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Het vakmanschap van de docent VO-raad regio noord, Heerenveen

| GLOBAL | TEACHERS | PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL |. Het vakmanschap van de docent VO-raad regio noord, Heerenveen. Professional Capital in vogelvlucht Hannie Hofland 22 november 2012. Hargreaves and Fullan , 2012. | GLOBAL | TEACHERS | PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL |.

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Het vakmanschap van de docent VO-raad regio noord, Heerenveen

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  1. |GLOBAL | TEACHERS | PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL | Het vakmanschap van de docentVO-raad regio noord, Heerenveen Professional Capital in vogelvlucht Hannie Hofland 22 november 2012 • Hargreaves and Fullan, 2012

  2. | GLOBAL | TEACHERS | PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL | Professional capitalin vogelvlucht Bezien vanuit vogelvlucht A bird’seye view Perspectief: Van veraf: overzicht Van dichtbij: inzoomen op details

  3. | GLOBAL | TEACHERS | PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL | Professional capitalperspectief

  4. What 15-year-olds can do

  5. High reading performance Average performanceof 15-year-olds in reading – extrapolate and apply … 17 countries perform below this line Low reading performance

  6. High reading performance 2009 Durchschnittliche Schülerleistungen im Bereich Mathematik High average performance Large socio-economic disparities High average performance High social equity Strong socio-economic impact on student performance Socially equitable distribution of learning opportunities Low average performance Large socio-economic disparities Low average performance High social equity Low reading performance

  7. High reading performance 2009 Durchschnittliche Schülerleistungen im Bereich Mathematik High average performance Large socio-economic disparities High average performance High social equity Strong socio-economic impact on student performance Socially equitable distribution of learning opportunities Low average performance Large socio-economic disparities Low average performance High social equity Low reading performance

  8. Changes in performance by type of task between 2000 and 2009 Increase percentage correct Japan Japan OECD OECD

  9. Does it all matter?

  10. Increased likelihood of postsec. particip. at age 19/21 associated with PISA reading proficiency at age 15 (Canada)after accounting for school engagement, gender, mother tongue, place of residence, parental, education and family income (reference group PISA Level 1) Odds ratiohigher education entry School marks at age 15 PISA performance at age 15

  11. School autonomy, accountability and student performanceImpact of school autonomy on performance in systems with and without accountability arrangements PISA score in reading

  12. Local responsibility and system-level prescription Trend in OECD countries System-level prescription ‘Tayloristic’ work organisation Schools today The industrial model, detailed prescription of what schools do Schools tomorrow? Building capacity Finland today Every school an effective school Schools leading reform Teachers as ‘knowledge workers’

  13. The old bureaucratic system The modern enabling system Student inclusion Some students learn at high levels All students need to learn at high levels Curriculum, instruction and assessment Routine cognitive skills, rote learning Learning to learn, complex ways of thinking, ways of working Education reform trajectories Teacher quality Few years more than secondary High-level professional knowledge workers Work organisation ‘Tayloristic’, hierarchical Flat, collegial Accountability Primarily to authorities Primarily to peers and stakeholders

  14. | GLOBAL | TEACHERS | PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL | Professional capitaleffectiviteit Dus: Iedere school effectief op elk gebied No childleftbehind

  15. |GLOBAL | TEACHERS | PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL | Professional capitalde docent Kenmerken professionele docent? Teaching like a pro?

  16. |GLOBAL | TEACHERS | PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL | Professional capitalde docent Eigen lesgeven continu: Onderzoeken Bevragen Verbeteren Individu  lid van team Gemeenschap van beroepsbeoefenaren als docent Groei door vrijelijke circulatie van professioneel kapitaal in de hele beroepsgroep • Hargreaves and Fullan, 2012, p. 22

  17. |GLOBAL | TEACHERS | PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL | Professional capitalde schrijvers Making Shift Happen: Congres Amsterdam 4 oktober 2012 Andy Hargreaves en Michael Fullan: Introduction 0:26 – eind

  18. |GLOBAL | TEACHERS | PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL | Professional capitalopmerkelijk Nederland: “De basis op orde… …en de lat omhoog!” Canada (Fullan): “Raise the bar… … and close the gap!”

