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Transitioning To ESXI With Vsphere 4.1. Bob Gawne VMUG User Conference Nov 18th. About the Upgrade Process. Upgrading is a Multistage Process. VMware recommends that you read about the upgrade process before attempting to upgrade ! * You could incur more downtime than necessary
Transitioning To ESXI With Vsphere 4.1 Bob Gawne VMUG User Conference Nov 18th
Upgrading is a Multistage Process VMware recommends that you read about the upgrade process before attempting to upgrade ! * You could incur more downtime than necessary * You might lose data and access to your servers! * After following the vSphere Upgrade Guide for 4.1 during my upgrade, and finding lots of Gotcha’s I would say this is good advice to follow. You must complete the upgrade process in a specific order The upgrade is a one way process My disclaimer: This is what worked for me but may not be the proper procedure for your environment….
My Environment vCenter 4.0 Build 208111 * Installed on a physical server running on Wondows 2003 32 Bit server * Connected to a virtual SQL 2005 32 Bit DB Server Two separate VM Environments * Data Center 1 Environment * (2) vSphere 4.0 ESX advanced servers running on Dell Equal Logic ISCSI Storage * 6TB of Storage * Hosting (4) Virtual Production DB Servers: DB Server, Web, FTP and Scheduling Servers. * Also hosting (4) like Development Servers. Data Center 2 Environment * (3) 3.5 ESX Enterprise servers running on EMC CX310 Fiber Channel SAN servers running on Dell Equal Logic ISCSI Storage 9 TB of Storage * Hosting (36) Virtual Production Servers: A mix of DB Servers, Web Servers, Application Servers, FTP and Scheduling Servers
Start by Upgrading vCenter Server Before upgrading GOTCHA #1 * Check the Hardware and Software Requirements * vCenter Server must be upgraded to vCenter 4.1 first and must run on a 64 Bit server! * ESXi must be installed on a 64 Bit server
Preparing for the vCenterSvr Upgrade Download & Review the vSphere Upgrade Guide http://www.vmware.com/pdf/vsphere4/r41/vsp_41_upgrade_guide.pdf 2. Download vCenter upgrade file, available as and exe or iso file 3. Look up your license file key and have it available. Determine the type of upgrade required or desired by reviewing Chapter 12 of the Upgrade Guide * There are about 5 or 6 options available, but only 1 if your current vCenter is a 32 bit server.
My Upgrade Example 1. Upgrade vCenter Server on a new Machine. (This was my only choice because of my 32 bit server) 2. Since my current vCenter server was connected to a SQL 2005 remote database I chose to detach the 4.0 vCenter from this database, upgrade the database using the migration tool then reattach the new 4.1 vCenter to this database. * This allowed me to keep my configuration intact.
Prepare New Server 1. I created a new VM and installed 64 BIT Windows 2008R2 ( I am keeping the option open to wipe out the OS on the 32 Bit server, upgrade to 64 bit and migrate back to a physical server) 2. Then copied the executable file over to the local drive on this VM. 3. If you are like me, and connecting to a remote SQL database you must install JDK 1.6 Prior to installing vCenter on the new server you have to create a 64 Bit DSN to the remote SQL Database. You also have to create a 32 Bit DSN for the Update Manager Best Practice is to name the connection DSN with a 64 or 32 in the name so you can tell the difference at a glance. I installed SQL Server 2008R2 Client so I have an upgrade path for future upgrade of the remote DB Server.
Review KB Article 10626688 1. There is a known issue that causes the upgrade to fail because of corrupt virtual machine entries in the vCenter database 2. Prior to the upgrade I reviewed the KB downloaded the SQL Script and ran it against my DB and found no issues. All systems Go.
Backup existing vCenter 1. If you do not backup the database and SSL certificates you cannot roll back to previous vCenter configuration. 2. Copy the SSL Certificate folder to shared location 3. Copy the Vpxd.cfg file to shared location. Backup the vCenter database. The migration tool will make changes to the database
Backup existing vCenter (Cont) 5. Copy the datamigration folder from the install dir on the new server to Source server (existing vCenter) 6. Stop the vCenter Services
Using the Migration Tool 1. The data migration tool will back up the current vCenter configuration and restore these settings on the new 64 Bit vCenter. 2. Stop the vCenter services on the existing vCenterServer. 3. Open a cmd prompt \cd to the datamigration folder copied from the new server and run backup.bat to run the backup script.
