likely factors that led to the observed results, this information should be used to make curriculum assessment, or other program-related decisions aimed at the improvement of student learning. • Share your results at Open Forums, with Divisions, and others; discuss your suggestions for improvement and solicit their ideas too. • Jointly, determine the changes to be implemented during the coming year to improve student learning and provide a rationale for those changes. If these changes require budgetary restructuring, state those requirements.
Action Steps • If the assessment data indicates that course completers possess the GEO knowledge/skill/value expected, program faculty may determine that they have nonetheless identified opportunities for improvement in course content, instructional methods, assessment processes, or other program components that will be implemented during the next assessment cycle. • Or they may conclude that the target number of students have achieved competency and no further action is needed at this time. At that point, they may decide to focus on a new assessment area such as creation of a capstone course.
If the data indicate that course completers do not possess the knowledge/skills/values of the GEO, program faculty should examine the factors they believe contributed to this result and identify any corrective measures to be taken.
Finalize and Plan • Additional course content; revise MSLOs • Addition of tutorials, assignments, or other learning activities designed to reinforce learning • Change the course sequence, prerequisite, and/or better align the program curriculum • Require more time on task or more feedback to students • Others, as identified by the program faculty
Identify Best Improvement • Include in your meeting minutes: • all changes implemented • the rational for implementing them • team’s expectations of improved student learning as a result of this change • Timeline and specifics for implementing the change in the curriculum • Submit Final Report by the due date to SLA Director.
Thank you! • Questions? Contact: • Mary Menzel-Germanson • Mary.menzel@centralaz.edu (520) 494-5215 • Myna Frestedt • myna.frestedt@centralaz.edu (520) 494-5593 • Jennie Lee Voyce • Jennie.voyce@centralaz.edu (520) 494-5591