  19. |GLOBAL | TEACHERS | PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL | • …is technically sophisticated and difficult • …requires high levels of educa-tion and long periods of training • …is perfectedthroughcontinuousimprovement • …involveswisejudgmentinformedbyevidence and experience • …is collectiveaccomplishment and responsibility • …maximizes, mediates, and moderates online instruction Professional capitallesgeven… …is technisch zeer complex en moeilijk …vraagt om hoog opleidings-niveau, langdurige oefening …komt tot volle ontwikkeling door een continu proces van verbeteren …essentieel is: met wijsheid beoordelen o.b.v. bewijs en ervaring …is collectieve prestatie en gezamenlijke verantwoordelijk-heid …is makelaar zijn tussen leerling en digitaal lesmateriaal • Hargreaves and Fullan, 2012, p. 14

  20. |GLOBAL | TEACHERS | PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL | Professional capitalhoofdgedachte A capitalidea! Capital: toegevoegd voordeel hebbend voor de wezenlijke waarde op de lange termijn • Hargreaves and Fullan, 2012, p. 1

  21. |GLOBAL | TEACHERS | PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL | individu Professional capitalelementen samenwerken school Element 1: Humancapital Element 2: Socialcapital Element 3: Decisionalcapital • Hargreaves and Fullan, 2012, p. 14

  22. |GLOBAL | TEACHERS | PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL | Professional capital professionaliteit: element 3 Essentieel element: Decisionalcapital Het vermogen beslissingen te nemen in complexe situaties Voorbeelden: Visiblelearning Meta-analyses De spiegel: Leren van de docent Leren van de leerling • Hattie. Marzano. Van de Grift.

  23. |GLOBAL | TEACHERS | PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL | Professional capitalde formule pc = f (hc, sc, dc) samenwerking = essentieel Voorbeeld: Franca Lentz, Singelland, Drachten • Hargreaves and Fullan, 2012, p. 88

  24. |GLOBAL | TEACHERS | PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL | Professional capitalkwaliteit van samenwerken Hoe docenten samenwerken Transparantie: Naar elkaar Naar systeem Verantwoordelijkheid nemen Rekenschap afleggen Constante ontwikkeling • Hargreaves and Fullan, 2012, p. 86-87

  25. |GLOBAL | TEACHERS | PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL | Professional capital kwaliteit van samenwerking Doelgerichtheid Vertrouwen: High trust Low trust Evidence-informed… …notdata-driven. • Hargreaves and Fullan, 2012, p. 111-136. Schildkamp et al, 2013.

  26. |GLOBAL | TEACHERS | PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL | Professional capitalevidence-informed Betere leerprestaties leerlingen “Learning is the work, socialcapital is the fuel.” • Hargreaves and Fullan, 2012, p. 92

  27. |GLOBAL | TEACHERS | PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL | Professional capitalevidence-informed decisionalcapital in socialcapital “Judges have to judge even when the evidenceisn’tconclusive.” • Hargreaves and Fullan, 2012, p. 93

  28. |GLOBAL | TEACHERS | PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL | Zuid-Afrika Oeganda Pakistan USA Professional capitalprofessionaliteit India Peru China Canada Libanon Bangladesh Geneeskundig onderwijs UK • Frenk et al, 2010

  29. |GLOBAL | TEACHERS | PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL | Professional capitalprofessionaliteit Opleiding voor hoog-opgeleide professionals wereldwijd in beweging Complexe uitdagingen Nieuwe mogelijkheden Lokale problemen… …internationale kennisbronnen/-gemeenschappen aanspreken. Internationalisering • Frenk et al, 2010

  30. |GLOBAL | TEACHERS | PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL | * Doel * Resultaat * Professional capital** Professional capitalprofessionaliteit Informatief Kennisenvaardigheden Experts Human capital Formatief Socialisatie enwaarden Professionals Social capital # veranderen en veranderingen tot stand brengen Transformatief Verinnerlijking enleiderschaps-kwaliteiten Changeagents# Decisional capital • * Frenk et al, 2010. ** Hargreaves and Fullan, 2012.

