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  1. Disclaimer This presentation includes ‘Forward-Looking Statements’ as well as historical information. These statements include Simberi’s continued advancement of its mineral exploration, development and production programs. When used in this presentation, the words “potential," "anticipate," "forecast," "believe," "estimate," "expect," "may," "project," "plan" and similar expressions are intended to be among the statements that identify ‘Forward-Looking Statements. Although Simberi believes that its expectations reflected in these ‘Forward-Looking Statements’ are reasonable, such statements may involve unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors disclosed in our regulatory filings, viewed on the SEDAR website at www.sedar.com. Although Simberi believes the facts and information contained in the pages of this presentation to be as correct and current as possible, Simberi does not warrant or make any representations as to the accuracy, validity or completeness of any facts or information contained in these pages. Mineral resources which are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. The estimate of mineral resources may be materially affected by environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, sociopolitical, marketing, or other relevant issues. The quantity and grade of reported inferred resources in this estimation are conceptual in nature and there has been insufficient exploration to define an indicated mineral resource on the property and it is uncertain if further exploration will result in discovery of an indicated or measured mineral resource on the property. Mike Newbury, P.Eng. is the Qualified Person who has reviewed this presentation on behalf of the Company.

  2. Corporate Profile • Simberi Mining Corporation (Simberi) is a Canada-based international mineral development company that participates in early to mid stage properties with high potential for future production. • Reasonable returns on capital are achieved through innovativeexploration and development, acquisitions, and joint venture strategies that seek to securitize value in individual projects at optimal points in the mineral development cycle • Management and Directors have extensive mineral development expertise and networks in Canada and internationally

  3. Simberi Property Portfolio A geographically diverse mineral property portfolio that includes potential base and precious metals projects in: Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo Copper / Cobalt Australia South Australia Copper/ Gold/ Uranium (Olympic Dam type deposits) Western Australia Nickel/ Platinum Group Metals Share holdings in Australian resource Companies Blackham Resources ASX Korab Resources ASX

  4. Properties: Kakanda - Democratic Republic of Congo (Simberi 51% increasing to 70%) Copper/Cobalt Lambina - South Australia (Simberi 100%) Gold/Uranium/Copper Mt. Sarah - South Australia (Simberi 60%) Gold/Uranium/Copper Mt. Narlee - South Australia (Simberi 60%) Gold/Uranium/Copper Merlot - Western Australia (Simberi 100%) Nickel/Copper/Platinum

  5. Corporate Status • TSX Venture listed – SAU • 164.2 million shares and 10.9 million options outstanding • Market Capitalization Range • Jan. 16, 2009, 1 cent/share, 164.2M shares, $1.6 million market cap. • Jan. 16, 2008, 7 cents/share, 162.9M shares, $11.4 million market cap. • Jan. 16, 2006, 33 cents/share, 120.4M shares, $39.7 million market cap. • No debt

  6. Valuation per Share – Metal Price Sensitivity (Kakanda Tailings May 25, 2008 NI 43-101Evaluation. Kakanda hard rock reserves are historical and not included in the valuation.)

  7. Officers and Directors • Michael Newbury, P.Eng, M.Sc. President & Chief Executive Officer • Professional Engineer with 40 years of mineral development and evaluation expertise in Russia, Africa, Australia, Mongolia and South America. Studies in Geology and Mining Engineering at Queen’s University and McGill. Founding partner of Endeavour Financial with senior roles in major mining and financial organizations. Director of Hawk Uranium, and Roscan Resources. • James S. Hershaw, CFA, MBA, B.Sc. (Eng) Vice President, Corporate Development & Chief Financial Officer • 25 years of energy and mineral development expertise in Canada and Africa. Mining Engineering from Queen’s University, MBA from University of Alberta with a CFA. CEO and Director of WATT Energy LP(s) with senior roles in energy, mineral and investment organizations. Extensive experience with capital markets and flow through shares with firms including Nesbitt Burns and Dynamic Funds.

