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A Lightweight Utility for GPS Device Analysis By: Adam Schneider GCFE, ACE

The TrackerCat Project. A Lightweight Utility for GPS Device Analysis By: Adam Schneider GCFE, ACE. Table of Contents. What is TrackerCat ? What are GPX f iles? What are KML files? Why was TC created? How is TC used? KML Screenshots What is the future of TC?

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A Lightweight Utility for GPS Device Analysis By: Adam Schneider GCFE, ACE

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  1. The • TrackerCat • Project A Lightweight Utility for GPS Device Analysis By: Adam Schneider GCFE, ACE

  2. Table of Contents • What is TrackerCat? • What are GPX files? • What are KML files? • Why was TC created? • How is TC used? • KML Screenshots • What is the future of TC? • Research and Links

  3. What is TrackerCat? • A Python utility for GPX file analysis. • A Github project created to improve TC’s features and functionality. • A heavily documented forensics project!  … The Github project is also dedicated to R&D of new open source tools for GPS analysis.

  4. What are GPX files? • GPS eXchangeFormat • An XML designed for recording GPS data (thousands of lines of code per file). • Contain trackpoints and waypoints. • Trackpoints are broken up into Active Logs. • Active Logs are historical logs of calculated “trips.” • Active Logs contain timestamps as do eachtrackpoint. • … They contain a LOT of data! 

  5. What are KML files? • Keyhole Markup Language format (really named the OpenGIS® KML Encoding Standard) • Originally designed by Keyhole, Inc. (acquired by Google). • Used to store geospatial information (coordinates, location placemarks, etc). • Designed to be imported into Google Earth.

  6. Why was TC created? • To help infosec professionals explore GPX files if performing a manual analysis. • To provide analysts with a no-cost supplement to other forensic tools. • tc.py is an extremely simple but versatile programwith the goal of eliminating some of the complexity of conducting GPS forensics.

  7. How is TC used? • Recursive GPX Extraction: python tc.py –e [Path] Including all historically archived logs • GPX-to-KML Conversion: python tc.py –i [gpx file] –o [kml file] • TrackpointTimestamp & Active Log Extraction: python tc.py –csv [gpx file] • Help/Feature Check: python tc.py –h

  8. KML Screenshots … snip... KML Active Log (XML Spy) … snip... Trackpoint data in KMLs lack individual turn-by-turn timestamps. Each Active Log timestamp is preserved! Coordinates for Active Logs in KML are actually in a huge chunk! GPX Active Log Sample (FTK Imager)

  9. Screenshots,Part II XSLT Converted KML; made by TrackerCat, Viewed in Google Earth

  10. What is the future of TC? Github collaboration on TrackerCat means the possibility of advanced features like: • Extracting and dumping all times to body file format for the inclusion into case super timelines. • Mounting Image Files Directly • Master KML with all current & archived data … anything is possible!

  11. Research and Links GPS Device Research Notes: fork() Forensics & Infosec Blog http://forensicsblog.org/research-gps-device-analysis/ TrackerCatGithubLanding (Basic Info): http://irq8.github.io/trackercat/ TrackerCat on Github: http://git.io/qDVR-Q Contributors = progress!

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