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WE-06-01 Surface-based Global Observing System for Weather. Dr Alexandre Karpov Task POC. Does the Task Sheet as given in the 2007-2009 Work Plan correctly describe the work, designate the POC, and list all Lead organizations?. Basically yes. But some changes proposed:
WE-06-01Surface-based Global Observing System for Weather Dr Alexandre Karpov Task POC
Does the Task Sheet as given in the 2007-2009 Work Plan correctly describe the work, designate the POC, and list all Lead organizations? Basically yes. But some changes proposed: Task: Advocate a complete and stable surface-based (in situ and airborne, land and possibly ocean) Global Observing System (GOS). High-priority should be given to a stable, and, as much as possible, automated, fully functional World Weather Watch Upper Air Network and the further development of the Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay (AMDAR Program). • Change advocate to achieve • Raise the level of information provided to communicate with non-technical reviewers • Add additional work area
Does the Task Sheet as given in the 2007-2009 Work Plan correctly describe the work, designate the POC, and list all Lead organizations? Work: • Improved stability and performance of the Upper Air Observing Network • Improved access to GOS data and information • Improved access and use of AMDAR/TAMDAR data • Development of concepts for integrated upper atmosphere observations POC: Alexandre Karpov, WMO/WWW/OSY
What is the overall status of work on this Task carrying forward from 2006 and highlights for 2007-2009? • Major Accomplishments during 2006 • Assisted developing countries to avoid disruption of observations due to technology change; • Facilitated delivery of Hydrogen generators, ground processing equipment and radiosondes • Organized four instrument intercomparisons (temperature, humidity) to ensure data quality • Organized three training workshops on upper air observing • Coordinated activation/rehabilitation of upper air observing stations over Antarctica
What is the overall status of work on this Task carrying forward from 2006 and highlights for 2007-2009? • Highlights for 2007 - 2009 • 2007 Plan • Complete two Instrument Inter-comparison campaigns • Conduct at least one training workshop • Develop and submit proposal for integrated observations to WMO Congress • 2008-2009 (and beyond) Plan • Work with ASECNA, IPY and THORPEX programmes to continue operation of sites activated for research • Develop concepts/strategies to increase availability and use of AMDAR/TAMDAR observations • Ensure connectivity/interoperability to WIS for distribution to GEOSS of all GOS data and information • Complete approved integrated observations pilot projects
Task status (continued) • Does the Task identify deliverables and products for both 2007 and 2008? • Yes • Deliverables that may be of interest for the upcoming Ministerial meeting? • Operational infrastructure capable of acquiring and delivering weather and climate information to several SBAs • Are there any issues that need attention from ADC or other GEO Committees • No
AR-07-PP01WIS-GEOSS Exemplar Mr Jean-Michel Rainer Task POC
Does the Task Sheet as given in the 2007-2009 Work Plan correctly describe the work, designate the POC, and list all Lead organizations? • Yes • Work: • Improved data distribution of WMO Data – Weather, Water and Climate • Data discovery and access • Improved connectivity and interoperability • Participation as Interoperability Process Pilot • POC: Jean-Michel Rainer, WMO/WWW/ISS
DCPC NC NC NC/ DCPC Managed, Regional and Internet NC NC/DCPC Communication Networks NC GISC NC GISC GISC NC DCPC DCPC GISC GISC Satellite Dissemination (IGDDS, GEO-Netcast) NC NC SatelliteTwo-Way Systems NC NC On-demand “pull” WIS World Radiation Centre Regional Instrument Centres International Organizations (IAEA, CTBTO, UNEP, FAO.. ) GAW World Data Centres GCOS Data Centres Global Run-off Data Centre Global Precip. Climatology Centre IRI, Hadley Centre, and other climate research centres; Universities; Regional Climate Centres (CIIFEN, etc.) Commercial Service Providers WMO World Data Centres International Projects (e.g. GMES HALO) internet Real-time “push”
Structure of WIS Functional centres interconnected by data communication networks: • National Centres (NC) • Links national users to regional and global data exchange nodes • Data Collection and Production Centres (DCPC) • Provides for regional and international exchange of data and products • Supports data and information push and pull • Global Information System Centres (GISC) • Provides for global exchange of data and products • Supports data and information pull
WIS Data Services • Efficient, flexible services to meet all requirements: • Routine collection and dissemination of time- and operations-critical data and products: • Real-time “push”through dedicated telecommunication • Data Discovery, Access and Retrieval service: • “Pull” through the Internet (Portals) • Timely delivery of data and products: • Delayed mode “push” through dedicated telecommunication means and the Internet • Unified procedures • Coordinated and standardized metadata (ISO 191xxx) • Interoperability between programmes
What is the overall status of work on this Task carrying forward from 2006 and highlights for 2007-2009? • Major Accomplishments during 2006 • WIS/GTS component fully operational for time- and operations-critical exchange of WEATHER data, products and warnings; • Includes some other environmental information (e.g., Tsunami Warnings) • Prototype WIS Data Discovery, Access and Retrieval Service demonstrated • European Virtual GISC distributing and providing access to WMO data/info from 7 Product Centers in Real time • WMO Core Metadata profile, Version 1.0, adopted for WMO data/info • For data discovery, based on ISO 191xxx
What is the overall status of work on this Task carrying forward from 2006 and highlights for 2007-2009? • Highlights for 2007 - 2009 • 2007 Plan • WIS/GTS component extended to include all time- and operations-critical WMO WEATHER, WATER and CLIMATE data and products • WIS/IGDDS: Near-global coverage – exchange of Sat data/info • Participation in GEOSS interoperability pilot • WMO Core Metadata Profile, V2.0 • For data use and applications, including Metadata creation and editing tools • 2008 Plan • 1 GISC (Europe) and several associated DCPCs in operation • 2009 Plan • 4 GISCs in full- or semi-operation and many DCPCs covering all WMO Programmes • Europe, Americas, Asia, Australia, Africa
Task status (continued) • Does the Task identify deliverables and products for both 2007 and 2008? • Yes • Deliverables that may be of interest for the upcoming Ministerial meeting? • Operational infrastructure capable of delivering weather, water and climate information to several SBAs • Are there any issues that need attention from ADC or other GEO Committees • No