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ABC Bo ok of Ameri can History

ABC Bo ok of Ameri can History. Shakia Dedmon 4 th period SS 5 /13/2011. A’s. Abolitionist: a person who is strongly against slavery. Alien: immigrant living in a country where he or she isn’t a citizen. Abstain: to not take part in activity such as voting . B’s.

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ABC Bo ok of Ameri can History

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  1. ABC Book of American History Shakia Dedmon 4th period SS 5/13/2011

  2. A’s Abolitionist: a person who is strongly against slavery Alien: immigrant living in a country where he or she isn’t a citizen Abstain: to not take part in activity such as voting

  3. B’s Boycott: refuse to buy an item from an particular country Border states: states between north and south that were divided whether to stay union or confederacy Bill of Rights: first to amendments that protect basic rights and liberty

  4. C’s Civil War(1861-1865): conflict between opposing group of citizens of the same country Constitution: formal plan of government Compromise: agreement between two or more sides in which each side gives up some of what they want

  5. D’s Dictator: leader who rules with total authority often in a cruel or brutal manner Desert: leave without permission Debtor: person who owes money

  6. E’s Entrench: occupying a strong defensive position Emigrant: person who leaves a country or region to live elsewhere Export: sell goods abroad

  7. F’s Freedman: person free from slavery Famine: extreme shortage of food Frigate: warship

  8. G’s Greenback: a piece of U.S. paper money first issued by the North during the Civil War Genocide: the deliberate destruction o a racial, political, or cultural group Guerrilla tactic: referring to surprise attacks on raids rather than organized warfare

  9. H’s Human Rights: rights regarded as belonging to all persons such as freedom from unlawful imprisonment, torture, and execution Holocaust: the name given to the mass slaughter of Jews and other groups by the Nazis during World War 2 Habeas Corpus: a legal order for an inquiry to determine whether a person has been lawfully imprisoned

  10. I’s Ironclad: armored naval vessel Inflation: a continuous rise in the price of goods Impressment: forcing people into service as in navy

  11. J’s Judicial review: right of the supreme court determine if a law violates the constitution Judicial Branch: branch of government including the federal court system that interprets the nation’s laws Joint Occupation: Possession and settling of an area shared by two or more countries

  12. L’s Lynching: putting to death to a person by the illegal action of a mob Literacy: ability to read and write Landslide: overwhelming victory

  13. M’s Majority: more than half Maze: an early form of corn grown by Indians Manumission: the freeing of some enslaved person

  14. N’s Neutral : taking no side in a conflict Nullify: cancel or make ineffective Nativist: person who favors those born in his country and is opposed to immigrants

  15. O’s Ordinance: a law or regulation Offensive: position of attacking or the attack itself Override: to overturn or defeat as a bill proposed in congress

  16. P’s Perjury: lying when one has sworn on an oath to the truth Partisan: favoring one side of an issue Petition: formal request

  17. Q’s Quakers: believed every individual had an inner light that could guide him or her to salvation Quadruple Alliance: France ,Austria, Russia, and Prussia Quebec Act: set up a permanent government for Quebec and granted religious freedom to French Catholics

  18. R’s Royal Colonies: Georgia, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia Rebels: people who were apart of the Confederate Army Republicanism: where voters hold soveirgn power

  19. S’s Stamp Act: tax on almost all printed materials Slave Trade: slaves were traded for rum Sons of Liberty: protest against Stamp Act and Samuel Adams organization

  20. T’s Triangular Trade: route of trade that formed a triangle Trail of Tears: Cherokees force journey West were they cried along the way Townshed acts: passed by parliament laws

  21. U’s Underground Railroad: a system that helped enslaved African Americans follow a network of escape routes out of the South to freedom in the North Utopia: community based on a vision of a perfect society sought by reformers Unconstitutional: not agreeing or consistent with the constitution

  22. V’s Veto: reject a bill and prevent it from becoming a law Vigilantes: people who take the law into their own hands Vaquero: Hispanic ranch hand

  23. W’s War of 1812: This war was fought between the United States & Britain because Britain forced U.S. sailors to join the British Navy an Britain assisted Native Americans who tried to keep their land in America Writ of Assistance: legal document that enabled officers to search homes and warehouses for smuggled goods War Hawks: republicans during Madison’s presidency who pressed for war with Britain

  24. X’s XYZ Affair: Diplomatic scandal that almost caused another war, this one between the United States and France

  25. Y’s Yellow Journalism: a type of sensational , biased, and often false reporting Yeomen: southern owner of a small farm who did not have enslaved people Yankee: union soldier

  26. Z’s Zuni: people of the southwest

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