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How did you attract/ Address your audience? . Front Cover Of My Student Magazine.
How did you attract/ Address your audience?
Front Cover Of My Student Magazine Choice of images: For my dominant image I have chosen 6 students, looking as if they have just walked into the school building. I have used a extreme long shot, for my camera angle. I have chosen this angle shot, so that the whole figure and outfit of the students is fitted in one frame. This will address the audience because they will able to identify the magazine is based on fashion. Also, I have used a mixed group of students which this makes the magazine look fun, it shows friendship and happiness in Sixth Form. This is what will attract the audience. Design, colour scheme, typography: The design of my student magazine I tried to keep it clear and simple for the audience to identify the purpose and how it links to a student magazine. For example, I left the dominant image obvious and noticeable for the audience to see the students face and clothing in the image. In addition, I position the texts in a way where it would not make the dominant image look messy. So I considered of keeping my layout simple. The colour scheme of my magazine is purple and green. I have chosen these colours because it links to the Sixth Form Common room, where this is known as the Sixth Form area. This will attract the reader because it will connote they would feel as if the magazine belongs to them, and every Sixth Former should own one or they will feel left out if they don’t. The typography I decided to use was professional fonts. I wanted my magazine to look professional, and I found out that they typography is one of the key features in a product to make it look good. Use of language and mode of address: The use of language I chose to use on my front cover was things that would persuade and attract the audience. For instant- ‘Struggling on what to wear? LOOK INSIDE’ , this is an example of a mode of address, it shows as if I'm directly talking to them by asking a question. This attracts the audience, because it would make them want to look what is inside. Marketing of the magazine: I have added the price of the magazine on the front cover, so the audience will know how much to have with them to buy the magazine. I priced my magazine £1.00, this was by after me doing a question on how much the students would pay for the magazine. Also, I have included the cover mounts, the volume and the issue number of the magazine, so the people don't get confused with when and which magazine came out.
The Contents Page Of My Student Magazine Choice of images: The images I have chosen to put on my contents page are the same students I used for my dominant image. This time I took separate pictures of them so the audience can see their outfits individually. Use of language and mode of address: The language I have used on my contents page is that I am informing the reader on what the magazine will contain. I am also using persuasive words to draw the audience in. for examples, words like ‘find out’, ‘win free tickets’, ‘get some’. Design, colour scheme, typography: The design of my contents page includes categories with images use around it. The layout is easy to understand, and I have included page numbers so people don't confused. The background of my contents page I have use a design that links to my colour scheme. The reason why I have not used a white background, because I wanted my contents page to look colourful and appealing than boring. This will interest the audience more in my magazine. The colour scheme of my contents page I have kept it the same as my front cover so the magazine does not look messy. The typography of the contents page I have used different fonts from the front cover, this is because if I had the same font for my magazine it will look dull. I have used bold fonts for the subtitle so that they stand out to the audience. Features and regulars: For my features and regulars I have included categories of the main features and regulars e.g. fashion, Sixth Form News, Sixth Form Life and Exclusive Features. Under the subtitles I have added bullet points of what the the categories would requires. My ideas of my features was to base it on seasonal events, because as you know my magazine would be issued every term, so this magazine features is based on winter, for instant it will include thing like ‘Upcoming Christmas Party’. Marketing of the magazine: For my contents page I had to make it look eye-catching for it to look attractive to them. This is because the contents page is where they will go first to find out what the magazine is going to include, and this will make them want to buy the magazine or not to buy it.