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VMS harmonisation in the Netherlands

VMS harmonisation in the Netherlands. Hans Remeijn. VIKING VMS workshop Copenhagen, 16-05-2006. Harmonisation of VMS. Signs; standardisation of sign types Harmonisation of messages Standardisation of Control Systems. Standardisation of Sign types. Motorway (lane control) signs

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VMS harmonisation in the Netherlands

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  1. VMS harmonisation in the Netherlands Hans Remeijn VIKING VMS workshop Copenhagen, 16-05-2006

  2. Harmonisation of VMS • Signs; standardisation of sign types • Harmonisation of messages • Standardisation of Control Systems

  3. Standardisation of Sign types • Motorway (lane control) signs • DRIPs (Dynamic Route Information Panels) • bermDRIPs (new full matrix panels) • Text carts (VMS on a trailer) • VMS panels on pickup’s • (GRIP = Graphical Route Information Panel)

  4. Standardisation of Sign types Motorway (lane control) signs • All existing signs: fibre optic • Various “generations”, but same layout • Since 2005 new specification for LED signs (using new EN12966) • Fixed set of messages: 50, 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, X, , , ,  • First pilots are being done • Cooperation with SNRA on MTM system

  5. Standardisation of Sign types Dynamic Route Information Panels • 1 standard specification • New spec, based on LED and EN12966 • Text only, 3 lines, 10 metres wide • White or Yellow

  6. Standardisation of Sign types BermDRIPs • New signs, based on English MS4 • Graphic, 192x128 pixels, red/white • Combination of pictograms and text • Specification, based on EN12966

  7. Standardisation of Sign types Text carts • No uniform technical specification • Big variety • Often rented • Hardly good/uniform optical requirements • Starting to work on a common specification (using EN 12966 classes)

  8. Standardisation of Sign types VMS panels on pickup’s • New specification, using EN 12966 classes • 2 colours (white and red) • 80 pixels wide, min. 32 high • Hydraulic lift • Horizontal adjustment • Controlled with PDA • Monitoring in TMC

  9. Standardisation of Sign types GRIPs • Prototypes tested end of 2002 • Results promising • No pilot (yet) on the “real road”

  10. Harmonisation of VMS messages Traffic Management Agreements • Prepared by RWS – AVV • Agreed on by all (regional) Traffic Managers • Decided on by Direction team RWS • Then made “public” on RWS intranet site • Mostly guidelines

  11. Harmonisation of VMS messages Dynamic Route Information Panels • Guideline for texts on DRIPs • Two possibilities for Route Information • Traffic situation on the two alternative routes leading to the same point (Intersection name), or • Traffic situation on 2 or 3 not alternative routes • Always mentioning the Range ( to .. ) • Standard as x km Queue, and use of arrows • Use of “via” and Road numbers

  12. Harmonisation of VMS messages Dynamic Route Information Panels

  13. Harmonisation of VMS messages Dynamic Route Information Panels • Experiments with Travel Time (calculation) • Next change: use of pictograms in the text

  14. Harmonisation of VMS messages BermDRIPs • Guideline being prepared (2nd half 2006) • Rules on layout, text and pictograms • Also here: use of small pictograms in the text • First signs on the road: end of June, 2006 • Basis: UK layouts (on road trial: M4)

  15. Harmonisation of VMS messages BermDRIPs; layout ideas in NL

  16. Harmonisation of VMS messages Text carts • Agreed list of texts to be used on text panels • Distributed in the districts • Still lots of “specials”

  17. Harmonisation of VMS messages VMS panels on pickup’s (autoDRIP) • Guideline for texts exits • Change necessary because of change in panel specs (and possibilities)

  18. Harmonisation of VMS messages GRIPs • First use near Amsterdam as a pilot • On the “bermDRIPs” • No guideline yet

  19. Harmonisation of VMS messages Further plans: • Making 1 guideline out of many: • Text strategy for (standard) DRIPs • Display strategy for bermDRIPs • Agreed texts for text carts • Display strategy for pickup signs • Solving problems and handling requests via “editorial group for texts on dynamic panels” • Use of the agreement procedure, ending in publication on intranet

  20. Standardisation of control systems • Now 5 control systems for DRIPs • bermDRIPs will be added to this • Functionally (almost) the same • Systems soon probably the same via “consolidation action” within RWS • From 3  2  1 ? • Slow convergence towards 5 identical systems with the same functionality

  21. But: we still have some exotic signs…

  22. Future …? • In car info will gradually make traffic information on VMS less important • But: warning, control and guidance are getting more important • So: need for newer types of VMS (with graphics) • bermDRIPs are a first step in this direction • Using results from Mare Nostrum

  23. Any Questions ?

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