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2. School Information School
Local District Director
Support Unit Administrator
Date Submitted
Name of the Integration Support Team Members Front page is pretty basic. School name, principal, Local District Director, the Support Unit Administrator, Date and the names of the Integration Support Team members who will be involved in developing, supporting and reviewing the plan. The team members should be composed of both general education and special education staff, APEIS (elementary), Bridge Coordinator (secondary) and any other members essential to the team. Team members should be listed on the cover sheet.Front page is pretty basic. School name, principal, Local District Director, the Support Unit Administrator, Date and the names of the Integration Support Team members who will be involved in developing, supporting and reviewing the plan. The team members should be composed of both general education and special education staff, APEIS (elementary), Bridge Coordinator (secondary) and any other members essential to the team. Team members should be listed on the cover sheet.
The Integration Support Team or School team will complete the self review checklist. The checklist outlines quality indicators of inclusive schools and designed to help schools know what elements need to be in place to achieve the outcome. The Integration Support Team or School team will complete the self review checklist. The checklist outlines quality indicators of inclusive schools and designed to help schools know what elements need to be in place to achieve the outcome.
4. The Self Review Checklist School Climate
Instructional Strategies
Professional Development
Technical Support
Parent Involvement
School Monitoring and Self Evaluation
Other School-wide Strategies
The integration plan is divided up into seven sections: School Climate, Instructional Strategies, Professional Development, Technical Support, Parent Involvement, School Monitoring and Self Evaluation, Other school-wide strategies. The last page is the update page. We have cleaned up the version that your school might have received at the training. The content is the same, format slightly different. You may turn in this form electronically or mail in the version you received at the training.The integration plan is divided up into seven sections: School Climate, Instructional Strategies, Professional Development, Technical Support, Parent Involvement, School Monitoring and Self Evaluation, Other school-wide strategies. The last page is the update page. We have cleaned up the version that your school might have received at the training. The content is the same, format slightly different. You may turn in this form electronically or mail in the version you received at the training.
5. Required documentation to be kept on file at
the school for Independent Monitor review.
Support Matrix
Teacher Schedules
Training Handouts
Student Integration Schedules
Class lists
Evidence of schoolwide positive behavior support program
All documentation must be on file in the school. We suggest a folder/red roper to contain all needed documents. These include:
A copy of the plan agendas, professional development topics, school-wide matrix, student schedules, teacher schedules, etc. All documentation must be on file in the school. We suggest a folder/red roper to contain all needed documents. These include:
A copy of the plan agendas, professional development topics, school-wide matrix, student schedules, teacher schedules, etc.
6. Submit two copies of the completed plan to the Support Unit and a copy to the Local District Director
Principal signature
Support Unit integration team member will review and forward to the Division of Special Education
Director’s signature is optional
Completed plan due to the Support Unit by
February 8, 2008.
Support Unit will review the plan and then forward to the Division of Special Education.
Division will forward plan to the MCD Independent Monitor.
A completed copy of the plan to be submitted to the Support Unit by February 8, 2008. The SU should forward to the Office of Instructional Initiatives by. A copy of the plan also to your Local District Director. His/her signature is optional. A copy goes to the Support Unit Administrator and the Director at the same time. You may send or email.A completed copy of the plan to be submitted to the Support Unit by February 8, 2008. The SU should forward to the Office of Instructional Initiatives by. A copy of the plan also to your Local District Director. His/her signature is optional. A copy goes to the Support Unit Administrator and the Director at the same time. You may send or email.
7. Using your school’s data located in the
Welligent reports, under IEP Reports,
Outcome 7, indicate:
Your school’s current percentage towards meeting the outcome.
Percentage difference from meeting target goal
Calculate the number of students required to increase percentage of time to meet the outcome target. Locating your school’s data located in the Welligent system, under IEP Reports, Outcome 7 indicate your current school’s percentage; calculate your distance from the target and identify the number of students required to increase the % of time to meet the outcome target. This is your starting place. See next slide.Locating your school’s data located in the Welligent system, under IEP Reports, Outcome 7 indicate your current school’s percentage; calculate your distance from the target and identify the number of students required to increase the % of time to meet the outcome target. This is your starting place. See next slide.
8. Canyon Middle School:
30 students with moderate to severe disabilities.
