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Know Plagiarism in Scientific Research and Publications

Check For Plag is Anti Plagiarism Software for Publishers and Researchers. CFP also provide local language plagiarism tools. It must be originated from the correct methods and daily practice. The original work should present complete data including research goals and process of operation. f you need any query, then you can contact on 09818626125. For more information, you can visit: http://checkforplag.over-blog.com/2020/10/plagiarism-in-scientific-research-and-publications.html

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Know Plagiarism in Scientific Research and Publications

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  1. Plagiarism in Scientific Research and Publications

  2. What exactly is plagiarism? It is a practice of stealing someone’s ideas, words, or any written material and passing it as one’s own. It is one of the prime scientific unethical activities found in research articles.   Scientific research or any information contained in a scientific work must be presented with scientific evidence. Even guidelines for scientific research should be based on real results. It must be originated from the correct methods and daily practice. The original work should present complete data including research goals and process of operation. 

  3. Content may be copied from outside sources, but it must be properly cited. The high-quality work, reference from relevant scientific literature, and publications can be taken, but the knowledge can be required from expert scientists and lecturers.  If the article has been published in a scientific journal, then it should be published again in the same or any other journal. Not even when the few minor changes have been done. This can be checked using anti plagiarism software for publishers. This way copyright infringement may occur where an author publishes a new article without proper citation and used the previously published article to show as it is written by him. 

  4. However, after taking the permission of the publisher and the author, another journal can republish it. This will not be the case of plagiarism, because it states that the article was re-published with the permission of the previous journal. Their original can be only one piece, the copy is a copy and the plagiarism is stolen copy without giving any credit to the original creator. 

  5. The aim of discouraging plagiarism is to maintain the quality and to achieve satisfactory results,  rather than copying someone’s work. In the present day, plagiarism has become a major problem for all of us, especially for teachers when they assign projects or assignments to the students and they don’t use any kind of anti plagiarism software for researchers. 

  6. Scientific Colleges and Universities must use a plagiarism checker like Check for Plag to check the duplicate content and then assign the deserving marks to the student. They should have some kind of inspection on the research paper submitted by students. Such students or writers must be punished for duplicate work. 

  7. The main reason behind plagiarism is a lack of knowledge and understanding of the subject. When a person doesn’t know anything about a topic then he takes help from sources like the internet and collects different ideas to write on the same. He may or may not write plagiarized content deliberately. The best thing to check the plagiarism is to use plagiarism checker software online i.e. through Check for Plag.

  8. Original Source : https://bit.ly/2HwXyRs For more information Contact us Thank You

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