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EMCDDA scientific publications

EMCDDA scientific publications. Rosemary de Sousa, Head of Communication, 15 June 2009. Priorities for 2009. Improve link between communication activities and scientific work Reassess how each output is meeting audience needs Improve turnaround time of outputs and meet minimum output targets

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EMCDDA scientific publications

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  1. EMCDDA scientific publications Rosemary de Sousa, Head of Communication, 15 June 2009

  2. Priorities for 2009 • Improve link between communication activities and scientific work • Reassess how each output is meeting audience needs • Improve turnaround time of outputs and meet minimum output targets • Strengthen image and reputation as ‘EMCDDA – your reference point on drugs in Europe’

  3. 22 posters Produced so far in 2009 Drugnet (2 issues) Risk assessment ESPAD summary (23 languages) Insights Monograph Activities’ report Drugs in focus Thematic papers

  4. Content development — various processes • EMCDDA lead author— content derived from analysis of data/information submitted to us and further research undertaken • EMCDDA commissions content coordination and/or scientific editing via a procurement process • EMCDDA publishes jointly with partners

  5. Annual report — review of draft • Comments received from seven Scientific Committee members, from 25 countries plus European Commission • 215 comments on Annual report (down from 359) • 210 comments on Statistical bulletin (up from 159) • Comments more focused

  6. Publication dates — Annual reporting products Statistical bulletin Publication date of Statistical bulletin: mid-July Country overviews: by end July Drug profile updates: by end October Probable launch date for Annual report 2009: 5 November Country overviews State of the drugs problem in Europe

  7. Selected issues • Sentencing statistics • Consultation: 30 June to 17 July • Launch: end September • Polydrug use • Consultation period: 27 July to 7 August • Launch: 5 November (with Annual report) • Injecting drug use • Consultation period: 31 August to 7 September • Launch: 1 December (HIV/AIDS day)

  8. Harm reduction monograph Harm reduction: evidence, impacts and challenges • Development overseen by an internal coordination committee • Scientific coordination/editing contract awarded to Tim Rhodes • 15 chapters split across three parts • Majority of chapters have been drafted and are being reviewed • Final text to production by 15 November • Launch planned mid-April 2010 (wide distribution at International Harm Reduction conference Liverpool)

  9. To be launched next week • Neuroscience package • Neurobiology research on drugs: ethical and policy implications (Drugs in focus, 25 languages) • Addiction neurobiology: ethical and social implications (Monograph) • Thematic web page bringing together resources on the topic • News release • State-of-the-art research and technology • Optimism tempered by ethical concerns • ‘No magic bullet cure’ — need to support further research • 24 June (ahead of International day against drug abuse and trafficking)

  10. Coming soon • Methamphetamine: a European Union perspective in the global context (early July) • Treatment module of Best practice portal • Responding to drug driving in Europe, Drugs in focus (end September) • Guidelines for collecting retail drug prices in Europe • Guidance on provider-initiated voluntary medical examination, testing and counselling for infectious diseases in injecting drug users

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