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YSGOL STANWELL SCHOOL ADRAN Y GYMRAEG. Gwyliau. Enw : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dosbarth : 8 . . . Athrawes :. Polisi Marcio yr adran ac ysgol. Rheolau’r adran – The department Rules.

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  1. YSGOL STANWELLSCHOOL ADRAN Y GYMRAEG Gwyliau Enw: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dosbarth: 8 . . . Athrawes: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  2. PolisiMarcio yr adran ac ysgol

  3. Rheolau’radran – The department Rules 1. Dewchimewnyndawel ................................................ 2. Tynnwcheichcotiau ................................................ 3. Llyfrauallanynsyth ................................................ 4. Dewchâ’r offer cywir ................................................ 5. Gwrandewchynofalus ................................................ 6. Dwyloifyny ................................................ 7. Dim gweiddi ................................................ 8. Byddwchyngwrtais bob amser ...................................... 9. Siaradwchyn Gymraeg ................................................ 10. Cwbwlhewcheichgwaithyndaclus......................................

  4. Iaith y dosbarth – classroom language

  5. Chwilairiaith y dosbarth – find the answers in Welsh I don’t understand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Listen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Write . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Read . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quiet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May I have help? . . . . . . . . . . Sit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thank you . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tidy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . close . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Good morning . . . . . . . . . . . . Good afternoon . . . . . . . . . . . Please . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . y e h x n h c w n e l l r a d l b n v a s w u b g t s h c v i f q q p v x d t l o l w c d x a y w y a g g m w p j p h b k n e a k i g e z j q y r h n w u e r u d u h f v w v e w o j r m j h r a j o x e s k v i k d z c a t d h u x g a i f y n d i r t l o p o v f t e h w n e c p n t v h i d s f o a m w d t v d h e n t y f v l m t c x c e t h t a l u c w p a r l y n m s w e g e p p u w w c a d g x o h c t a c r c i n w i q s f f o c e j v e c a a t x h b s p l d s i w j e l q f h s d j r h f z a c y f u a c d u y y c c k s s z u x r o y j t m n w b i l e i t c s p l e h i a g j p b d i o l c h a u z c w x i e e w w z v m d z v w c w b x g z a i h g d m e f g m t c f h j b i d o m m s x o z a w j y x n p p c q n k h d k x h q r x d z g r r z k d x e c r o d q w r s k k s h v o s y a o a d g s l p a n f f t q c d o x j f c z u o e t b v k g h e n t r p x c p l r y r l b w v h c y a i h w b e o s g w e l w c h y n d d a e j c b h a c w j c c w w q y b k d j k l f t i g a a s o g q d d o c r a s n u o a r b a r b a d r c f i o c f l d j o k p i x s w g c f v o c c h h x z r y l f t t j a d m n n z d g p h g b m f p r x w g y n d n m d n x b r t b g j c b k o q l n t c w m g a p s q u w r r j l y d o ii c q o n c h f j t y d i w t n e o

  6. Beth wnesttiynystodgwyliau’rhaf?What did you do during the summer holidays?

  7. GwledyddCountries

  8. Write a list in Welsh of the countries that you find: n b a x t m q r g f s y m s b b d a n q n k l c r s o r p h o l t i f t k p p v d x i a f g y h a z m i d o v i r w r r q s t i y c i h u v x j o a j f s r d g v n r f a k i p w y r a m e r i g m s w n g f b r w c c f i a r e c r a m n e d n v z l n m m u r e e y i a n v n m y l n x m v s f d g e n a v v f u n w r r c d g w l a d g r o e g w a o v i r k o r s f i y n a i l a r t s w a g l m r t e x o h n m e i r a g r m l g n n f w g a l w z h k r u w z y l m l o w i d j a e t r x d a y z k q u k i l y c o e c m l w r l d d q a p r v h g x d t b h t p d s t w l a w f e s f i w y v s i a p a n v q i a d z h l s d x w q d a y e n w v p h j e m h t i g e l c z n b s f f w l l v r i a v o y d c e a p w l o a d w e y u s h g q r d y o i w b o n d u r g g s w i c l j t b x e t g o w e o r i n r e m e j o o j p g g r p i x d y x u z n e t o w g v r l s g x ii t i b i f z y d o w u a i d n i l j e v s u i s d a g b l m v t q p q x b l p t o q q x n s b y t x z z f b h y b q p j y l t d e k v p v j g s a w s l w k d g j i k o l j a q z z p a c b a q s h e t q i s z r d o p m c z r u t b a b h q u j n u g n r x z s n c o x c u i y l li g b t j r n f n q q a t j o j q d e b b j z f c a c d c a j p d f e d p k z b f q i c a v h t t q u s t