  31. |GLOBAL | TEACHERS |PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL | Professional capitalschoolleiders Hoe gaat u dit bereiken? Leiding geven aan professionals: NIET DOEN “Changing is voluntary, butinevitable.” • Fullan, 4 oktober 2012

  32. |GLOBAL | TEACHERS |PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL | Professional capitalschoolleiders “The next steps.” • Jeroen van der Veer, voormalig CEO Shell

  33. |GLOBAL | TEACHERS |PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL | Professional capitalschoolleiders Wat levert ‘t meeste op in termen van cultuuromslag bewerkstelligen? Docenten verplichten tot wederzijdse lesbezoeken. Tijd vrijmaken voor docentenoverleg.

  34. |GLOBAL | TEACHERS |PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL | Professional capitalparadoxen van leiderschap PULL NUDGE PUSH • Hargreaves and Fullan, 2012, p. 135-136

  35. |GLOBAL | TEACHERS |PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL | Professional capitalschoolleiders Prof.Cap. bevorderen: moed en volharding Medewerkers: kennen en begrijpen Leiderschap: stabiel en duurzaam Pas op voor schijnbaar professionele samenwerking Wees evidence-informed, notdata-driven Kijk over uw grenzen BE THE CHANGE THAT YOU WANT • Hargreaves and Fullan, 2012, p. 163-173

  36. |GLOBAL | TEACHERS |PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL | Professional capitalschoolleiders Andy Hargreavesonleadership: “When does virtuouspersistence turn intostubbornobstinacy?” Wanneer verandert deugdzame volharding in onbuigzame koppigheid? • Hargreaves, 4 oktober 2012

  37. |GLOBAL | TEACHERS | PRINCIPALS |GLOBAL | Global: conclusioninnovatie of transformatie? innovatie ≠ transformatie

  38. |GLOBAL | TEACHERS | PRINCIPALS |GLOBAL | Global: conclusiontransformatie! “Transforming teaching on a system wide basis.” • Fullan, 4 oktober 2012

  39. |GLOBAL | TEACHERS | PRINCIPALS |GLOBAL | Global: conclusiontransformatie van het lesgeven transforming teaching in EVERY school ≠ transforming teaching in ANY school • Fullan, 4 oktober 2012

  40. | GLOBAL | TEACHERS | PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL | Referentiesreacties, vragen: jem.hofland@dingstede.nl Hargreaves A, Fullan M. Professional capital: transforming teaching in every school. London and New York: Routledge, 2012. Schleiger, A. powerpoint (OECD), cbeacademica.nl “Making Shift happen,” Amsterdam 4 okt. 2012 Hattie J. Visiblelearning: a synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement. London and New York: Routledge, 2009. Marzano R. Wat werkt in de klas. ..: Bazalt, .. (2008) Marzano R. Wat werkt op school. ..: Bazalt, 2007 (2003) Grift W van de. Ontwikkeling in de beroepsvaardigheid van leraren. Groningen: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 2010. Frenk J, Chen L, Bhutta ZA et al. Health professionals for a new century: transforming education to strengthen health systems in an interdependent world. Lancet. 2010; 376 (9756): 1923-58. Schildkamp K, Lai M, Earl L. Data-baseddecisionmaking in education: challenges and opportunities. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London and New York: Springer, 2013. Met dank aan Annet Hofland, voor de lay-out van de presentatie en de tekeningen.

  41. |GLOBAL | TEACHERS | PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL | Professional capitaltransforming teaching in every school • Stoppelenburg, docente muziek, 2012

  42. |GLOBAL | TEACHERS | PRINCIPALS | GLOBAL | Professional capitaltransforming teaching in every school Hartelijk dank voor uw aandacht! Veel succes en inspiratie in uw mooie werk! • Hannie Hofland . Heerenveen, 22 november 2012

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