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SPIN PHYSICS AT NIC A A.P. Nagaytsev , JINR , Dubna. 1. Introduction 2. NICA project 3. Spin physics at NICA 3.1 Polarized Beam Source 3.2 Polarimetry 3.3 Proposed measurements 3.4 SPD detector 4. Conclusions. Introduction.
SPIN PHYSICS AT NICA A.P. Nagaytsev, JINR , Dubna 1. Introduction 2. NICA project 3. Spin physics at NICA 3.1 Polarized Beam Source 3.2 Polarimetry 3.3 Proposed measurements 3.4 SPD detector 4. Conclusions
Introduction The purpose of Spin Physics program at NICA is the study of the nucleon spin structure with high intensity polarized light nuclear beams NICA collider option with the light nuclear beams with the proton and deuteron ones. Collider can allow us to reach very high collision proton energy up to Ös ~ 26 GeV with the luminosity up to 1030-1031 cm2/s. For deuteron beams the collision energy per nucleon up to Ös ~ 12 GeV with the average luminosity up to 1029-1030 cm2/s. Both proton and deuteron beams can be effectively polarized. All these advantages give us unique possibilities to investigate at NICA the polarized phenomena which are of crucial importance for the solution of the nucleon spin problems- one of the main tasks of the modern high energy physics THE SPIN PHYSICS DETECTOR- SPD to study spin structure of the nucleon and polarization effects at NICA (Conceptual Design Report) JINR Dubna 2010 2
NICA Project • The goal of the NICA project is construction at JINR of the new accelerator facility that consists of • - cryogenic heavy ion source, • - source of polarized protons and deuterons, • - ”old” linac LU-20, • - a new heavy ion linear accelerator, • a new Booster-synchrotron, • the existing proton synchrotron Nuclotron,upgraded to • Nuclotron-M, • two new superconducting storage rings of the collider, • new set of transfer channels. • http://nica.jinr.ru 3
NICA Project • The facility will have to provide: • - ion-ion (Au) and ion-proton collisions • 1 4.5 GeV/u, L ~ 1027 cm-2s-1, • collisions of polarized proton-proton • (deuteron-deuteron) beams • 5-12.6 GeV (2-5.8 GeV/u), L > 1030 cm-2s-1, • Fixed target experiments, • Experiments with internal target, • Two interaction points (IP). Two detectors. • The Multi Purpose Detector (MPD), aimed for experimental studies of hot and dense strongly interacting QCD matter and search for possible manifestation of signs of the mixed phase and critical endpoint in heavy ion collisions. • The second one is used for the Spin Physics Detector (SPD). • http://nica.jinr.ru 4
NICA Project MPD 2.5 m 4.0 m Booster KRION-6T & HILac Synchrophasotron yoke SPI & LU-20(“Old” linac) Nuclotron beam transfer line Spin Physics Detector (SPD) Beam transfer lines & New research area Nuclotron Fixed target experiments Collider C = 534 m talk by Yu.Filatov, Parallel session C, October 1 5
NICA Project Parameters of polarized proton beams talk by Yu.Filatov, Parallel session C, October 1 6
Spin Physics at NICA: Polarised Beam Source The Source of Polarized Ions project assumes the design andconstruction of auniversal high-intensity Source of Polarized Deuterons and Protons using a charge-exchange plasma ionizer. The output D+ (H+) current of the source is expected to be ata levelof 10 mA The polarization will be up to 90% of the maximal vector (±1) forD+(H+) and tenzor (+1,-2) for D+polarization The new source will make it possible to have the polarized deuteron (proton) beamintensity up to the level of 1010 d(p)/pulse Realization of the projectis carried out in close cooperation with INR of RAS (Moscow). The equipment based on the CIPIOS ion source (IUCF, Bloomington, USA) talk by V.Fimushkin, Parallel session E, September 28 7
Spin Physics at NICA:Polarimetry Project on Beam Polarization measurements is under preparation: 1.Absolute calbration of the beam polarization. 2.Efficient calibrated polarimeters. 3.Permanent monitoring of the beam polarization. 4.Local polarimetry. The aim of the project is to provide the measurements of Proton and Deuteron Beam Polarizations with relative accuracy better 3-5% and relative monitoring the polarization.The measurements of analyzing power in various elastic and quasielastic processes ( dp, pp, pC, dC). The view of the CNS detecting system and results on the analysing powers in dp-elastic scattering. talk by V.Ladygin, Parallel session D, September 28
Spin Physics at NICA. Proposed measurements Spin physics at NICA with with polarized beams, subjects under consideration ►Studies of DY processes ►Studies of J/Y production processes ►Studies of elastic reactions Spin effects in one and two hadron production processes Spin effects in inclusive high-pT reactions Polarization effects in heavy ion collisions Spectroscopy of quarkonia with any available decay modes 9
Spin Physics at NICA. Proposed measurements Leading twist PDFs with trivial dependence with non-trivial dependence 10