  9. Labelwch y lluniauyn Gymraeg:

  10. Ble? Bleestti? Where did you go? Es ii + treigladmeddal I went to + soft mutation Y TreigladMeddal - The Soft Mutation After ‘i’ in Welsh there is a soft mutation. Only the following letters are affected. LL B RH M C P T D G L F R F G B D DD / Es ii + Penarth = Es iiBenarth Es ii + Lloegr = Es iiLoegr If the country has ‘yr’ or ‘y’ in front of it, esii becomes esii’r.... and we drop the ‘yr’ or ‘y’ Es i + Yr Alban = Es ii’r Alban

  11. Ymarfer • Portiwgal _______________________________________ • Brasil___________________________________________ • Canada_________________________________________ • Yr Aifft(Egypt)____________________________________ • Rhufain(Rome)___________________________________ • Malta __________________________________________ • GwladGroeg____________________________________ • Treforest _______________________________________ • De Affrig _______________________________________ • Llydaw _________________________________________ Using a dictionary find 3 place name and write the sentence: 1._________________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________________________________

  12. TeithioTo travel Sutestti? Sutteithiaistti? How did you go? How did you travel? Es i... (I went...) Teithiaisi ... (I travelled)

  13. Llif –luniau: Draw flow-charts for the following: Heia, Chris ydwi. Es ii’r Alban yn yr haf. Teithiaisi ar y trêni Glasgow ac ynaesimewnbwsi Ynys Arran. Roeddrhaidi mi fynd ar gefnbeicermwyncyrraedd y gwesty. Shw mae!Janeydwi. Es iiSbaenyn yr haf. Es imewnbwsifaesawyrCaerdydd, ac ynaesimewnawyrenifaesawyr Alicante. TeithiaisiwedynmewnbwsiFenidorm. Gareth ydwi. Es iiOgleddCymruyn yr haf.Teithiaisi ar y trêniGaerdydd ac ynamewnbwsi Aberystwyth. Ar ôlcyrraedd Aberystwyth, esi ar y trêniBorthmadog. Hylo, Siânydwi. Es iiGorfu, un o ynysoeddGwladGroeggydafyrhieni. Es imewnawyren o faesawyrBryste. Teithiaisimewntacsii’rgwesty.

  14. Atebion

  15. Siarad am eraill – speaking about othersTeithio- to travel

  16. Ffurfiauod o deithio

  17. Cynlluniwchffurfod o deithio

  18. Ymarfer

  19. Pwy?Who? Gydapwyestti? With whom did you ? Es igyda... I went with...

  20. Siarad am eraill – speaking about othersMynd – to go

  21. Cynnyddhydynhyn

  22. ArosTo stay Blearhosaistti? Where did you stay? Arhosaisi ... I stayed .... Mewncarafan In a caravan Mewnbwthyn In a cottage Mewnpabell In a tent Mewngwesty In a hotel Mewntyhaf In a holiday home Mewnfflatgwyliau In a holiday flat Mewngwersyllgwyliau In a holiday camp Arfferm On a farm Gydaffrindiau With friends Gyda perthnasau With relatives Gyda’rteulu With the family Am faint arhosaistti? How long did you stay? Arhosaisi am... I stayed for.... Fis month Dairwythnos 3 weeks Bythefnos 2 weeks Wythnos A week Benwythnos Weekend Ychydigddyddiau A few days

  23. Labelwch y lluniau

  24. Siarad am eraill – speaking about othersAros – to stay

  25. Ymarfer Cywirwch y brawddegau Aeth Gwen iSbaen __________________________________________ Teithiodd Megan ar long _________________________________________ Arhosodd Tom mewngwesty _________________________________________ Teithiodd Tom mewn car _________________________________________ ArhosoddSteffan am dairwythnos _________________________________________ AethAledgyda’rysgol _________________________________________ AethSteffani’rAmerig _________________________________________ Arhosodd Megan am benwythnos _________________________________________

  26. Ymarfer 3ydd person3rd person practise Tom Yr Amerig Aeth Tom i’r _____________________ Arhosodd Tom ___________________ Teithiodd Tom ___________________ Aeth Tom _______________________ Aeth Tom am_____________________ Mewn gwesty Mewnawyren Gyda’rteulu Dairwythnos Lucy _______________________________ • ______________________________________________________________ • _______________________________ • _______________________________ • _______________________________ Sbaen Mewn tŷ haf Ar long Gydaffrindiau Benwythnos