30 x 52% = 15.6 or 16 or more students to be integrated into general education 40% or more of the day.
Canyon has 12 students integrated for 40% or more of the day.
To achieve the outcome Canyon needs to increase time in general education for 4 or more students to up to 40% or more of the day.
9. Rating Scale 1 Fully Implemented — The strategy has been
completed is integrated into the school’s
2 Partially Implemented —The has been
introduced and is currently in the process of
being integrated into the school’s organization.
3 Not Implemented —The strategy is appropriate to
the school site but has not yet been introduced or
integrated into the school’s organization.
N/A Not Applicable —The strategy is not appropriate
or does not apply to the school.
The rating scale is based upon full implementation of the strategy. A “1” means that the strategy is already a part of your school’s organization. A “2” indicates that this is a strategy your school has begun to implement. A “3” means that the strategy is appropriate but has not been implemented yet but will be implemented within the timeframe of the plan. For #2 and #3, you must indicate when the implementation started or will start; your anticipated date of completion and who will be responsible for the implementation of the strategy. The N/A is for a strategy that may not be appropriate to your particular school site, grade level, etc.The rating scale is based upon full implementation of the strategy. A “1” means that the strategy is already a part of your school’s organization. A “2” indicates that this is a strategy your school has begun to implement. A “3” means that the strategy is appropriate but has not been implemented yet but will be implemented within the timeframe of the plan. For #2 and #3, you must indicate when the implementation started or will start; your anticipated date of completion and who will be responsible for the implementation of the strategy. The N/A is for a strategy that may not be appropriate to your particular school site, grade level, etc.
10. For each item that is partially implemented or not yet implemented, indicate the start date and anticipated completion date of the activity.
Indicate who will be responsible for
implementing the strategy/activity.
If the activity is not relevant to your school site, then write in N/A.
11. School Climate How are your students with disabilities perceived?
Where are your students’ with disabilities located? With their general education peers? Are they segregated to a certain location in the school? Are they segregated at recess, nutrition, lunch to their own location?
Are inclusive activities with grade/age appropriate peers? Some questions to ask: How are students with disabilities perceived? Where are they physically located in your school? Are they dispersed among your general education classes by grade/age or are they segregated into a special building/hallway or location in the school. At lunch, are there opportunities to play together, share a play area or a lunch area; are they all sitting isolated at the lunch area? At recess or nutrition are there opportunities to interact. Are they included on field trip or assemblies and are students always sitting together in a special education cluster or are there opportunities for individual students to interact, sit with, play with, be with general education peers. Some questions to ask: How are students with disabilities perceived? Where are they physically located in your school? Are they dispersed among your general education classes by grade/age or are they segregated into a special building/hallway or location in the school. At lunch, are there opportunities to play together, share a play area or a lunch area; are they all sitting isolated at the lunch area? At recess or nutrition are there opportunities to interact. Are they included on field trip or assemblies and are students always sitting together in a special education cluster or are there opportunities for individual students to interact, sit with, play with, be with general education peers.
12. School Climate Classroom and school barriers have been
identified and addressed.
Have barriers to access school facilities been addressed?Have barriers to access school facilities been addressed?
13. School Integration Support Team are in place. Training of school teams took place on March 14th and March 16th and May 18th, 2007. Approximately 200 schools attended the training. New schools on the target list must contact their Support Unit who will assist the schools in acquiring the necessary information to complete the school wide integration plan.
Is the integration support team now in place? How will they work with one another? The Support Unit will be responsible for assisting the school in acquiring the necessary information for the completing the school wide plan.Is the integration support team now in place? How will they work with one another? The Support Unit will be responsible for assisting the school in acquiring the necessary information for the completing the school wide plan.
14. School Climate Development of schoolwide support matrix which assigns and outlines how personnel are utilized to support the integration of students with moderate to severe disabilities. The matrix defined your resources and where they will be strategically placed to support all students. It also defines where you made need help in identify support. The matrix should be part of your evidence file in the Outcome 7 folder.The matrix defined your resources and where they will be strategically placed to support all students. It also defines where you made need help in identify support. The matrix should be part of your evidence file in the Outcome 7 folder.
15. School Climate Adoption and implementation of alternatives
to suspension to support all students.