Spin Physics at NICA. Proposed measurements Transversity (HERMES, COMPASS) Sivers PDF Boer-Mulders PDF Poorly known 11
Spin Physics at NICA. Proposed measurements J.C. Collins, Phys. Lett. B536 (2002) 43 J. Collins, talk at LIGHT CONE 2008 Crucial test of our understanding of T-odd effects within QCD and the factorization approach to the processes sensitive to transverse parton momenta. Poorly known 12
Spin Physics at NICA. Proposed measurements Polarized J/ production: Data from BNL(PHENIX), test DY and J/Y duality is of importance Transversity and Boer-Mulders PDFs from J/Y production with low s (duality model) N. Anselmino, V. Barone, A. Drago, N. Nikolaev, PL B594 (2004) 1997 V. Barone, Z. Lu, B. Ma, Eur. Phys. J. C49 (2007) 967 A.Sissakian, O. Shevchenko, O. Ivanov, JETP Lett 86 (2007) 751 Ratios of crosssections calculated with two models in comparison with the experimental data. Solid line corresponds to the ``duality'' model. Dashed line corresponds to the ``gluon evaporation'' model Dotdashed line corresponds to ``gluon evaporation'' model without gluon contribution. Tests of models for unpolarized/polarized J/Y production (gluon evaporation, NRQCD,...) - COMPASS - NICA SPD 13
Spin Physics at NICA. Proposed measurements The dependence of the accesible range onBjorken variable versus s for DY measurements Especially important for duality test! 14
Spin Physics at NICA. Proposed measurements Extraction of unknown (poor known) parton distribution functions (PDFs): Boer-Mulders PDF Sivers PDFs (Efremov,… PLB 612 (2005), PRD 73(2006)); Transversity PDF (Anselmino, Efremov, …) Transversity and first moment of Boer-Mulders PFDs (Sissakian, Shevchenko, Nagaytsev , Ivanov, PRD 72(2005), EPJ C46 ,2006 C59, 2009) Longitudinally polarized sea and strange PDFs andtenzor deuteron structure (Teryaev, …) The same PDFs from J/y production processes ( ). A. Sissakian, O. Shevchenko, O. Ivanov, (Dubna, JINR). arXiv:0710.1791 15
Spin Physics at NICA. Proposed measurements Estimations were done for 1 month of data taking. For 3 years of data taking: we expect to take ~100K DY events 16
Spin Physics at NICA. Proposed measurements The set of original software packages (MC simulation, generator etc.) were developed for the feasibility studies of DY polarized processes The SSA asymmetries. Top:access to transversity and Boer-Mulders PDFs. (Sissakian, Shevchenko, Nagaytsev,PRD 72 (2005), EPJ C46 (2006)) Bottom: access to Sivers PDFs (Efremov,… PLB 612(2005), PRD 73(2006)); Alsymmetries are estimated for 100 K DY events A.N. Sissakian, O.Yu. Shevchenko, A.P. Nagaytsev, O.N. Ivanov, Phys.Part.Nucl.41:64-100,2010. 17
Spin Physics at NICA. Proposed measurements Differential cross section in pp, An Ann up to maximal values of -t. Krisch effect. Especially important for pd and dd elastic reactions. Measurements of amplitudes of elastic pp cross section. Total cross sections for elastic pp and pd reactions in pure initial spin states. Comparison of the differential cross sections and analyzing powers of elastic and quasielastic pp reactions. Polarimetry with elastic quasielastic reactions is under preparation talk by V.Ladygin, Parallel session D, September 28 18
Spin Physics at NICA. SPD Detector • Important requirements for detector (SPD) : • 4 pgeometry • Precision vertex reconstrustion • Advanced tracking system • 4) Good angular resolution – very important for azimuthal spin asymmetries measurements in the wide kinematical region • Particle identification 19
Spin Physics at NICA. SPD Detector • Preliminary scheme of the SPD: • Toroid magnet system • about 60 cm in radius • Silicon or MicroMega (Vertex) • Drift chambers (DC) • EM Calorimeter (EMC) • inner radius is about 80 cm • outer radius is about 130 cm • Range System (RS) • (PANDA Moun System, JINR contrib.) inner radius is about 130 cm outer radius is about 180 cm • Trigger counters • EndCap detectors with RS, • tracking system and EMC SPD Barell is about 1.9 m in radius SPD lenght is about 5 m 20
Spin Physics at NICA. Conclusins The project on NICA Spin studies is under preparation at 2nd interaction point of the collider. The purpose of proposed measurements is the study of the nucleon spin structure with high intensity polarized light nuclear beams. • high collision proton (deuteron) energy up to √s ~ 26(12) GeV • the average luminosity up to 1030-1031 cm2/s • both proton and deuteron beams can be effectively polarized. • NICA Spin program milestones • 2010-2014 – CDR and TRD preparation, SPD collaboration, R&D • 2015-2018 – NICA Polarized beams, R&D, Detectors production • 2018 - Assembling, installation and tests • - Commissioning, start of data taking • NICA Spin program can be started with MPD • (start operation in 2015-2016) 21
Collaborators are welcomed ! Thank you for attention! April 2, 2008 A.N.Sissakian, A.S.Sorin 22