  8. Officers and Directors • Paul Pathak, LLB Corporate Secretary • Mr.  Pathak is as a partner of Chitiz Pathak LLP, a Toronto law firm. Mr. Pathak practices principally in the areas of corporate, securities, mergers, acquisitions and commercial law. He provides sophisticated guidance to private and public corporate clients in industry, including natural resources, technology, manufacturing, merchant banking and advertising. Mr. Pathak was called to the Ontario Bar in 1994, having completed his LL.B. at Osgoode Hall Law School. He has sat on the boards of and acted as a corporate secretary to several private and public companies listed on both the Canadian and American stock exchanges. • Carlissa De Rose, B.Sc. Manager, Corporate Affairs • Securities compliance, corporate finance, business development and investor relations. Holds similar position with Renforth Resources Inc. BSc graduate from Dalhousie University.

  9. Officers and Directors • Maurice H. Stekel Audit Committee Chair • Chartered Accountant with 43 years of mineral development consultancy and mining company directorships. Founding partner of Birnbaum, Prenick Stekel, CA firm. • Geoff Farrar Compensation Committee Chair • A senior banker with 40 years of banking, finance and mineral development expertise. Former President, CEO and Director of Barclays Bank of Canada. Director of Great Western Diamonds. • William PotterCorporate Governance Committee Chair • An investment banker with 30 years of expertise and an MBA from Harvard University. Chairman of Meredith & Co, New York and director of numerous companies and foundations including New Congo Resource Development Inc. Leading African developments through direct connection to highest levels of US and DRC Congo governments and the Carter Commission which guides the terms for mining development in the Congo.

  10. Officers and Directors • John CerenziaDirector • Extensive experience with small capitalization natural resource companies. Current director with Kent Exploration, and former director with Helix Ventures, YSV Ventures and Richview Resources.

  11. Kakanda Democratic Republic of the Congo

  12. African Resource Potential

  13. DRC Congo “size of Europe” Kakanda

  14. Kakanda Property Central African Copper Belt

  15. N 0 10 km KAKANDA KEY MAP Property Location

  16. Central African Copper Belt and the DRC • A 600 km long and 50 km wide arc of copper deposits stretching through the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia. • Contains in excess of 10% of the world's known copper resources and about 34% of global cobalt deposits • Political instability, war and nationalizations severely curtailed mineral exploration in the region in the 70s, 80s, and 90s • Recently Improvement in economic and political stability • A new western style mining code • Economic development potential for the DRC due to: • Participation of World Bank and other IFI’s • Educated knowledgeable workers • Development of infrastructure

  17. Kakanda Copper-Cobalt Project • Project: • 1997 feasibility study confirmed technical feasibility and economic viability of the project • Tailings (Indicated resources): • 18.5 million tonnes at 1.2% Cu and 0.15% Co • Hard Rock (Historical resources): • 18.6 million tonnes at 3.19% Cu and 0.19% Co • Location: • South-eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (“DRC”) • 200 km northwest of provincial capital of Lumbumbashi • Part of Central African Copper Belt • Ownership: • Simberi – 51% (through wholly owned subsidiary New Congo Resource Development Company Inc) • Gecamines – 49% DRC state mining company • Simberi is currently negotiating to increase its ownership to a minimum of 70%

  18. Kakanda Property Map Boundary of the Simberi-Gecamines Joint Venture Property

  19. Property • The Kakanda Tailings concession comprises approximately 6.48 km2 • The Kakanda North and South Pits concession covers approximately 5.67 km2. • The total area of the two overlapping concessions under the Joint Venture is 10.53 km2 (un-surveyed) under Permis d’Exploration No. 469 • The joint venture is between Gecamines and PTM Minerals (Cayman) Ltd. a wholly owned subsidiary of Simberi. • PTM Minerals: • A wholly owned subsidiary of Simberi (through New Congo) • Original Exploration License issued August 2, 1996 • License issued May 31, 1997 • Ministerial Decree No. 0366/Cab. Mines/KKM/MK/MN/97

  20. Property Update • In November 2007 the Commission of the Democratic Republic of the Congo reviewed all foreign mining licenses and acknowledged Simberi’s rights to the Kakanda concessions and the joint venture with Gecamines • The Commission has recognized Simberi and prior organizations affiliated with Simberi’s wholly owned subsidiary PTM as having invested in excess of $15 million in exploration and development of the properties and fulfilled their contractual obligations resulting in the bankable feasibility study completed in October 1997 and the more recent 43-101 compliant technical report completed in fall 2006 with an update in May 2008. • On December 18, 2008 Gecamines and PTM signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to establish a joint venture Kakanda Mining Development to exploit the Kakanda tailings deposit. The hard rock resources are not included in the MOU but are subject to continuing discussion with Gecamines.