There has been extensive trainings throughout the District on reducing school suspensions (Outcome 5). Has your school participated in any of the trainings? What do you already have in place? The adoption by the Board of Education of a district-wide positive behavior support program will provide additional training opportunities in this area.There has been extensive trainings throughout the District on reducing school suspensions (Outcome 5). Has your school participated in any of the trainings? What do you already have in place? The adoption by the Board of Education of a district-wide positive behavior support program will provide additional training opportunities in this area.
16. School Climate Check activities school has in place:
Debriefing Strategies
Linking Behavior to Instruction
Alternatives to Suspension
17. School Climate Conflict resolutions skills
Strategies for reflections
Assignment of a mentor or peer
How does your school handle conflicts? Are students given the opportunity to learn how to resolve conflict? What do you have in place?How does your school handle conflicts? Are students given the opportunity to learn how to resolve conflict? What do you have in place?
18. School Climate Opportunities for general education teachers and special education teachers to co-plan.
Special education teachers participate in all grade level activities.
Administrators routinely visit classrooms and provide support.
Curricular activities routinely celebrate diversity, cultural differences and varied ability.
Opportunities for general education and special education teachers to co-plan. Are all teachers given the opportunity to participate in staff development, given the appropriate materials and access to grade level content, as appropriate. Is diversity welcomed at your school site?Opportunities for general education and special education teachers to co-plan. Are all teachers given the opportunity to participate in staff development, given the appropriate materials and access to grade level content, as appropriate. Is diversity welcomed at your school site?
19. Instruction Through the IEP process, identify
timeline to increase time in
general education as appropriate.
Identify opportunities for SDP to
integrate students in general
education classroom and school
Integration may be student by student basis, it could be whole group of team or co-teaching. Where are the opportunities for students with moderate to severe disabilities to be with their general education peers?Integration may be student by student basis, it could be whole group of team or co-teaching. Where are the opportunities for students with moderate to severe disabilities to be with their general education peers?
20. All necessary school and classroom supports have been identified and considered.
Elementary: Looking at incoming K and reviewing IEPs to increase time in general education classroom. The IEPs of incoming kindergarten students should be reviewed and opportunities to integrate identified. Are you a site where a kindergarten collaborative can be developed? The key point is not to wait until the annual review if it is in the latter part of the school year to identify in general education. The IEPs of incoming kindergarten students should be reviewed and opportunities to integrate identified. Are you a site where a kindergarten collaborative can be developed? The key point is not to wait until the annual review if it is in the latter part of the school year to identify in general education.
21. Secondary Looking at the master schedule and
planning for special education classes to be supported general education classrooms.
Identify students who can participate in general education classes.
Identify level of support needed.
Develop IEP Looking at opportunities for general and special education teachers to collaborate and co-teach. Identify a group of students who can participate in specified classes, designate one or two of those classes as co-teaching classes.Looking at opportunities for general and special education teachers to collaborate and co-teach. Identify a group of students who can participate in specified classes, designate one or two of those classes as co-teaching classes.
22. Secondary Evidence that there is a process in place for
reviewing IEPs of incoming 6th or 9th graders
to ensure that mainstreaming or integration
opportunities are maintained per the IEP.
Similar to incoming kindergarteners, are the incoming 6th and 9th graders being given opportunities to participate in general education classes?Similar to incoming kindergarteners, are the incoming 6th and 9th graders being given opportunities to participate in general education classes?
23. Professional Development General Education Teachers
Special Education Teachers
Who is included in your professional development? Who is included in your professional development?
24. Professional DevelopmentIndicate the professional development topics your school has completed and implemented. Mark these as a “1”. Indicate the PD you school has completed and you are currently implementing the strategy. Mark these as a “2”. Select two additional PD your school feels are the most important to assist you in achieving the outcome. Mark these as a “3” on your action plan. Ability Awareness Training
Collaborative Practices
Learning Centers
Instructional Adaptations and Modifications Differentiated Instruction
Positive Behavior Support
Social Skills: Second Step, Character Counts or other??
