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The Regulatory Environment for Food Processing in Saskatchewan

Understand the history of food laws, regulatory bodies, and specific regulations for various food products in Saskatchewan. Learn about key considerations and contact details for further information.

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The Regulatory Environment for Food Processing in Saskatchewan

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  1. The Regulatory Environment for Food Processing in Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Food Summit March, 2011 Chris Smith, Food Safety Specialist

  2. History of Food Production Laws Egyptian scrolls - labeling Ancient Athens - beer and wines inspected Romans - control against fraud and bad produce Europe (Middle Ages) - quality and safety of eggs, sausages, cheese, beer, wine, and bread

  3. Chemist and doctors tried to alert public of adulteration • Frederick C. Accum (1769 - 1838) • Named names of adulterating merchants

  4. Food chemistry gains credibility and accuracy to test for “adulteration” • First general food laws are adopted and enforced

  5. Saskatchewan Acts and Regulations Main regulatory bodies for SK: Saskatchewan Ministry of Health Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority Agriculture Agri-Food Canada (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) Health Canada

  6. Fruit and Vegetables • Farm gate • Farmer’s Market • Provincial regulations • Federally regulations

  7. Selling of Food – 4 (1) • Subsection 4. (1) FDA states that: "No person shall sell an article of food that: • has in or on it any poisonous or harmful substance; • is unfit for human consumption; • consists in whole or in part of any filthy, putrid, disgusting, rotten, decomposed or diseased animal or vegetable substance; • is adulterated; or • was manufactured, prepared, preserved, packaged or stored under unsanitary conditions"

  8. Selling of Food – 5 (1) • Subsection 5.(1) of the FDA states that: "No person shall label, package, treat, process, sell or advertise any food in a manner that is false, misleading or deceptive or is likely to create an erroneous impression regarding its character, value, quantity, composition, merit or safety.”

  9. Dairy and Dairy Products • Category II • Not exceed 25 litres/day cow milk • Not exceed 100 litres/day other milk • Category I • Make all dairy products • Market within SK • Federally registered • Make all dairy products • Export beyond SK

  10. Wines • Cottage winery • Up to 5,000 – 45,000 litres/yr production • Commercial winery • More than 45,000 litre/yr production

  11. Meat and Poultry • Farm gate sales • Slaughters own animals • Sells fresh/frozen, ground meat from farm (previous arrangement) • SK Health licensed facilities • Slaughters own and others’ animals • Sells fresh/frozen, ground meat, fresh/frozen sausage, hams, bacon, RTE (ready to eat) from business or other SK venues (except in Saskatoon)

  12. Provincial license (Domestic Meat Program) • Slaughters own and others’ animals • Sells fresh/frozen, ground meat, fresh/frozen sausage, hams, bacon, RTE (ready to eat) from business or other SK venues that include in Saskatoon • Federally registered • Slaughters own and others’ animals • Sells fresh/frozen, ground meat, fresh/frozen sausage, hams, bacon, RTE (ready to eat) up to export market

  13. Meat & poultry Fish & seafood Dairy and products Fruit & vegetables Processed fruits & vegetables Shell eggs and egg products Maple syrup Honey Federally registered Export beyond SK

  14. Meat & poultry Fish & seafood Dairy and products Fruit & vegetables Processed fruits & vegetables Shell eggs and egg products Maple syrup Honey Grain & products Cereals & products Sport products Spices Snacks Confection & sugar Edible oils Alcoholic & non-alcoholic Federally registered Export beyond SK Bakery goods Non-Federally registered

  15. Meat & poultry Fish & seafood Dairy and products Fruit & vegetables Processed fruits & vegetables Shell eggs and egg products Maple syrup Honey Grain & products Cereals & products Sport products Spices Snacks Confection & sugar Edible oils Alcoholic & non-alcoholic Federally registered Export beyond SK Bakery goods Non-Federally registered Meat, poultry, fish & seafood, diary, f & v, processed f & v, eggs & products, maple syrup, honey No export beyond SK

  16. Things to Consider • Participate in associations/relevant committees • Government often works with these groups in regulations development or consultation • Educate self and membership on requirements • Don’t just tell gov’t what’s not working • Offer alternatives/solutions • Recognize why regulations are developed • Protect public • Enable commerce

  17. Chris Smith Food Safety Specialist, Livestock Branch Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture 3085 Albert Street Regina, SK; S4S 0B1 306-787-4692

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