  21. Zone Tonnes Total Cu % Total Co % Tailings Oxide-dolomitic 5,410,000 1.09 0.12 Tailings Oxide-silicate 13,010,000 1.25 0.15 Tailings Total (Indicated) 18,420,000 1.22 0.15 Historical Hard Rock 18,600,000 3.19 0.19 Resources The resource estimation for the Kakanda tailings is classified as Indicated Resources by NI 43-101 standards. The historical hard rock resources are not NI 43-101 compliant. See MPH Consulting Report filed on www.sedar.com for complete details.

  22. Kakanda Tailings • Produced from the mining of the nearby pits • Processing inefficient resulting in high-grade tails • Major operations ceased in the mid-1980’s • Adjacent concentrator still in operation, adding new tails

  23. Concentrator Adding Tailings

  24. Process Flow Diagram

  25. Kakanda North and South Pits

  26. Metal Price Sensitivity Tailings Project NPV @ 20% Discount: (US$ millions) Tailings Project IRR:

  27. Preliminary Economic Analysis • Tailings Project 2008 Base Case: (Source MPH 43-101 2006 report) • Metal prices: • Copper US$ 2.00/lb • Cobalt US$ 15.00/lb • Mining Cost: • US$ 30.97/t

  28. 5 Year Copper Price (US$/lb) 1 Year Cobalt Sales Price (US$/lb) http://cobalt.bhpbilliton.com/

  29. Valuation per Share - Sensitivity Potential Cases (Kakanda Tailings May 25, 2008 NI 43-101Evaluation. Kakanda hard rock reserves are historical and not included in the valuation.)

  30. Phase 1 (2009- 2010) Phase 2 (2010) Phase 3 (2010 +) Revise Feasibility Complete feasibility Metallurgical studies Arrange finance Commence construction Complete Construction Commence Production Open pit Exploration Metallurgical Studies Proposed Development Timetable

  31. Australian Properties

  32. Australian Projects Mt Sarah Gold/Uranium/Copper Mt. Narlee Gold/Uranium/Copper Lambina Gold/Uranium/Copper Merlot Nickel/Copper/Platinum • Olympic Dam • Gold/Uranium/Copper

  33. South Australia Mt. Sarah EL 2007/00129 128 km2 Mt. Narlee EL 2007/00016 822 km2 Lambina EL 3566 471 km2 Western Australia Merlot EL38/2087 and 38/2088 800 km2 These properties are located in the structurally significant O’Driscoll G2 Corridor within the Gawler Craton. This is the host for the Olympic Dam (copper/uranium/gold) deposit and Teck Cominco’s Carrapateena (copper/gold) deposit and Prominent Hill. This property is located near and covers part of the sefton lineament which shows extreme tectonic activity with high potential for mineralization. Properties

  34. South Australian Properties

  35. Olympic Dam “world class property” • Owned by BHP Billiton, Olympic Dam is one of the world’s largest mining developments • Located in the GawlerCraton Region of South Australia • Published Resources are 7.7 billion tonnes containing • 2.2 million tonnes of uranium • 67 million tonnes of copper • 79 million ounces of gold • Olympic Dam globally is the World’s: • Largest Uranium Deposit • Fourth Largest Copper Deposit • Fifth Largest Gold Deposit • “Elephant target for Simberi”

  36. Lambina (Simberi 100%) • Identified two high potential geophysical anomalies: • Anomaly LB-02 • Peak reading of 4 mGal. • Shallow, near surface in part. • 6 km long and about 1 km wide and it is interpreted to be more than 2.5 km thick • Anomaly LB-03 • Peak reading of 6 mGal. • Shallow, interpreted depth is less than 200 metres. • 5 km long and 1.5 km wide with a thickness of about 5.5 km. • Aboriginal Work Clearance Survey • Completed September 2007, • received departmental approval (November 2007), to drill these two anomalies.

  37. Lambina Option with Raisama Agreed to sell Lambina to Raisama for A$1,000,000 in stock. Raisama is a new corporation preparing a listing on the ASX. Holds a number of high potential Uranium properties including the Sunday Creek property. Sunday Creek property is adjacent to the Kintyre Uranium Project that was recently purchased by Cameco and Mitsubishi for US$500 million. Western Australian government has now lifted the uranium development ban and is encouraging new exploration and development. High prospective properties have become difficult to acquire with rising values.