Other PD? Identify the PD’s you school or a school team might have already attended and the strategies are being implemented (such as alternatives to suspension, school-wide positive behavior support program, best buddies, etc). Identify one of two PD you feel your school will need to move you closer to the outcome. You may choose from the list or perhaps The “Other” blank is there for you to identify PD not listed but you will be participating at a Local District or outside of the district. You do not have to check every training.Identify the PD’s you school or a school team might have already attended and the strategies are being implemented (such as alternatives to suspension, school-wide positive behavior support program, best buddies, etc). Identify one of two PD you feel your school will need to move you closer to the outcome. You may choose from the list or perhaps The “Other” blank is there for you to identify PD not listed but you will be participating at a Local District or outside of the district. You do not have to check every training.
25. Technical SupportIdentify those who will provide assistance to your school in support of your plan. LRE Specialist
Program Specialist
Behavior Support Specialist
Inclusion Facilitator
Math/Literacy Coaches Related Services Provider
LAS, OT, PT, APE, O.I., VI &/or D/HH Itinerant Teacher, LRE Counselor, Assistive Technology Personnel
Who comes to your who can provide student, teacher or school-wide assistance in providing opportunities in general education. Do you know who they are and what expertise they bring to your school site. How can they help you?Who comes to your who can provide student, teacher or school-wide assistance in providing opportunities in general education. Do you know who they are and what expertise they bring to your school site. How can they help you?
26. Parent Involvement School plan is shared with all parents (both general and special education)
Parents have opportunities for leadership roles
Parent informational meetings are held to inform parents of opportunities to integrate their son/daughter
Individual student integration plan
is shared with parents at the IEP meeting.
Are all parents welcomed at your school? How will you communicate your plan to all parents and bring all parents on board. Do parents of students with disabilities have volunteer or leadership opportunities at your school site. How are they supported and encouraged to become part of the fabric of your school? At IEP meeting are integration opportunities share with parents and implemented with parent support and approval?Are all parents welcomed at your school? How will you communicate your plan to all parents and bring all parents on board. Do parents of students with disabilities have volunteer or leadership opportunities at your school site. How are they supported and encouraged to become part of the fabric of your school? At IEP meeting are integration opportunities share with parents and implemented with parent support and approval?
27. School Monitoring and Self Evaluation Utilizing Data
Welligent Reports for Outcome 7
Monthly MCD Progress Reports
Monthly reminders of upcoming IEPs
School Integration Team meets on an ongoing basis
Ongoing monitoring of student data by the integration support team. Reviewing Welligent reports. Look at IEPs coming up and consider opportunities for increase integration time. How often will the Integration Support Team meet? Weekly, every other week, monthly???
Complete an online survey (to be posted shortly) to identify your school’s priority in assisting you toward the outcome.Ongoing monitoring of student data by the integration support team. Reviewing Welligent reports. Look at IEPs coming up and consider opportunities for increase integration time. How often will the Integration Support Team meet? Weekly, every other week, monthly???
Complete an online survey (to be posted shortly) to identify your school’s priority in assisting you toward the outcome.
28. Other Schoolwide Strategies This is your opportunity to include any
program/activity, etc. that your school has in
place that was not addressed in the
schoolwide plan. Are you already doing something special and creative at your school? Do you have an idea of what you would like to do that is not included in the plan? This is the page to showcase what you are already doing or to develop a plan unique to your school not covered by the action plan.Are you already doing something special and creative at your school? Do you have an idea of what you would like to do that is not included in the plan? This is the page to showcase what you are already doing or to develop a plan unique to your school not covered by the action plan.
29. Update School Plan Update your plan twice a year
Review progress
Mid-year report for YRS and Traditional Calendar Schools is June 30, 2008
Final report for all schools: February 1, 2009.
Send a copy to the Division of Special Education: Attention—Gloria Lopez or Jody Molodow
Send a copy to the Local District Director
Update and review your plan twice a year to report progress. Send or email to your Support Unit Administrator with a copy to your Local District Director. You will be sent a reminder of these due dates.Update and review your plan twice a year to report progress. Send or email to your Support Unit Administrator with a copy to your Local District Director. You will be sent a reminder of these due dates.
30. Support Units Support Unit—East (323) 932-2155
Support Unit—South (310) 354-3431)
Support Unit—North (818) 256-2800
Support Unit—Central/West (323) 421-2950
Instructional Initiatives Office (213) 241-8051
31. Questions?