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Strengthening Green Growth and Green Jobs – the Europe 2020 Strategy and the Roadmap to a Resource-efficient Europe. Dr Manfred Rosenstock DG Environment, European Commission Berlin, 5 th March 2014
Strengthening Green Growth and Green Jobs – the Europe 2020 Strategyandthe Roadmap to a Resource-efficient Europe Dr Manfred Rosenstock DG Environment, European Commission Berlin, 5th March 2014 The views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the European Commission
Challenges • 20th cent.: 12-fold increase of fossil fuel use, material extraction 8-fold • Demand for food, feed and fibre may increase by 70% by 2050 • 60% of world’s major ecosystems that help produce these, already degraded or used unsustainably • WBCSD: by 2050 need for 4 to 10 fold increase in resource efficiency, significant changes needed by 2020 • EU consumes 16 to. of material p.a., ofwhich 5 to. becomewaste • Major increase in demandbyemergingeconomies, e.g. China • Competition for resources (including raw materials) increases, scarcities => prices rise => impact on European economy
Opportunitiesfromresourceefficiency/ greening the economy • Longer term opportunities • Economic and Environmental resilience • Improving competitiveness and security of supply • Improved quality of life and human health • Global stability • Short term benefits • Growth and job creation • Improving competitiveness and security of supply • Inducing innovation • Supporting fiscal consolidation
Opportunitiesfor growth:EU Share of world eco-industries, 2008 Source: ESTAT, 2011 • Employment in, environmental goods and services industries sector grew by 20% during 2007-11 in spite of the recession. World market expected to double in size until 2020
A green economy for future competitiveness Green jobs: All jobs that depend on the environment or are created, substituted or redefined (in terms of skills sets, work methods, profiles greened, etc.) in the transition process towards a greener economy Study results: • Reducing the total material requirement of 17 -24% can lead to boosting GDP by up to 3.3% and creating 1.4 -2.8 million jobs • Potential gains for businesses of between 3 and 8% of turnover by using resources more efficiently • Implementation of individual energy efficiency measures could lead to 2 million green jobs created or retained by 2020 • McKinsey: $ 2.3 trnglobal gain in improving resource efficiency in various sectors
Europe 2020 Strategy and Resource efficiency • Need toadaptoureconomicstructurestoincreasingresourcescarcity („greengrowth“, „eco-efficienteconomy“). Strategic approaches: • Europe 2020: Sustainable growth as one priority; Resource efficiency as key element; • Flagship Initiative “A resource efficient Europe”: Help decouple economic growth from resource use, support shift towards a low carbon economy (renewable energy sources, transport, energy efficiency); • Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe:Framework for implementation of EU and MS initiatives for resource efficiency; Systematic stakeholder involvement
Transformingtheeconomy • Promotesustainable production and consumptionpatterns: e.g. Green Public Procurement, eco-design of products • Stimulating research & innovation: Horizon 2020, innovation partnerships. • Getting the prices right: Phasing out environmentally harmful subsidies; shift from taxing labour towards environmental taxes, further development of the ETS • Turning waste into a resource: stimulating secondary materials markets, improving implementation.
Opportunities for more efficiency: Recycling of municipal waste, 2011
Opportunities for more efficiency: Environmental taxes as % of all taxes, 2011
Safeguardingournaturalcapital Examplesofrecent initiatives: • Green Infrastructure: networkof high-quality naturalareasthatprovideecosystemservicesandconnectivity. Communication 2013 • WaterBlueprint: integrationofresource-efficiency considerationsintowaterpolicy, frameworkofmeasuresandinstruments. • Review ofairqualitypolicy: Carry successes in airpollutionreductionfurther, reducehealtheffectsandimpacts on soil etc.
Green economypackage, 2014 • Review oftargets in theareaofwastemanagementandimprovements in implementation • Stepstowards a circulareconomy– eco-design, useofmarket-basedinstruments, settingoftargetsandindicators • Faciliatingthefinancingofinvestments in resourceefficiency • Recommendations of the European Resource Efficiency Platform • Further COM initiatives foreseen on foodandconstructionwaste, followupto Rio+20, Green Jobs.
Thankyouforyourattention! http://ec.europa.eu/environment/resource_efficiency/ http://ec.europa.eu/europe2020/index_de.htm