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Writing a five-body paragraph opinion essay .

Writing a five-body paragraph opinion essay . Mr. Jorge A. Jiménez G. Persuasive Essays.

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Writing a five-body paragraph opinion essay .

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  1. Writing a five-bodyparagraphopinionessay. Mr. Jorge A. Jiménez G.

  2. Persuasive Essays ¨While like an expository essay in its presentation of facts, the goal of the persuasive essay is to convince the reader to accept the writer’s point of view or recommendation. The writer must build a case using facts and logic, as well as examples, expert opinion, and sound reasoning. The writer should present all sides of the argument, but must be able to communicate clearly and without equivocation why a certain position is correct¨.

  3. Persuasive(Opinion)essay 1.Prewriting phase: • Brainstorm • Outline • Drafts (the more, thebetter) 2. Proofreadingphase • Improvingyour ideas • Grammar and spellingcorrections

  4. Introduction • Tellthereaderaboutthetopic, introduce him. • Tellthereader a generalizationifpossible. • Givecounterexamples of your position. • Questionthe idea tolateronmakethetransitiontothethesisstatement.

  5. Bodyparagraphs (x3) • Theyhaveto be connectedwithcoherence and logic. • Eachbig idea must be supportedbysupporting ideas and examples. • Theexampleshaveto be explicit and descriptivebutnotredundant. (real lifeexperience) • Linkingwordsare of great use: First, second, finally. • Tocontrast:

  6. Conclusion • Restatethemainpoins of eachbodyparagraph as a whole, givingrecomendations as itisrequested in youressay. (convince a friendnottoget a tattoo) • Paraphrasingisneeded and helpful.

  7. Enumeration

  8. In addition: towhat has beenpreviouslyindicated • Aboveall • Actually • Additionally • Also • Besides • Especially • Furthermore • Indeed • In addition • More over • Notonly… butalso • Notably • Obviously • Particularly • Then • too

  9. Result: Express theconsequence • Accordingly/ now • As a result/ so • As a consequence/ so that • Because of /the consequence is • Consequently/ the result is • For this/that reason /then • Hence/ therefore • In order that thus

  10. Bibliography • http://www.time4writing.com/writing-resources/types-of-essays/ • http://www.flinders.edu.au/slc_files/Documents/Brochures/linking_words_phrases.pdf

  11. WholedocumentisdueonThursday 17th. • The pre-writingphasewill be graded as an AIC • The final draftwill be graded as a TAI

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