  38. Anomaly LB-02 Anomaly LB-03 Lambina Drill Targets Lambina Drill Targets

  39. Mt. Sarah (Simberi 60%) • Joint venture with Caldera Resources and Ellendale Resources • Simberi can earn up to a 60% interest by: • Issuing 1,500,000 common shares • Spending CDN$1,250,000 on the property over 3 years • Simberi has recently completed Gravity and Magnetic geophysical surveys. The coincident gravity and magnetic anomalies at Mt. Sarah are considered to be of high interest. • An Aboriginal Heritage Survey has been completed and the company can now proceed with detailed geophysical surveys to delineate drill targets.

  40. Mt. Sarah Target Drilling is recommended on this anomaly that exhibits coincident gravity and magnetic anomalies that are similar in geophysical response to the class type for iron oxide mineralized bodies (Olympic Dam) within the G-2 corridor.

  41. Mt. Narlee (Simberi 60%) • Joint venture with Caldera Resources and Ellendale Resources • Simberi can earn up to a 60% interest by: • Issuing 1,500,000 common shares • Spending CDN$1,250,000 on the property over 3 years • Mt. Narlee property has a regional gravity anomaly that requires detailed ground follow up and a Magnetic Geophysical Survey. Simberi will be conducting this work in the near future. • An Aboriginal Heritage Survey has been completed and the company can now proceed with detailed geophysical surveys to delineate drill targets.

  42. Mt Narlee Targets

  43. Future Plans Mt. Narlee and Mt. Sarah have delineated high potential drill targets: Further exploration will be considered after results of the drilling by Barrick on the adjacent Mt. Carolina property Potential for joint venture Potential to merge Mt. Narlee and Mt Sarah properties into Raisama

  44. Located in the Mt. Margaret mineral field in western Australia and covers part of the Sefton lineament Contains a number of high potential geophysical anomalies Petrology indicates a number of ultra-mafic and mafic dykes Samples indicate the presence of copper nickel and platinum group mineralization Merlot (Simberi 100%) Merlot Geophysical Map

  45. Merlot • Potential mineralized targets within the Sefton Lineament at Merlot has been delineated by: • Aeromagnetic anomalies and shows a very large zone characterized by linear magnetic features that display a sense of movement. • A detailed structural analysis of the internal and external fabric of the rock units in this environment is required. However, the description of the samples taken from a very preliminary reconnaissance drilling programme that several ‘hybrid’ rock types have been detected in this zone containing numerous glass fragments with appreciable levels of Ni and Cr. • The portion of the Sefton Lineament at Merlot may contain an ultramafic/mafic greenstone sequence similar to the other major lineaments in the region such as the Ida, Keith-Kilkenny, Celia and Laverton Lineaments immediately to the west that are the host for economic mineral deposits.

  46. Merlot • The Sefton Lineament shows extreme tectonic activity and exceptional potential for mineralization Total Magnetic Intensity of a portion of the Sefton Lineament

  47. OTHER ASSETS • Simberi has sold other Australian assets: • Zanthus: a lignite property • Sold to Blackham Resources for $100,000 in cash and 363,297 shares • Blackham trades on the ASX at $0.07 per share (June 2008 high of $0.50 per share) • Mt Elephant: a precious metal property • Sold to Korab for $50,000 cash and 500,000 shares • Korab trades on the ASX at $ 0.05per share (June 2008 high of $0.15 per share)

  48. Outlook Kakanda, DRC • Complete joint venture documentation • Update feasibility; new metallurgical work • Drilling to upgrade Hard Rock resources • Evaluate development options Australia • Seek Australian joint venture partners • Continue exploration on Mt. Sarah and Mt. Narlee • Drill high potential targets on Lambina • Conduct detailed geochemical and geophysical exploration on Merlot

  49. Contact • Michael Newbury, • CEO and President, mikenewbury76@aol.com 416-417-7907(cell) • James S. Hershaw, • CFO and Vice President, jshershaw@simberimining.com 416-420-9122 (cell) • 416-603-7200 • 80 Richmond Street West, Suite 1101 Toronto, Ontario, M5H 2A4

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