  27. Hannah _______________________________ • ______________________________________________________________ • _______________________________ • _______________________________ • _______________________________ Yr Eidal Mewncarafán Ar y trên Gyda’rteulu Dairwythnos Dafydd _______________________________ • ______________________________________________________________ • _______________________________ • _______________________________ • _______________________________

  28. MwynhauTo enjoy Fwynheuaistti’rgwyliau? Did you enjoy the holiday? Do Yes, I did Naddo No I did not wych ffantasteg fendigedig dda iawn hyfryd hwyl gyfeillgar ofnadwy ddiflas sbwriel ddrwg ddrud Iawn hir

  29. YmarferysgrifennuWriting exercise – write 8 sentences using the information on page 31 to help 1._______________________________ 2. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________ 4. _______________________________ 5. _______________________________ 6. _______________________________ 7. _______________________________ 8. _______________________________

  30. TywyddWeather Sutroedd y tywydd? How was the weather? Roeddhi’n ... It was ... *Cawsonnipethglaw a pheth haul

  31. GwneudTo do Beth wnestti? What did you do? Es ii I went (to) Aethonnii We went to Gwnesi I did/made Gwnaethonni We did/made Bwytaisi I ate Sglodion Bysgod FwydSbaenegfel paella FwydEidalaiddfelpitsa FwydGroegaiddfelmoussaka Nofio Bysgota Siopa Dorheulio Ymlacio ‘r dref ‘r tŷ bwyta ‘r caffi ‘r ddinas ‘r traeth Parc dŵr Pwll nofio Parc thema Gestylltywod Gwrandawaisi I listened Darllenaisi I read Gwelaisi I saw arfyi-pod Lyfr gylchgrawn dolffiniaid Morfil Empire State Building

  32. Yr amseramodol – the conditional tenseHoffwni...- I would like... Blehoffettifynd? Where would you like to go? Hoffwnifyndi ... I would like to go to ... Blehoffettiaros? Where would you like to stay? Hoffwniaros ... I would like to stay... Am faint hoffettiaros? How long would you like to stay? Hoffwniaros am... I would like to stay for... Suthoffettideithio? How would you like to travel? Hoffwnideithio... I would like to travel... Gydaphwyhoffettifynd? With whom would you like to go? Hoffwnifyndgyda ... I would like to go with...

  33. GwaithgrŵpAmseramodol

  34. Amseramodol 3ydd person3rd person conditional tense Hoffai Lucy... Lucy would like ... Hoffai hi ... She would like ... Hoffai e ... He would like ...

  35. Cynnyddhydynhyn

  36. DyddiadurDiary Levelled work Your task is to write a 4 day diary about your holidays in WELSH. You must include 3 different activities for each day.

  37. Annwylddyddiadur... Dear diary .... • Yn y bore (in the morning) • Yn y prynhawn(in the afternoon) Yn y nos(in the night) • ar = on (a) • wedyn = then/next • ynhwyrach = later • tra’n = whilst • heddiw = today • yfory = tomorrow • heno = this evening Taflen help - Help sheet Dyddiau’rwythnos DyddLlun DyddMawrth DyddMercher DyddIau DyddGwener DyddSadwrn DyddSul Cywiâr – chicken Byrger Sglodion – chips Brechdannau – sandwiches Ffrwythau – fruit Llysiau – vegetables Salad Hufeniâ – ice cream Roedde’n = It was Ddoniol = funny Hwyl = fun anhygoel = amazing Wefreiddiol = thrilling Rhyfeddol = amazing Gyffrous = exciting Wastraffamser = waste of time Wastraffarian = waste of money Wael – bad Ofnadwy - awful Geirfadefnyddiol