Using the Migration Tool (Cont) 4. Details for using the tool are on pg 38 of the Upgrade Guide. 5. Copy the datamigration folder from source (old vCenter) to destination server (New 64 Bit vCenterSvr) 6. Ensure the database login you are using has DB_Owner role for the install
Using the Migration Tool (Cont) 7. Details for using the tool for Install with NonBundled Database is pg 41 of the Upgrade Guide. 8. The install tool will launch the install for vCenter and prompt you through the install. This is where I had the most issues. 9. Here you will need the 64 Bit DSN to the database as well as the 32 Bit DSN for update manager.
Using the Migration Tool (Final) 8. All said and done by reading and following the pre install steps once I started the migration/install went fairly smooth. 9. One final note in my case I still have 3.5 host and a license server is still required. Currently I left the original license server running, until I upgrade the host to ESXi 4.1
Disclosure I have not made the migration Still in testing stage. The vCenter upgrade was my clearing the path once we get our storage upgrade in place. Due to the timing I wanted to present the overview and get the word out that changes are coming and the best time transition to ESXi 4.1 is during your upgrade to vSphere 4.1.
VMWare is standardizing on ESXI Hypervisor architecture • Vmwarevsphere4.1 and its subsequent update and patch releases are the last releases to include both ESX and ESXI hypervisor architectures. Future major releases of VmwareVsphere will include only the VmwareESXi architecture. • Vmware recommends that customers start transitioning to the ESXI architecture when deploying vmwarevSphere 4.1 • Vmware will continue to provide technical support for Vmware ESX according to the VmwareVsphere support policy
Overview of ESXi 4.1
Why ESXi Next Generation of Vmware’s Hypervisor Architecture Full-Featured Hypervisor * Superior Consolidation and scalability * Same performance as Vmware ESX architecture More Secure and reliable * Small code base thanks to OS-independent, thin archiecture Streamlined deployment and configuration * Fewer configuration items making it easier to maintain consistency * Automation of routine task though scripting environments such as vCLI or PowerCLI Simplified hypervisor Patching and Updating * Smaller code base = fewer patches * Elminates patch drifting due to single image update * The “dual-image” approach lets you revert to prior image if desired * Vmware components and third part components can be updated independently
Gartner Group Says…. • “The major benefit of ESXi is the fact that it is more lightweight – under 100MB versus 2GB for Vmware ESX with the service console.” • “Smaller means fewer patches” • “It also eliminates the need to manage a separate Linux console (and the Linux skills needed to manage it)…” • “Vmware users should put a plan in place to migrate to ESXi during the next 10 Months.”
New and Improved Paradigm for ESX Management • Agentless vAPI-based • COS has Management Agents • Agentless CIM-based • Hardware Agents in Service Console • Manage ESXi host via • vSpherevClient • vCenter Server • vCLI, PowerCLI, Direct Console User Interface • vSphere Management Assistant
Hardware Monitoring with CIM • Common Information Model (CIM) • Agent-less, standards-based monitoring of hardware resources • Output readable by 3rd party management tools via standard APIs • VMware and Partner CIM providers for Specific hardware devices
New Feature: Automated Software Update * vCenterUpdate Manager enhancements in vSphere4.1 - VUM can now deploy “offline bundles” * The following are commonly distributed as offline bundles - Drivers - CIM providers - Other modules • Deployed and managed just like all other Updates • Included in baselines • Monitor for compliance
Third Party Hardware Monitoring * OEM HW Monitoring through their management consoles * Dell Open Manage * HP System Insight Manager
Monitor and Manage Health of Server Hardware with vCenter • CIM Interface • Detailed hardware health monitoring • Physical and virtual visibility on server health • vCenter alarms alert when hardware failures occur • Fan Status • Hardware power status • Hardware system board status • Temperature status
Monitoring of Installed Software Components • vCenter Server • vSphere Client
Infrastructure Services for Production Environments (New in ESXi 4.1) • Built in NTP service (Time Synchronization) • Built in Syslog Service • Centralized log Collection • Built in SNMP Service (SNMP monitoring) • Log to files on datastore • (Persistent Logging) • Built in Active directory service • Large-Scale Deployment • Boot from SAN, PXE Install, Scripted install • iBFT (iSCSI Boot firmware Table) NIC is required
