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Paragon Books, a leading National Publisher of Books on variety of disciplines is privately owned by Mr. Pratap Vaish, dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge among students, academicians and intellecutals. Dedication, devotion, Discipline and integrity of his grandfather Late Shri Sultan Chandji, founder, Sultan Chand & Sons, Educational Publishers, inspired Mr. Pratap Vaish to dedicate himself to the cause of education and society.
The Book is their universe from where they withdraw inspiration, motivation, empathise or becomeonewiththecharactersofthestoryandexperiencetheraresortofaneuphoriathat evenmaterialisticthingscannotbring.
Book Summary : Childsafetyisaverysensitiveissueanditsimportanceisrisingintherecenttimeswiththerisingcasesofchild missing,childinjuries,childlabour,sexualabuseandsoon.Asafeenvironmentforchildren toliveandgrow can only be realized when all parties, including parents, schools, communities and the authorities work together.Itisthedutyofparentsorcaregiverstoputeffortstosavechildrenfromanykindofdanger. This book is filled with must-have information, practical advice, realistic insight, easy-to-use tips, and lots of reassurance.Itprovidescomprehensiveeducationaltipscoveringawiderangeoftopicsthatconcernparents, including sexual abuse, surfing the internet, school safety, safety at home and neighbourhood safety. It also aimsatmakingyoungchildrenawareofthedangerstheymightfaceintheireverydaylife.Eachchapterdeals withasituationhelpingthechildtounderstandthewaysofsavingthemselvesfromsuchdangers.
BookSummary: The term 'love' is generic. It is the coreofall creative actions. One can’t do anything positivewithout love for it. One must love a thing to do it admirably. This love has propelled me to conceive and composethisbookofpoetry.HencethetitleLoveEverGives.Thisbookofpoetrymayinaugurate the launch of a new literary drive to be followed by other literary genres including fictions and novelsinpursuitofmylong-bridledliterarypassion.Thepresentbookofpoetryiscomprisedofa total of twenty five poems of different tastes and lengths some contained in a single page while othersexpandoverpagesuptoseventoeight.
BookSummary: The seventeen short stories that constitute Flowers of the Soul are an attempt of the author to affect the reader’s emotion rather than the intellect. They are the flowers that bloom in the soul of the author, wateredhadfertilized byhis imagination. Thesestories are attemptstoreadthe mind ofthe jealous, the proud,theinsane,thefoolish,theambitiousandothers.Itisaninterestingreadingforthesensitivereader.
Book Summary : ThisBookis a priceless formula To become an enduring winner and achieve success unlimited. You will be able to discover how to transform your limiting beliefs and take control of your life with the following powerful feelings: Turn your fears and negative feelings into positive tools Discover your strengths and skills Aspire big and make things happen Manage your emotions in right proportion Do things innovatively Set your vision and goals in a practical way Do right things for right reasons Cope with stress effectively and manage it properly
Book Summary : This is the story of an ordinary Pilot of the Indian Air Force during the early days of The Second World War. As a Seventh Course Pilot of the I.A.F. he gives his personal experiences of training and life in the Air Force, the aircraft flown, operations in the North West Frontier and against the Japanese in Burma.
Book Summary : When India from the early part of the century was trying to reassert and carve out its own destiny, Nagaswere trying to preserve their own identity. For centuries Nagashad lived secluded in their villages on hill tops. Nature’s resources and their ancient traditions enabled them to lead a happy, healthy, contented life. India’s independence movement left them untouched. The dawn of independence increased their fear of the unknown. A violent movement for independence continued for a couple of decades. It would be useful to know how independent India tackled this problem. ShriB.K. Nehru in his Foreword to the Book said: "It is good that Mr. Ramunny, whose knowledge of Nagaland is unrivalled, should have given us in this book, what is essentially the history of Nagaland since independence".
Book Summary : This is perhaps the world’s first war book in which the author has not used the word ‘enemy’ anywhere in the text and he has his own reasons for this. The two combatant countries India and Pakistan whose war events are subject matter of this work, should never be enemy of each other because they are not only the brothers but also the twins born at the same time and are inseparably linked by the geography of the sub-continent.
Book Summary : This volume discusses the past, present and future perspectives of literature in Japan, China and South Korea and its interface with India. Since this being a largely unexplored area, an attempt has been made to present a true picture of the literature and cultural milieu of the East Asian countries to the readers through well researched, thought-provoking and enlightening papers contributed by eminent scholars from India, Japan, China and Korea. This book would be a unique and comprehensive reference material for teachers, researchers, students, writers, and literary critics of Indian and East Asian literatures.
Book Summary : This is one of the few interdisciplinary studies on the change-dynamics of family. Family life, undergoing transformation of varying degree as a result of industrialisation, urbanisationand other modernisationforces, has been dealt with from different angles. Besides democracy, power equation and violence in the family, experiences and problems of migrant families, vulnerable families, single women families and dual-earner families have received critical attention. Moreover, family evolution, problems of ageing, impact of environment on family, and portrayal of family in visual media have also been focussedupon. The study combines a theoretical perspective and an empirical treatment.
Book Summary : Inscriptions of The Rulers of The SangamaDynasty (1336 ad-1485 ad) is the first of three volumes of Kannada Inscriptions prepared under the Inscriptions Programmeplanned by the ICHR. The present volume contains as many as 832 inscriptions covering a period from 1339 ad to 1494 ad.Most of the inscriptions are in Kannada language and script, while some of them, particularly, copper plates, are in Sanskrit language and Nagariscript. There are a few which are bilingual and bi scriptalas well. Region-wise, they come from the whole of the Kannada area covered by the erstwhile Vijayanagaraempire viz., between the Krishna and the Kaveri.
Book Summary : The present book highlights the importance of verbal testimony Úabdapramânain Indian Epistemolog, knowledge from trusted telling, eternality of word and its meaning, its non-reducibility to inference, philosophical significance of praiseworthy sentence, limits of úutias a Pramânaperceptual cognition generated through verbal testimony, notion of "aptatva, etc. These issues are freshly interpreted by a team of scholars who are engaged in research on this subject for a considerable period of time.
Book Summary : The book Performatives, Knowledge and Truth is about rehabilitating the performative-constativedistinctinmade and undone by the Oxford Philosopher J.L.Austin.This is sought to be done by relooking at Austin's reasons for giving up the distinction, his alleged failure to find some foolproof criteria of distinction. The contentions of the book go against the received understanding of Austin in philosophy of language, and thus provide interesting reading. It speaks to a fairly wide audienceall those who are interested in Austin's contribution to philosophy of language and beyond.
Book Summary : The book gives a critical exposition of the following: Inter-relationship of Language with Culture and Value, Multi-culturalism, Trans-cultural Aesthetics, Cultural Identity, Language and Inter-personal Communication, Language as Modes of Imagination, Aspect Perception as a case of Interpretation, Culture and Meaning of Life, Ethical Principles or Values embedded in a particular Culture etc. Scholars specialized in this field have dealt with the problems from the Western and Indian Perspective, which will open a vista in research on Philosophy of Language and Meaning.
Book Summary : Highlights education, social, political, legal rights of woman as found in Indian tradition starting from the Vedic period to modern times. An endeavourhas been done to show the status of woman in the eye of the contemporary thinkers like Gandhiji, Sri Aurobindoand Rabindranathand their interpretation of the tradition on woman has been illumined.