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Potential contributing factors for the termination of Ca 2+ /Mg 2+ transporter function via channel gating : Extracelluar.., i. Decreased extracelluar nucleotide(s) concentration ii. Loss of free energy availability on the extracellular surface

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  1. Potential contributing factors for the termination of Ca2+/Mg2+ transporter function via channel gating : Extracelluar.., i. Decreased extracelluar nucleotide(s) concentration ii. Loss of free energy availability on the extracellular surface iii.Catalytically active ecto-kinase maintain the E-NTP level Intracellular.., i. Increased intracellular Ca2+/Mg2+ concentration ii. Alteration in intracellular pH iii. Deglycosylation of the E-NTPase holoenzyme iv. Increased activation of intracellular cholesterol oxidase Experimental Evidences.., i. Verapamil mediated inhibition of E-NTPase activity and Ca2+/Mg2+ influx ii.Attenuation of Ca2+influx by anti-rat cardiac sarcolemmal Ca2+/Mg2+ ectoATPase (IgG Fraction)

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