Command Line Interfaces • vCLI & vSphere Power CLI • Primary Scripting Interfaces • Built on same API as vSphere Client • vSphere Management Assistant 4.1 • Download and Deploy using OVF template • Prebuilt Linux virtual appliance • Packaged with vSphere CLI • & vSphere SDK for Perl • Can work for both ESX and ESXi • Acts like a centralized service console
New Feature: Additional vCLIconfig Commands • Storage • esxcliswiscsi session: Manage iSCSI Sessions • esxcliswiscsinic: Manage iSCSI NICs • esxcliswiscsivmknic: List VMKernel NICs available for binding to a particular iSCSI adapter • esxcliswiscsivmnic: List available uplink adapters for use with a specified iSCSI adapter • Esxclivaai device: Display information about devices claimed by the Vmware VAAI (vStorage APIs for Array Intergration) Filter Plugin • Esxclicorestorage device: list devices or plugins. Used in conjunction with hardware accleration
Diagnostics & Troubleshooting • ESXi Troubleshooting Options • vCLI commands • Direct Console User Interface (DCUI) • Browser-based troubleshooting • Tech Support Mode
Diagnostic Commands for ESXi: vCLI • Familiar set of ‘esxcfg-*’ commands available in vCLI • Names mapped to vicfg-* • Also includes • VMKfstools • Vmware-cmd • Resxtop • Esxcli: suite of diagnostic tools
New Feature: Additional vCLI troubleshooting Commands • Network • Esxcli network: List active connections or list active ARP table entries • Storage • NFS statistics available in resxtop • VM • Esxclivmsvm kill: Forcible stop bad behaving VM’s
DCUI-based Troubleshooting • DCUI Menu
Call to Action • Start testing ESXi (like now) • Ensure your 3rd party solutions are ESXi Ready • Ask you vendors, test monitoring, backup and management software • Bid farewell to agents! • Familiarize yourself with ESXi management options • This is the biggest for me learning curve for scripts and scripting automation is high. • Plan an ESXi migration as part of your vSphere upgrade • ESXi 4.1 has many new features like integrated AD, SAN boot, scripted install, etc… • Test them and become familiar pre-upgrade
Visit the ESXi and ESX info center http://www.wmware.com/products/vsphere/esxi-and-esxi/indes.html
Resources • Installing ESX 4.1 & vCenter Server 4.1 best practiceshttp://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1022101 • <ESXi 4.1 migration guide • http://www.vmware.com/resources/techresources/10112 • This presentation as with slide decks from other presentations will be posted to the Phoenix VMUG Site:http://communities.vmware.com/community/vmug/forums/us-west/phoenix
vSphere 4.1 What’s New Tim McCormley – Sr. Systems Engineer July 22, 2010
Application Services VMware vSphere 4.1: What’s New? • Infrastructure Services • vCenter Server (64-bit) • HA Diagnostics • And Healthcheck • vMotion Speed • and Scale • AD Integration (host) • vShield Zones • More VMs • (per cluster, DC) • More Hosts • (per VC, DC) Security Scalability Availability VMware vSphere 4.1 vNetwork vCompute vStorage • Memory Compression • DRS • Host Affinity • Network I/O Control • Storage I/O Control • Storage Performance • Reporting
vSphere 4.1 Delivers “Cloud Scale” • 32 hosts / cluster • 320 VMs / host • 3,000 VMs / cluster (2x) • 1000 hosts / vCenter (>3x) • 10,000 VMs / vCenter (>3x) 99% of VMware’s 170K Customers Can Run Their Entire Datacenter in a Single VMware Cluster* * See notes section
vSphere 4.1 – Storage I/O Control Description Set storage quality of service priorities per virtual machine Beta Feedback “I really feel that the Storage I/O Control is a must have for our environment and we should move forward without delay.” Proof Point Benefits • Prioritized use of storage (similar to how compute is prioritized with vSphere) • Improved application performance • Business priorities now define low and high priority storage resource access • Create the “high speed” or HOV lane for VMs Make Your Mission Critical VMs VIPs All VMs created equal Guarantee service levels for access to storageresources
vSphere 4.1 – Storage Performance Reporting Description Benefits Delivery of key storage performance statistics in vCenter Beta Feedback “In the monitoring area, the enhanced storage statistics are very useful” Proof Point • Granular storage reporting for improved tuning and troubleshooting of performance • Independent of storage architectures and protocols Real-Time and Historical Trending for Storage