  38. 6 Tip Top6 Essential Tips to help you reach your potential in any Writing Task Include sentence markers so that the reader knows where you are going in the argument/piece of writing (Here are some examples: Firstly, In contrast to this, Similarly, In conclusion....) 2. Remember your Capital letters ( Every sentence starts with a capital letter. You also need a capital letter for names of people, places, days of the week, months of the year, brand names etc.) 3. Paragraphs ( A new paragraph is needed when you change Time, Place, Topic Person/speaker). Remember this using the acronym TiPToP 4. Remember to punctuate properly ( A sentence should end with a question mark ? if it’s a question, acomma , to separate a list or to mark the less important part of the sentence. A full stop . is needed at the end of a sentence. An exclamation mark ! is needed if someone is shouting/saying a command or to show surprise.) 5. Take care with commonly misspelt words ( Look in your exercise books at the ones you tend to spell incorrectly. It’s often words such as definitely, Your/You’re, its/it’s, embarrass, necessary, separate, There/they’re/their 6. Proof – read your work when you have finished and you and a partner could peer assess (Check each other’s work for /suggestions and feedback)

  39. Dyddiadur Asesiadllyfragored – Draft 1 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  40. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  41. Adborthhunanasesu ac asesucyfoedion In this writing task I believe I have attained level __________________________________ In this writing task my friend __________________thinks I have attained level __________

  42. Cyngor am welliant Syniadau Capital letters Punctuation Spelling Handwriting Basic sentence structure Linked sentences Express an opinion Reasons for the opinion 3rd person Different tense (past, present, future, conditional) Idioms Content Agree/disagree 1._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  43. Asesiadllyfragored – Ail ddraft ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  44. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In this writing task I have attained level:

  45. Adolygu - Revision Hylo, Sionydwi. Es iiSbaenynystodgwyliau’rhaf. Teithiaisimewnawyren. Es igydafynheulu. Arhosaisimewngwesty pump seren ambythefnos. Es inofioyn y môr bob dyddachosroeddhi’ngrasboeth. Shwmae! Carysydwi. Es ii’rEidalynystodgwyliau’rhaf. Es igydafymamgu. Arhosaisimewntŷhaf am benwythnos. Teithiaisiartrên. Ynanffodusroeddhi’nbwrwglaw, felly aethonniisiopa. Bore da! Gareth ydwi. Es iiIwerddonynystodgwyliau’rhaf. Es iar y trên ac ar long. Es igydafyffrindiau. Arhosaisimewnbwthyn am wythnos. Roedd y tywyddyniawn.Aethonniallan am fwyd ac iddawnsioyn y disgo. Heia! Twmydwi. Es ii’r Alban ynystodgwyliau’rhaf. Teithiaisiar y bws. Es igydamam a dad. Arhosaisimewnpabell am ychydigddyddiau. Roeddhi’nbraf. Es ii’rtraeth. Gwnesigestylltywod.

  46. Adolygu - revision Match the sentences Es iiSbaen I went to Ireland Es imewnawyren I went to Italy Es igydafynheulu I went with my parents Es iiIwerddon I went to Spain Arhosaisimewngwety I went in a plane Es iargefnbeic I went with my family Arhosaisimewntŷhaf I stayed in a hotel Es igydafyrhieni I went to Scotland Es ii’rEidal I went on a bike Es i’r Alban I stayed in a holiday home Read the conversation and answer the questions in ENGLISH CarysHylo Sian. Beth wensttiynystodgwyliau’rhaf? Sian Es iiffwrdd CarysBleestti? Sian Es iiFfrainc CarysSutestti? Sian Es imewn car ac ar long Carys Es ii’rAlmaenmewnawyren Sian Gydapwyestti? Carys Es igydafynheulu Sian Es igydafyrhieni. Arhosaisimewngwesty. Blearhosaistti? CarysArhosaisimewnpabell 1. Where did Sian go on holiday? _____________________ 2. How did Sian get there? __________________________ 3. Who did Sian go with? ___________________________ 4. Where did Sian stay? _____________________________ 5. Where did Carys go on holiday? ____________________ 6. How did Carys get there? _________________________ 7. Who did Carys go with? __________________________ 8. Where did Carys stay? ____________________________

  47. Translate: Gwyliau _____________________________ Ble? ____________________________ Pryd? ____________________________ Teithio ____________________________ Pam? ____________________________ Awyren ____________________________ Byw ____________________________ Bythefnos ____________________________ Fis ____________________________ GwladGroeg ____________________________ Yr Eidal ____________________________ Es i ____________________________ Aeth Jack ____________________________ Rhieni ____________________________ Fynheulu ____________________________ Gwesty ____________________________ Pabell ____________________________ Ffrindiau ____________________________ Wythnos ____________________________ Penwythnos ____________________________ Tywydd ____________________________ Bwyd ____________________________ Grasboeth ____________________________ Traeth ____________________________ Torheulo ____________________________ Pysgota ____________________________ Adolygu - revision

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