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Environmental Governance in China

Environmental Governance in China. Lead-China,Cohort-10 Nov. 22, 2003 Brazil. Outline. Overview Challenges Case. Part I Environmental Governance: Overview. Fact sheets of China. Huge Population: 1.3 billion GDP Per Capita: USD 1,000 (2002)

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Environmental Governance in China

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  1. Environmental Governance in China Lead-China,Cohort-10 Nov. 22, 2003 Brazil

  2. Outline • Overview • Challenges • Case

  3. Part I Environmental Governance: Overview

  4. Fact sheets of China • Huge Population: 1.3 billion • GDP Per Capita: USD 1,000 (2002) • Resource Per Capita: water ¼ of WL, arable land 1/7 • Coal-dominant energy structure 75% • 30 million people in poverty • Economic disparity ENVIRONMENTAL PRESSURE

  5. Environmental Problems • Water, Air, Land degradation and wastes …. Found in other developing countries also in China. And more than that… • Sandstorm, acid rain….Great challenges Call for Better Environmental Governance

  6. Serious urban air pollution

  7. Land Degradation

  8. Soil Erosion

  9. Water Pollution

  10. Major Forces State Civil Society Market

  11. Market Instruments • Concession of all sewage treatment plants in Beijing; • Pollution levy/Polluters pay principle; • Total amount control of pollutants discharge • Emission trading in sulphur dioxide • BoT

  12. Civil society • Increased public awareness • Legal provisions guaranteed, the Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment Law: public hearing, stakeholder involvement etc. • Grievance addressing mechanism • More favorable environment for NGOs


  14. AUTHORITIES relating to EP • state development and reform commission • state environmental protection administration • ministry of science and technology • ministry of construction • ministry of water resources • ministry of land resources • state oceanic administration • state forestry bureau

  15. Part II Environmental Governance: Challenges

  16. Performanceof Environmental Governance

  17. Challenges Underlying Factors • Perverse economic incentives mechanism • Local leaders performance assessment • GDP pursuit, economic development the first priority • Decentralized institutions • Local EPBs not fully accountable to SEPA • Local authority interventions • Law enforcement deficiencies

  18. Challenges:The real life • Population pressure • Huge population • Most of the poor people inhabit in the ecologically vulnerable areas • Economic restructuring • Backward industrial technologies • Malmanagement • Low energy and resource efficiency

  19. Challenges:The real life (cont’d) • Full market-oriented economy yet to take shape • Distorted market system • Non-internalization of environmental cost • Eyeing on the economic returns per se

  20. Institutional deficiency • For the environmental departments • full responsibility, partial empowerment, understaffed, underfunded for the local EPBs • Mission impossible • Dispersed mandates: marine, land, forestry

  21. Environmental Protection is a Strategic Issue Concerning China’s Overall Modernization • Environmental Protection was identified as one of basic state policies in 1980’s. • Strategic economic structural adjustment was undertaken. • Over 90% of industrial enterprises release pollutants in compliance with environmental standards. • The total amount of major pollutants in 2000 was reduced by 10~15% against that of 1995. • Despite the 8.3% average annual growth rate of GDP, the worsening trend of pollution was by and large under control in the Ninth Five-year Plan Period.

  22. Comparison Among Industrial Emissions of SO2, Smoke Dust, and Powder Dust in China, 1991-2000

  23. Comparison Among Discharges in Waste Water and COD in China, 1991-2000

  24. Development trend of Industrial Solid Wastes’ Output, Integrated Use, and Release, 1991~2000

  25. Changes in Urban Air Quality in the Last Decade in China

  26. Part III Case Discussion

  27. Background • Location • Problems and Consequences • Governance Structure

  28. Introduction • Dong Wu Prairie Center of the biggest grassland in China

  29. Location Xilingele Prefecture Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region • Area: 200 thousands km2 • Population: more than 1 million • Ethnic groups: Mongolian, Han and Man • Industries: Husbandry and mining

  30. Problems and Consequences • Industrial Pollution • Mining Industrial Pollution • Oil field exploitation • Paper Pulp Factory • Overgrazing and Over-cultivation • Irrational Road Construction • Reclamation: 33,000 ha • Over-hunting

  31. Consequences • Pasture Degradation • 2.9 million ha, 44% of the usable • Desertification • 0.66 million ha, 25.1% • 60s:8;70s:13;80s: 14; 90s: 23 • 2001: 32 • Income Reduction and Poverty Return

  32. Change of Income

  33. Local Governance Structure County Government Provincial Government Forestry Bureau Local Industry

  34. Civil Engagement • Involvement of outside NGOs Save the Prairie Action • Research and Voice from scientists • Media engagement

  35. Save the PrairieBy Greener Beijing Institute

  36. Save the PrairieBy GBI • Empowerment of Herdsmen • Pressures on Irresponsible Business • Involvement of Experts • Lobbying Government

  37. Empowerment:Legal aid and lawsuit

  38. Bearing Witness

  39. Influence • Pollution partly terminated

  40. New regulation issued Suggestions on the prairie protection and construction from State Council, 2002

  41. Attitude of the county government changed From ignorance to dialogue

  42. Comments and Questions • What is Good Environment Governance ——How does civil society engage in the local environmental governance? ——How does enterprise bear the environmental accountability?

  43. Obrigado! 

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